The Simultaneous Recovery from Stock Raising Drainage of Phosphorus and Potassium
Asmak Afriliana1, Hiroyuki
Harada1*, Katsutoshi Inoue2, Taizo Masuda3,
Yoshiharu Mitoma1
1Department of Environmental Sciences,
Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Nanatsuka, Hiroshima 727-0023, Japan
2Department of apply chemistry, Saga
university, Honjo, Saga, Japan
3Department of Life science of Prefectural
of Hiroshima University
*Corresponding author: Hiroyuki Harada, Department of Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Nanatsuka, Hiroshima 727-0023, Japan. Email:
Received Date: 28 May, 2018; Accepted Date: 07 June, 2019; Published Date: 17 June, 2019
adsorbent having 150μm~300μm of diameter made by using the biomass which
was not used at room temperature. Phosphorus adsorption was
performed using fluidized bed reactor of lab scale for the biological treatment
water of stock raising using this adsorbent. The quantity of adsorption was 0.9
mol/kg, and consecutive treatment was possible until during 10 days which
achieved 80% removal rate. Desorption operation allowed adsorption repeatedly. In
addition, the desorption rate was 90%. Simultaneous recovery of phosphorus and
potassium can be possible by use treatment water for desorption.
1. Introduction
phosphorus resources would be exhausted in the near future. Japan imports
all phosphate rock, so must think about correspondence toward the future now. Recovery of
phosphorus from waste water is necessary. Around thirty years ago, it was a
problem to influence eutrophication than exhausted, so the many removal methods
were examined [1,2]. The physico-chemical removal method has a chemical
precipitation method [3], crystallization method, the adsorption method. The cost for
phosphorus removal of chemical precipitation method is cheaper, but the
disposal of sludge is necessary. The crystallization can recycle phosphorus as
manure material. The hydro-oxyapatite crystallization is applied to
secondary treatment water [4]. As to the manure effect of the deposit were
argued. The MAP (Magnesium ammonium phosphate) method is suggested for
phosphorus of the high concentration such as the anaerobic digestion liquid
[5]. Magnesium ammonium phosphate contains nitrogen and phosphorus in three major
manure ingredients. They are good methods, but the HAP and MAP crystal
method can anticipate only the use as the manure in recycling. The
adsorption method can satisfy its demand.
Its adsorbed
phosphorus selectively and can get phosphorus of the high concentration by
desorption operation. Sodium phosphate becoming the industrial raw materials is
made from a discrete liquid by adding sodium hydroxide for reproduction of the
absorbent [6]. Zirconium has affinity to phosphorus and fixed on ferrite as
absorbent. High performance of the adsorbent was shows by batch processing for
the artificial waste water [7]. The target waste water assumed stock raising
drainage. The waste water contained higher concentration of phosphorus and
potassium, the potassium are resources that would be exhausted as well as
phosphorus, so it aimed to simultaneously recovery of both materials.
2. Materials
and Method
2.1. Preparation
of adsorbent
Crude orange
waste was kindly donated by JA Saga Beverage Ltd. Approximately 100 g of orange
waste was taken together with and 8 g of Ca(OH)2 and crushed
into small particles by were combined using a Hitachi VA-10 juice mixer for
about 15 min at room temperature. The crushed orange waste suspension was
transferred into to a beaker, mixed with a large volume of deionized water and
stirred for 24 hr at 200 rpm. After stirring, the suspension was repeatedly
rapidly washed by means of decantation with deionized water until a neutral pH
was attained. Finally, the suspension was filtered to obtain a wet gel, which
was dried at 70 °C for about 48 h. This is referred to as
Saponified Orange Juice Residue (SOJR) hereafter. The dried gel was further
ground into small particles. The specific surface area of this gel was measured
as 7.25 m2/g using Belsorp 18 PLUS-SP (BEL Japan INC), and the
leading principal pore size was found to be mesoporous with an average pore
diameter of 14.3 nm. The SOJR thus prepared was further modified by loading
with Zr (IV) to facilitate phosphate adsorption. Approximately 3 gm of SOJR was
equilibrated with 500 ml of 0.1 M zirconium at pH 2.11 for 24 hr. The mixture
was then filtered, washed with deionized water, dried in vacuum and sieved to obtain
the adsorption gel was sieved to produce a particle size fraction between 75
and 150μm for the adsorption test. The amount of zirconium
loaded on the SOJR was calculated from the difference in the metal
concentration in the solution before and after loading.
2.2. Stock
raising drainage
waste solution was collected from a secondary effluent of piggery wastewater
treatment plant (Saga Livestock Research Institute, Japan). The effluent was
analyzed and the composition of the secondary effluent is shown in Table 1.
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) was also measured using a TOC analyzer
(Shimadzu-TOC-V, Japan). As can be seen from Table 1, a relatively high
concentration of phosphorus in the effluent necessitates treating the waste
solution before discharging it to the environment.
2.3. Characteristics
of adsorbent
As for the
sedimentation rate, the density and particle size were measured using Andreasen
pipet, pycnometer and a laser-style particle size meter respectively.
2.4. Adsorption
and desorption test
continuous adsorption test for phosphate removal was carried out in a
transparent glass fluidized bed - reactor 2 cm inner diameter, 10 cm long
plexiglass tube was fused to a 6 cm inner diameter, 5 cm long tube to form the 150
ml reactor body (Figure 1). Approximately 5g of the Zr-SOJR was first soaked in
deionized water to facilitate swelling and then packed into the reacor. The
phosphate solution (from the secondary effluent) was fed through the bottom of
the column at a desired flow rate using an Iwaki model PST-100N peristaltic
pump. The pH of the solution was adjusted to 3 with H2SO4.
At set time intervals, Samples were using a Biorad Model 2110 Fraction
Collector at definite time intervals in 8 ml plastic tubes using a Biorad Model
2110 Fraction Collector, and were analyzed for the residual concentration of
phosphate. After complete adsorption, an elution test was carried out by
percolating 0.2 M NaOH solution at the same flow rate. All the experiments were
carried out at 30 °C. To recover phosphorus as solid at the
time of the adsorbent reproduction, high concentration magnesium was added to
the eluted solution after precipitation, the solution was filtered and the
filtrate and filter cake were analysed by ICP-AES, respectively.
2.5. Solidification
of the phosphorus solution
A concentrate
method of desorption liquid by heating was suggested to solidify as sodium
phosphate [8]. This study used higher potassium concentration in the
effluent of adsorption. Potassium and phosphorus react and generate phosphorus
acid magnesium potassium when it adds magnesium because pH of the desorption
liquid is high. Therefore, its dissolved sodium hydroxide in processing water
and used it for desorption operation. The reaction is thought about as follows
[9]. In addition, as for the treatment water potassium concentration was
207 mg/dm3 and the magnesium concentration was 37.4 mg/dm3.
K+ + Mg2+ + HPO42- +
OH- → KMgPO4 + H2O
3. Results
and Discussion
3.1. Characteristics
of adsorbent
characteristic of this adsorbent is made without adding heat, on the other
hand, many adsorbents need heating to over 400 °C [10,11]. It
examined a particle size and density and the relations with the sedimentation
rate in Table 1. The separation of effluents and adsorbent becomes easy when
particle size larger than 150μm. It used to the adsorbent more than 150μm in
the following experiments from a result of Table 1.
3.2. Effects
of pH
Figure 2
shows that effects of equiribilirum pH on treatment with SOJR and Zr-loaded
SOJR. SOJR did not show anionic adsorption, and the phosphorus concentration
did not change to pH 5. The concentration decreased at further high pH and
became approximately 0 when pH 10. Raw piggery water contains high in Ca Mg, NH4,
So Suzuki et al. increase by aeration in raw piggery waste water as act
decarbonation, and made MAP particle. The major cation concentration is higher,
Ca = 123, NH4 = 253 mg/L, Mg = 22.5 mg/L in this study. With pH
increases, that concentration decreased to Ca = 3.19, NH4 =
4.95 and Mg = 0.696 mg/L. The decrement which was higher than a decrement of
phosphorus was seen. It was thought that it was caused by the formation of the
cation and phosphorus complex materials. It adjusted pH of solution to 2 in the
following experiments from a result of Figure 2 and Figure 3.
3.3. Continuous
Photograph 1 shows
about dry condition, in the water condition and in the alkaline solution
condition respectively. The reproduction of adsorbent assumes that it used the
sodium hydroxide of 0.2 - 0.5 M. The volume of adsorbent
expanded in a process of the desorption from adsorption, therefore a reactor
was selected with a fluid bed type. The un-flow and flow condition are
showed in Photograph 2.
It shows the
result of adsorption of the second treatment water from stock raising in Figure
4. There are many reports for raw water [12,13], but there are
only a little for after the biological treatment water the removal rate
maintained 80% by the first and second adsorption operation until 10 days and
14 days. By the adsorption experiment, I handled 8.3 dm3 treatment
water in total, and the quantity of phosphorus adsorption were 0.81 mol/kg and
0.95 mol/kg for the first operation and second operation respectively.
adsorbent have reached the saturation, it revitalizes adsorbent by 0.2M alkali
solution. Afterwards, its repeated adsorption operation. Specifically, its
repeated inflow- standstill- separation using second treatment water and
alkaline solution like the sequencing batch method in
Figure 5. It shows the result of desorption in
Figure 6.
500 cm3 of 0.2 M NaOH solution was feed by the
desorption experiment, and the phosphorus desorption rate was 56% and 94% for
first and second operation respectively. In addition, the phosphorus
concentration of desorption liquid was 238 mg/dm3 with 163
mg/dm3 for first and second operation respectively. As a
result, phosphorus was concentrated to 4 times and 6 times for first and second
operation, respectively.
3.4. Solidification
of the phosphorus solution which desorbed
In Figure 7
the ingredient of the solid was estimated from a decrement in a liquid. As
a result, potassium magnesium phosphate was generated, and pH after the
equilibrium decreased to 10.0.
4. Conclusions
Zirconium-based adsorbent having
150μm~300μm of diameter made by using the biomass which was not used at
room temperature. Phosphorus adsorption was performed using fluidized bed
reactor of lab scale for the biological treatment water of stock raising using
this adsorbent. The quantity of adsorption was 0.9 mol/kg, and consecutive
treatment was possible until during 10 days which achieved 80% removal
rate. Desorption operation allowed adsorption repeatedly. In addition, the
desorption rate was 90%. Simultaneous recovery of phosphorus and potassium
can be possible by use treatment water for desorption. Both phosphorous
and potassium were thought dry resources in the near future. That is why
this technique is effective.
Figure 1: Experimental set up.
Figure 2: Effects of pH on phosphorous concentration with and without adsorbent in batch treatment.
Figure 3: Effects of pH on decolorization rate.
Figure 4: Adsorption of the second
treatment water from stock raising.
Figure 5:
Experimental procedure adsorption and desorption.
Figure 6: Relationship between bed volume (Treatment volume/adsorbent
Figure 7: The estimate of the
ingredient of the solid.
Photograph 1: Adsorbent volume swells in water and
alkali solution.
Photograph 2: Up-flow
condition in reactor.
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