Discordance between Body Mass Index (BMI) and a Novel Body Composition Change Index (BCCI) As Outcome Measures in Weight Change Interventions
Stephen D Nugent1, Gilbert R Kaats2*, Harry G Preuss3
1Mannatech, Inc., Coppell Texas, USA
2Integrative Health Technologies, Inc., San Antonio, Texas, USA
3Georgetown University, Washington DC., USA
author: Gilbert R Kaats, Integrative Health
Technologies, Inc., San Antonio, Texas, USA. Fax: +12103906142; Tel:
+12108244200, +12108612400; E-mail: grk@ihtresearch.com
Received Date: 31 May, 2017; Accepted Date: 22 July,
2017; Published Date: 28 July, 2017
Citation: Nugent SD, Kaats GR, Preuss HG (2017) Discordance between
Body Mass Index (BMI) and a Novel Body Composition Change Index (BCCI) As
Outcome Measures in Weight Change Interventions. Food Nutr J 2: 134. DOI:
Objective: There is a general assumption that changes in the BMI are due to
changes in Fat Mass (FM). However, the BMIfails to distinguish the type of
weight lost or gained-(FM) or Fat-Free Mass (FFM).In contrast, a proposed Body
Composition Change Index (BCCI) is a single statistic reflecting composite
positive or negative changes in FM and FFM.This studyexamined the discordance
betweenusing the BMI versus the BCCI as outcome measures.
Methods: Data were obtained from3,870 subjectswho had completed DEXA
Total Body scans when participating in weight loss interventions.Since height
remained constant in this adult cohort, BMI changes were identical to scale
weight changes(r=0.994)and were reported as lbs. to match thestatistic used for
calculation of the BCCI.Weightlosses were scored as positive outcomes, gains as
negative. To calculate a BCCI, increases in FFM (lbs.) and decreases in FM
(lbs.) were scored as positive outcomes, decreases in FFM and increases in FM as
negative. The BCCIis the sum of these positive and negative outcomes.
Differences between scale weight changes and BCCI values were subsequently
calculated to obtain a “Discordance Score.”
Results: Discordance scores ranged from 0.0 lbs. to >30.0 lbs. with amean absolute value
ofbetween the two measures of7.79 lbs., (99% confidence interval: 7.49-8.10, p<0.00001),
SD=7.4 lbs. Similar discordance scores were also found in sub-groups of
self-reported gender, ethnicity and age.
Conclusions: A statistically significant difference of 7.79 lbs. was found between assessing the
success or failure of weight loss interventions usingthe BCCI versus using the
BMI. Use of the BCCI reflecting the kind, not just the amount, of weight change
could contribute to improved diagnostic and treatment precision.
Keywords: Body Composition; Body Fat; Bone Mineral Density; Body
Composition Change Index;Fat-Free-Mass
1. Introduction
The BMI calculated from body weight in kilogram divided by
square of height in meters, is a widely used statistic to assess overweight and
obesity. In fact, it has become the most widely used assessment of weight
status and change in epidemiology, clinical nutrition, and research since it
was first suggested in 1835. Its popularity was further enhanced after
it was reported to correlate with body fat estimates derived from skinfold
measurements. More recently, use of the BMI has become the basis of weight-loss
guidelines set forth by the World Health Organization, Institute of
Medicine and the US Department of Health and Human Services [1]. The BMI has
important limitations despite its general popularity and widespread use as an
estimate of changes in FM.As the U.S. Centers for Disease Control concludes,
the BMI can be used as a screening tool but is not diagnostic of the body
fatness or health of an individual. It is unreliable for athletes or
individuals with high muscularity [2].
However, in spite of its endorsement of using the BMI, the
National Heart and Lung Institute cautions that the BMI may overestimate FM in
athletes and underestimate FM in older people, particularly those who have
sarcopenia or age-related depletion of FFM [3]. However, for people of all ages, the BMI is only a surrogate
estimate of FM, not a measurement of FM and generally accounts for only about
33% of the variance associated with actual measurements of FM.
When used as a measure of change in studies involving
adult subjects, the BMI provides essentially the same information as changes in
scale weight since height remains constant in most adult studies. The BMI also
fails to distinguish changes in FFM from changes in FM. The increasing use of
imagining techniques such as DEXA have highlighted the importance of FFM as
independent predictors of morbidity and mortality and health [4] underscoring the need
to assess an intervention’s effect on FFM.
A measurement assessing changes in both FM and FFM could offer a
more comprehensive view of the effects of interventions and treatment plans
where changes in body weight are important considerations. We propose the use
of a Body Composition Change Index (BCCI)--a single statistic reflecting net or
combined positive or negative changes in both FM and FFM. The BCCI is obtained by
scoring gains of FFM and losses of FM as positive, losses of FFM and gains of
FM as negative. The BCCI is the sum of these positive and negative outcomes. The
goal of this study was to determine if there were significant differences
between uses of the BMI versus the BCCI as outcome measures.
2. Method
Over the past 40 years, one of the authors (GRK) has compiled a
40-year Longitudinal Database of Medical Biomarkers that includes over 25,000
total body scans using GE Lunar’s dual-energy DEXA, DPX-IQ and DPX-NT bone
densitometers (Madison, WI).All DEXA scans in the database were completed by
one of three trained and certified DEXA technologists with repeated inter rater
reliability in excess of96%. GE Lunar certified that the reliability of DEXA
scans were typically ±98%--
a figure consistent with our own calculations. Height was obtained from
stadiometer measurements and body weight using Be Four Strain Gauge Scales,
Model FS0900 (Saukville, WI) that was certified by the manufacturer as reliable
within ±1/10th of a pound with
a reliability coefficient of 0.99 for participants weighing up to
400-pounds.Scale accuracy was periodically cross-checked with known reference
weights and independent certifications and was found to support the
manufacturer’s specifications.
he data used in this study were obtained by selecting from
the database all subjects18 to 85 years of age who had completed baseline and
ending DEXA scans of Fat Mass (FM) and (FFM) while participating in a variety
of studies longer than 30 days. All subjects in this cohort had previously
participated in studies approved by Institutional Review Boards certified by
the Health and Human Services Office of Human Protection Services. In
conjunction with their participation, all subjects gave written consent to use
their redacted data for future research.
The initial selection yielded 4,113 subjects. Although not
statistically representative of a U.S. national population sample, the dataset
contained measurements from residents of all 50 states and the major ethnic
groups. The dataset was subsequently audited to eliminate duplicates, test
periods less than 30 days, and inconsistencies between baseline and ending
demographic data. Scale weights, measurements of FFM and FM were also examined
to as certain whether distributions was normal using a test for normality. If
the assumption of normality was not met, the appropriate logarithmic
transformations were used. Outliers were defined as values below -3.29 or above
3.29 standard deviations and were removed from the study cohort along with
study periods of less than 30 days. Using these criteria, 131 subjects (3%)
were deleted from the original dataset. Additionally, using a definition of
outliers as univariate values ±3.29
standard deviations from the mean of their baseline or ending body mass
measurements (scale weight, FM and FFM), 112 additional subjects were deleted
from the dataset. A total 243 subjects, (6%) were deleted from the original
dataset of 3,987 in accordance with the above criteria leaving 3,870 subjects
in the final cohort.
Two change scores were calculated for each subject: baseline and
ending changes in scale weight and a Body Composition Change Index (BCCI).A
correlation between scale weight changes and the BMI suggested that they were
virtually identical (r=0.994). Therefore, since height remained constant, to
provide comparable statistics in pounds for comparisons between the BMI and
BCCI, scale weight changes were used in place of the BMI statistic.
The BCCI was calculated using each subject’s DEXA baseline
and ending measurements of FM and FFM scoring losses of fat and gains of FFM as
positive outcomes and gains of FM and losses of FFM as negative outcomes. The
BCCI is the net result of summing these calculations. For example, a subject
losing 4.0 lbs. of FM and gaining 2.0 lbs. of FFM would receive a BCCI of
+6.0.A subject gaining 4.0 lbs. of FM and losing 2.0 lbs. of FFM would receive
a BCCI of -6.0 lbs. A comparison of baseline and ending heights revealed
virtually no change in height during the study period.
Losses in scale weight were scored as positive outcomes, while
gains in scale weight were negative outcomes. To compare differences between
the BCCI and scale weight changes, a Discordance Score (DS) between the BCCI
and scale weight changes was also calculated for each subject. The DS represented
the net difference (in lbs.) between scale weight changes and the BCCI. For
example, a -4.0lb.weight loss was scored as a +4.0-positive outcome, a gain of
+4.0 lbs. as a negative outcome. However, if the -4.0lb. loss was the result of
a loss of 4.0 lbs. of FFM, the BCCI was scored as a -4.0lb. negative outcome. Thus,
there was 8.0 lb. discordance between the two outcome measures. But, if the 4.0
lb. weight loss was the result of a 4.0 lbs. depletion of FM, the discordance
between the two measures was ±0.
Figure 1 provides
examples of how a 10.0 lb. weight loss can result in different BCCIs and
discordance scores.
With regard to using absolute values for the discordance scores,
there is general agreement that increases in FM and decreases in FFM are
negative treatment outcomes, decreases in FM and increases in FFM are positive
treatment outcomes. Therefore, if one assumes the BCCI is a more valid outcome
measure than scale weight or BMI, discordance scores could also be viewed as
“Error” scores of weight losses and BMI changes. Additional analyses were also
conducted to examine DS as a function of baseline self-reported age, gender and
3. Results
Shapiro-Wilks test of normality revealed that the data were not
normally distributed (p<0.001). However, as Howell [5] has suggested, the
t-test is robust, despite violations of normality for large sample sizes. Additionally,
for the independent sample t-test, the Welch t-statistic was used, which does
not assume equal variance or normality. With regard to ANOVA and MANCOVA, a
Levene’s test revealed that the assumption of homogeneity of variance was
violated. However, as Stevens [6] points out, these analyses are also robust despite violations of
equality of variance. The distribution of the discordance scores is shown
in Table 1 below.
The mean discordance score between using scale weight versus the
proposed BCCI was 7.79 lbs., SD=7.4, p =<.00001.To examine the extent to
which the conclusions drawn from this study were affected by baseline
self-reported gender, ethnicity, and age, the same analyses were also
calculated for these sub-groups shown in Table 2 below.
With regard to gender, a between-groups t-test showed that
females had a significantly lower mean discordance score than males, p<
.001.Results of an analysis of variance (ANOVA) of discordance scores by age
are shown in Table 3.
T-tests were conducted between each of the four age categories
and found significant differences between the 18-24 age group and the 45-64 age
group (p=0.046), the 25-44 age group and the 45-64 age group (p=0.048), and the
45-64 age group and the 65-85 age group (p=0.04), but found no significant
differences between the 18-24 age group and the 25-44 age group (p=0.24), the
18-24 age group and the 65-85 age group (p=0.87), and the 25-44 age group and
the 65-85 age group (p=0.27).
An ANOVA of discordance scores by ethnicity is shown in Table 4 reveals that
there were no significant differences in discordance scores as a function of
ethnicity. However, a student t-test between Hispanics and Whites revealed that
Hispanics had significantly lower discordance scores than white subjects
(p=0.02).None of the other inter-group comparisons reached statistical
4. Discussion
As shown in Table 2, although not precisely representative of the public at large,
this large cohort contains a diverse population of subjects to whom these
findings may apply. The 7.8lb. difference and 7.4 lb. SD shown in Table 1
provides compelling evidence that the use of the BMI versus the BCCI can lead
to very different conclusions regarding the success or failure of interventions
or treatments seeking to alter body weight. While there are some significant
differences between the discordance scores of the 10 sub-groups shown in Table 2, the 6.9 to 9.7 range
of discordance scores suggest considerable consistency with none approaching
“0” where the BMI changes does, in fact, reflect FM loss. While there were
significant differences in discordance scores between some of the sub-groups of
gender, age, etc., scores for these sub-groups ranged from 6.9 to 9.7 with SDs
ranging from 5.4 to 9.7 suggesting that the discordance between the BMI and the
BCCI was generally consistent across these sub-groups.
Use of the BCCI and its emphasis on body composition could have
immediate application to at least three areas of biomedical research: (1)
the need for greater diagnostic precision, (2) the unrelenting challenge of
obesity, and (3) the increased emphasis on translational research.
With respect to precision, the enactment of HR2: Medicare
Access and Chip Reauthorization Act of 2015 [7] addressed a major truism in the measurement of the effectiveness
of healthcare: if an outcome measurement lacks precision, it lacks the
potential to be improved. To address the need for greater precision, the US
Department of Health and Human Services established goals to improve the
quality of the healthcare system by implementation of strategies to develop
meaningful, valid and precise quality measures that are better, smarter and
healthier biomarkers [8].
In response, The Institute of Medicine (IOM)published its Vital Signs: Core
Metrics for Health and Health Care Progress defining core metrics as a
parsimonious set that provides “…accurate tools for informing, comparing,
focusing, monitoring, and reporting change” [1]. Although the IOM selected the BMI as the core metric for
measuring overweight and obesity, it fails to meet IOM’s precision standards of
measurements that distinguish“…a given patient from other patients with similar
clinical presentations”. Specifically, distinguishing patients of similar body
weight, but who have different body compositions. This lack of precision is
particularly troublesome when it is used as a measure of change to evaluate the
safety and efficacy of interventions or medical treatment plans designed to
facilitate safe weight loss. A number of studies have suggested that it is
changes in FM and FFM, not body weight, that are more likely to reduce the risk
of life-threatening conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke,
and diabetes [1].
Other studies have also concluded that actual measures of FM, not estimates
from anthropometric and BMI estimates, are better predictors of cardiovascular
risk factors. Data from the Dallas Heart Study [9] suggests measures of body composition, rather than BMI, may be
more effective predictors of cardiometabolic risk in clinical practice. The BMI
has also been shown to lack the precision needed to distinguish disparities in
the amounts and dispositions of body fat by age, gender, race and ethnicity [10]. In addition to its
imprecision in assessing FM, the BMI is equally as imprecise in assessing FFM
and an increasing number of studies have shown the importance of assessing
changes in FFM in weight loss and medical treatment plans [2]. In additional to its
effects on strength and balance, losses of FFM are also is likely to have
deleterious effects on metabolism which is strongly influenced by the amount of
FFM, thus making weight maintenance more difficult after achieving goal weight,
particularly after following low calorie diets which often deplete significant
amounts of FFM. Although both FM and FFM have been used to assess the effects
of interventions and treatment plan, the BCCI could serve as a simpler
statistic when summarizing the net effects on of the intervention on body
With regard to the unrelenting challenge of obesity, being
overweight or obese describes 65% of Americans resulting in medical costs
excess of $200 billion per year on obesity-associated conditions and diseases.
For the first time in human history, there are more overweight people (2.1
billion) in the world than those who are underweight [11]. Forecasts suggest
that the prevalence of obesity will double worldwide in the next 30 years, with
the epicenter of the epidemic in China and India as persons in these countries
assume Western eating habits. The latest NHANES surveys suggest that the
prevalence of obesity in 2013-2014 was 35% among men and 40.4% among women. These
investigators found that while there was no significant increasing linear for
trend for men, the obesity rate for women showed a significant increasing
linear trend between 2005 and 2014and obesity rates among adolescents have
steadily increased since 1988.These researchers also point out that this discouraging
lack of progress has occurred in spite of the fact that numerous foundations,
industries, professional societies, and governmental agencies have provided
hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to support basic science research in
obesity, clinical trials and observational studies, development of new drugs
and devices, and hospital and community programs to help stem the tide of the
obesity epidemic, In addition, communities, schools, places of worship, and
professional societies have become active in attempting to counteract obesity,
emphasizing exercise, better dietary choices, and nutritional content labeling
of foods. Although it is impossible to know what the extent of the obesity
epidemic would have been without these efforts, these data certainly do not
suggest much success [11].
Also, a recent finding [12] found obesity was one of the factors most strongly
associated with life expectancy and finding that death rates increased for the
first 9 months of 2015, compared with the same period in 2014, and were most
notably involving causes of death related to obesity. Thus, obesity may be one
of the major contributors to the reversal of “…decades of progress in mortality
and was unique to the United States; no other rich country saw a similar turnaround” [13].
The 7.8 lb. discordance between the BMI (or scale weight) and
the BCCI suggests the failure to assess body composition changes as an outcome
measure may have led to the inappropriate rejection or acceptance of weight
loss and medical interventions that may have otherwise provided value in
meeting the unrelenting challenge of obesity.
With regard to translational research, as defined by the
National Institutes of Health’s Center for Advancing Translations Sciences
(NCATS) translation research “…develops novel approaches to improve the process
of joining basic science discoveries with initial testing of therapies in
humans…with a focus on terms related to study endpoints and biomarkers” [14,15]. Working closely with
the FDA, NCATS developed the BEST resource (Biomarkers, Endpoint S, and other
Tools) that aims to capture distinctions between biomarkers and clinical
assessments and to describe their distinct roles in biomedical research,
clinical practice, and medical product development [16]. Thus, this study’s
finding of significant differences between using the BMI versus the BCCI
appears to contribute to NCATS’ biomarker and endpoint goals for translational
research. Use of the BCCI could be translated into an immediate application for
evaluating the safety and efficacy of interventions or medical treatments where
changes in FM and FFM are desired. For example, people often have mistaken
perceptions about how overweight or underweight they or their children are. The
distinction between over-weight and over-fat is an important distinction and
one that needs to be considered when setting realistic goal weights. Misperceptions
about what is health your unhealthy about a person’s body weight body weight
can adversely affect an individual’s eating, dieting, and exercise behaviors.
For example, a recent meta-analysis, [17] reported that many adolescents of normal weight incorrectly
perceived themselves as overweight. Such misperceptions can lead to body
dissatisfaction, psychological distress, and eating disorders [18-19] found that adolescents
who misperceived themselves as overweight were more likely to report extreme
weight-loss behaviors, including the use of diet pills or laxatives, vomiting,
or going without food for at least 24 hours. These authors concluded that among
normal weight adolescents, those who perceived themselves as overweight had
significantly greater chances of becoming obese by early adulthood, compared to
those who had accurate self-perceptions. It is important to note that the
studies cited above used BMI to assess normal weight whereas body composition
measurements could provide patients with more realistic assessments of their
current body weights. Helping patients understand the difference between FM and
FFM could be useful in countering weight biases and stigmas associated with
overweight. In their commentary on Weight bias: a call to action, [18] the authors suggest
that there is growing evidence that weight biases and stigmas can lead to the
development of eating disorders of anorexia, bulimia nervosa and obesity and
have been associated with adverse health outcomes including anxiety, stress,
depression, low self-esteem and body image issues. These authors suggest that
the social stigma associated with excess weight may actually be causing some of
the negative health outcomes associated with excess weight rather than the
excess weight itself. People with eating disorders typically report high levels
of internalized weight bias wherein they have an intense fear of being fat and
a fear that being fat would negatively affect their life. In reality,
internalization of weight stigma is actually a fat stigma, not a weight stigma.
There are people, particularly adolescents, who, while overweight are actually
“over-lean” due to above levels of FFM. When treating a patient suffering from
weight stigmas, it is important to include an assessment or estimate of the
BCCI as part of the treatment program, particularly when weight gain due to
increased FFM is likely to incorrectly perceived as a failure of the intervention.
This distinction is particularly important for adolescent’s girls who are
over-lean, but not over-fat. For the over-lean adolescent girl, well-meaning,
parents, friends, coaches and therapists providing encouragement for the
adolescent’s diet attempts may be making matters worse. Instead of pursuing an
unachievable goal weight due to above average levels of FFM, the over-lean
adolescent girl would be better served by learning to adjust to a culture that
places undue value on thinness in women instead of spending years in search of
an unrealistic, and often unachievable, goal weight.
The need to distinguish between changes in FM and FFM is also
particularly important in Geriatric and Sports medicine treatments and
interventions where the BMI has been found to be the most inaccurate and
misleading. In Geriatric medicine, distinctions between and measurements of
changes in FM and FFM are critical [19-20] results from the progressive loss of FFM mass with age and is heavily
dependent upon measurements of changes in FFM as well as FM to
define sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity.
Use of the BCCI as opposed to the BMI as an outcome measure
could directly simplify evaluations of the effects of training and
rehabilitation of athletes where use of the BMI has little to no value [21] in view of athletes’
higher levels of FFM. These researchers also tested non-athletes and found BMI
to be significantly inaccurate for both sexes. For college and professional
athletes, a variance of even 2% in body fat can also have significant effects
on their performance. These implications are not only significant for the
athletes who compete in popular sports, such as football or baseball, but also
for cheerleaders, gymnasts, and cyclists, who tend to be exceptionally lean due
to their physical activities.
One of the most important areas for future research would be to
investigate the health consequences of using BMI and BCCI to assess weight loss
treatments and interventions. A starting point for these analyses would be to
search the scientific literature for studies in which body composition
measurements were taken along with BMI calculations to examine the extent to
which the two measures made practical differences in conclusions drawn from the
interventions or treatments. In view of the recent emphasis on the need for
replicable studies, replication of this study, using additional data from IHTI,
would increase the confidence in the validity of these findings. Future
research is also needed on the BCCI statistic itself, which is limited to
changes in FFM and FM, without isolating the effects of the intervention on
Bone Density (BMD). Such effects could be as important when considering changes
to FM and FFM. Reducing the risks associated with obesity while increasing the
risks associated with osteoporosis cannot be considered a positive intervention
outcome. Of course, this would require decisions as to how to weigh each of the
measures or give equal status to changes in FM, FFM, and BMD. The problem with
creating a single statistic to reflect these changes is that BMD is a
measurement of density, not a measurement of mass, as is used in the current
calculation of BCCI. However, this problem could be resolved by calculating the
percentage of change from baseline for FM, FFM, and BMD. Since discordant
scores are absolutes, a -2% change in FM, a +2% change in FFM, and a +2% change
in BMD would equal a score of +6, if each measurement was accorded equal
weight. This would further distinguish body composition improvement measures
from the BMI, since the BMI does not isolate changes in these three dimensions.
At best, the BMI is only suggestive of body fat percentage.
A potential limitation of this is that the data were obtained
from archiving a database that contained a disproportional number of Caucasians
and may not be representative of the Hispanics Americans, African Americans,
and Asian Americans of the U.S. population. Therefore, the data may not be
representative of a U.S. population or of a global population. The age range of
the study population was also a limitation. The absence of any existing
scientific studies or opinions on the differences between using scale weight or
BMI versus BCCI to assess the safety and efficacy of weight loss interventions
or treatment programs presented a final limitation.
The results of this study of a diverse 3,870subject cohort,
suggest that there was a 7.8 lb. statistically significant discordance between
the use of the BMI versus a BCCI as an outcome measure for evaluating changes
in body composition. If deletion of FM is the desired outcome, use of the BMI
could result in erroneous acceptance or rejection of treatment plans or weight
change interventions.
Subject |
Baseline |
Ending |
Change |
Outcome |
Difference Score |
Discordance Score* |
FM |
FM |
FM |
1 |
160 |
42 |
118 |
150 |
32 |
118 |
-10 |
-10 |
0 |
+10 |
+10 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
160 |
42 |
118 |
150 |
30 |
120 |
-10 |
-12 |
+2 |
+10 |
+14 |
+4 |
4 |
3 |
160 |
42 |
118 |
150 |
36 |
114 |
-10 |
-6 |
-4 |
+10 |
+2 |
-8 |
8 |
4 |
160 |
42 |
118 |
150 |
27 |
123 |
-10 |
-15 |
+5 |
+10 |
+20 |
+10 |
10 |
*All discordance scores are
based on absolute values. |
Figure 1: Examples of consistent 10.0
lb. weight losses can be a function of different body composition changes and
discordance scores.
Discordance Range |
Number in Each Range |
% of Data Set in each range |
30+ |
57 |
1.5% |
25–30 |
53 |
1.4% |
20–25 |
95 |
2.5% |
15–20 |
270 |
7.0% |
10–15 |
578 |
14.9% |
5–10 |
1167 |
30.2% |
4–5 |
294 |
7.6% |
3–4 |
329 |
8.5% |
2–3 |
342 |
8.8% |
1–2 |
322 |
8.3% |
0.1–1 |
326 |
8.4% |
0–0.1 |
37 |
1.0% |
Table 1: Discordance Scores Between Scale Weight Changes vs. the BCCI
Variables |
n |
% |
Mean |
SD |
Gender |
Male |
890 |
23% |
9.7 |
9.2 |
Female |
2,980 |
77% |
7.2 |
6.6 |
Ethnicity |
Asian & Other |
110 |
3% |
7.5 |
7.7 |
Black |
114 |
3% |
7.9 |
5.8 |
Hispanic |
318 |
8% |
6.9 |
5.6 |
White |
3,328 |
86% |
7.9 |
7.5 |
Age |
18-24 |
207 |
5% |
7.0 |
5.4 |
25-44 |
1,523 |
39% |
7.6 |
7.1 |
45-64 |
1,866 |
48% |
8.1 |
7.8 |
65-85 |
274 |
7% |
7.1 |
6.5 |
Note.Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding. |
Table 2: Frequencies
& Percentages of Self-Reported Ethnicity, Gender & Age (N=3,870).
Source of Variation |
SS |
df |
MS |
F |
P-value |
F crit |
Between Groups |
512.5 |
3 |
170.8 |
3.2 |
0.02 |
2.6 |
Within Groups |
208,609.1 |
3,866 |
54.0 |
Table 3: ANOVA of
Discordance Scores by Age.
Source of Variation |
SS |
df |
MS |
F |
P-value |
F crit |
Between Groups |
282.5 |
3 |
94.2 |
1.7 |
0.16 |
2.6 |
Within Groups |
208,839 |
3,866 |
54.0 |
Table 4: Results of
ANOVA for Discordance by Ethnicity.
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