Copper in Wines and Vineyards: Taste and Comparative Toxicity to Pesticides
Gilles-Eric Séralini1*,
Jérôme Douzelet2, Jean-Charles Halley3
of Caen Normandy, Network on Risks, Quality and Sustainable Development, MRSH
and Department of Biology, Esplanade de la Paix, Caen Cedex, France
Le Mas de Rivet, Barjac, France
Mets Chai, Caen, France
author: Gilles-Eric Séralini, University of
Caen Normandy, Network on Risks, Quality and Sustainable Development, Esplanade
de la Paix, 14032 Caen Cedex, France. Tel:
+33670802087; Email:
Vines are among the crop plants that are most heavily treated with
pesticides. Two of the authors have previously characterized the taste of
pesticides in water and wines. In light of a current debate, in this paper we
have summarized data on the taste and potential toxicity of Copper (Cu) in
wines, as well as on the necessity of its use in vineyards, and in organisms in
general. Copper has been considered as an organic pesticide. We underline here
that it is protective of life and only toxic by saturation of the capacity of
physiological processes. It is found at an average dose of 0.15 mg/l in
organic wines, and at up to 1.5 mg/l or more in non-organic ones, probably
because of its presence in the composition of synthetic pesticides. It is
detectable in water by taste from 0.075 mg/l. Its taste is characterized in the
present work. Tasters were able to detect the taste of copper in a wine spiked
in a blinded manner to a level of 0.15 mg/l. When added at 1 or 1.5 mg/l it was
found to clearly modify the taste of wine. At a level of 0.15 mg/l, it would be
necessary for a human of 80 kg to drink 80 l of organic wine per day to reach
the threshold of acute toxicity of copper. On the other hand, a medical
prescription of copper can stimulate the immune system of an adult at a level
of 1 mg/day. For comparison, we found that a favourably judged (awarded 100/100
in the Parker Guide) non-organic bottle of wine contained 146 ppb of boscalid,
a widely used synthetic pesticide. If we consider the formulants and residues present
in numerous pesticides, such as petroleum and arsenic or other heavy metals,
the threshold of chronic toxicity will be reached from the consumption of 22 ml
of this wine. Similar results are obtained for fenhexamid and glyphosate
in Roundup, which have a considerably higher toxicity than an excess of copper.
Copper cannot therefore be considered as being comparable with the synthetic
pesticides derived from petroleum that are present in non-organic wines, in
contrast with the recently published views of regulatory bodies. Moreover, the environmental impact of
copper in organic vineyards under normal treatment appears to be positive, in
that it improves biodiversity, in contrast with the impact of synthetic
Since the 1950s, vines
have been among the crop plants that are most heavily treated with pesticides.
For instance, in France, which is known as a wine producer, 20% of the
pesticides, in tons, sprayed nationwide are used on vineyards, which, however,
represent only 3% of all cultivated land [1]. Wine has been a very symbolic
drink since the beginning of human cultures, in particular in religions.
Important economic exchanges have been linked to its market. Quite often,
chemical pesticides are sprayed prior any disease in fields as an insurance or
a proposed practice of protection, even if this could alter the defence
mechanisms of the plant on the long term. No evidence exists that pest attacks
are greater on vines than in other plants. Organic vineyards are in development.
Copper (Cu) salts and sulphites are authorized in organic wine making. They are
often called bio-pesticides because they are the most frequently used
treatments in organic production. In this mini-review, we will investigate the
role of Cu and how it compares with other pesticides, because it is a highly
debated subject.
It has long been known
that Cu is essential for plants but that it is also toxic in excess. Cu
homeostasis is necessary in many organisms for mitochondrial respiration [2],
lignin and chlorophyll synthesis, plant metabolism and growth, response to
stress, and also flavour and colour. Similarly, in animals, due to its redox
potential, this trace element is a cofactor in many enzymes responsible for
important processes in cells, such as detoxication. It is a highly reactive
element in its free state: in excess it can trigger the production of free
radicals, damaging proteins, DNA, and any organic macromolecule, as well as
inhibiting essential respiration enzymes. It is also essential for spermatogenesis
Bloodnick (2018) [4]
underlines in horticulture that the normal range in a growing medium is 50-500
ppb and that it is bio accumulated in most tissues to a level of 3-10 ppm. At
these levels, it is protective of life and a necessary trace element. Like
many compounds, it has balanced stimulating and inhibiting effects, depending
on time, dose, environment, and sensitivity of the target. For these reasons,
the use and toxicity of Cu is debated. It is sold as a pesticide, although it
is often first used as a defence-stimulating agent for plants after a
deficiency is noticed. Many plants can in this way produce more natural
repellents and aromas to repel parasites. Of course, a natural equilibrium of
many other trace elements and vitamins is also necessary. When used at
environmentally toxic levels or in combination with toxic compounds, it will
saturate the detoxification system, including that of parasites; therefore, it
appears to work as a pesticide in the short term at high levels. The
detoxification and sensitivity may begin by indications given by the taste of
food and drinks in healthy humans [5]. For this mini-review, we have studied
the levels, taste, and toxicity of Cu in wines. We have also reviewed and
compared the use of Cu in chemically-treated and organic vineyards.
of Cu in Organic and Non-Organic Wines
Cu exists in different
molecular forms in grapes and commercially, including as free radicals (Cu2+)
and as interconvertible hydroxide and sulfated ions [6]. A detailed study from
Provenzano, et al. (2010) [7] has shown that in Italy the level of Cu in
organic wines ranged from 0.1-0.4 mg/l. In France [8] the average level of Cu
in organic wines was established at 0.15 mg/l. It is admitted that Cu is the
major chemical component authorized for treatments of organic cultures. Of
course, some media publish claims that all organic wines contain the pesticide
Cu [9]. However, Cu is essential for life and thus is not a synthetic
pesticide, and all wines and living organisms naturally contain some Cu, for
the reasons detailed above. It should be underlined that higher mean levels of
Cu are found in non-organic wines throughout the world. It is understood in many
countries that the limit should be 1 mg/l. The presence of Cu is mostly linked
to the number and timing of fungicide applications. In addition to the declared
active substances, most formulations of synthetic pesticides contain heavy
metals and other trace elements [10], including Cu. Petroleum residues have
even been found in formulants [11], the identity of which is generally
undisclosed and kept as confidential business information, as well as heavy
metals such as arsenic [12].
In treated wines in
Croatia, up to 7.6 mg/l of Cu was detected [13] and in Australia up to 15 mg/l
Cu were found in non-organic must and raisin juice before fermentation. It has
been long known (Tromp and de Klerk, 1988) [14] that from 10 mg/l it inhibits
fermentation, as do agrochemicals residues, but often this is compensated for
in treated wines by adding significant amounts of modified yeasts. This is by
the way a common practice in wines when fungicides are applied in the vineyard
and detected as major pesticides in non-organic wines [5], since most natural
yeasts are killed by fungicides. In brief, more Cu and cupric residues are
found in non-organic wines, either white or red, than in organic ones, due to
less chemical applications in the latter case, and maybe more time (40-50 days)
between the last application and the harvest. This is noticeable in Italy [10],
the USA, and Australia [15], even if the Cu levels in some wines are around the
level of organic ones. Using the atomic absorption analytical procedure, in
France, Fournier, et al. [6] found in an itemized research from 0.6 to 1.5 mg/l
of Cu in non-organic wines, as well as zinc and lead. This upper level, even in
today’s more regulated environment, is still around 10 times more than the
average level in organic bottles.
Taste of Cu in Water and Wine
Many variables can
change the tastes of wines - including the variety, maturation, soil, leaf
removal during growth or time of harvest, chemical treatments, seeding by
aromatic yeasts, or aging and processing by methods chosen by the winemaker. Of
course, the final composition results from all parameters. Among those, we have
demonstrated that pesticides play a role [5]. Numerous pesticides have been
classified as endocrine or nervous system disruptors [16,17]. The receptors for
these aromatic and/or steroid-like compounds may resemble each other, even in
the olfactory system, at least in the capacity of these molecules to bind an
active site, whether irreversibly or not. Therefore, we examined whether the
taste of Cu, which is considered in some instances a biopesticide, was
comparable to the taste of the synthetic pesticides found in wines [5]. We also
examined whether it could be detected when present in water, in isolation, at
the same levels as in the wines.
A total of 30
volunteers accustomed to drinking wines were recruited for the experiment. They
included chefs and retailers. This primary detection of Cu in water was not
conducted as a usual sensory taste: it was a preliminary trial to know the
feasibility of the detection of Cu in isolation by humans, at the minimal level
found in wines; and to find out if the taste, including the smell, was
describable at all. It was astounding to observe the repeatability of the
results. Testing was processed silently and independently, with the results
being recorded in writing, as already described for pesticides testing [5]. We
asked the tasters to describe the tastes detected in water in a few key words.
In a first step, dissolved and drinkable Cu (Laboratoire des Granions, Monaco)
was presented at 0.15 mg/l in water devoid of this element, in a blinded
manner. All glasses were similar and were filled with around 30 ml of water. 3
ml was the mean enough consumption for this first detection. This was not
organized as a classical sensory test because the tastes of these types of
products were previously unknown by the participants in food or drink; this is
called a primary test.
The glass containing
Cu was detected in all instances from the first drops in the mouth. Thus, the
number of 30 tasters was considered to be enough. Only 12/30 of the tasters
recognized it by the nose; and 30/30 by mouth, differentiating it from pure
mineral water. Sensations were collected: mineral or metallic, the mouth dries,
the taste is light, but calcareous, like stone. The tongue lightly grates, or
sticks, or feels thick; that can be due to a papilla blockade. A milky taste is
sometimes described (Table 1). Among those who described well the nose
detection and described the taste at 0.15 mg/l, one of us (JCH) was able to
recognize the glass containing 0.075 mg/l, i.e. 75 ppb. Cu was then spiked
(from 0.15 mg/l) in a wine, and the spiked glass was easily recognized. It
breaks the complexity of nose and mouth sensations, according to specialists,
especially for red wine. The description was easier for white wine: a brisk
nose and a slightly acidic taste. Around 1 mg/l, it was always identified in
comparison with the same natural wine that was not spiked and negatively
disrupted the taste for tasters.
When eco-labelled and
regular wines were tasted, without respecting similar varieties, soils, and
years, in another large study using 74,148 bottles from 3,842 Californian
vineyards, the organic wines were also significantly preferred [18]. This was
confirmed in our results with French wines in a blinded manner, but using this
time similar varieties, soils, and years, for two neighbour vineyards, one
being sprayed with synthetic pesticides, the other not [5]. The tastes of
organic wines in our experiment were judged to be less artificial and to last
longer, and the overexpression of artificial aromatic yeasts is never the case
for natural wines. Natural yeasts could however be more difficult to control,
with a greater year-specific variation. In this work, we provide evidence that
Cu concentration may influence the taste of wine, and thus this could also
explain, at least in part, why natural wines with less Cu may be preferred to
wines with synthetic pesticides. Most Cu-containing agricultural inputs are
fungicides [5], and several fungicides have Cu as their active ingredient or in
formulations, and some will be absorbed through the leaves [4]. Copper
pollution has been found to affect the phenolic compound content, colour, and
antioxidant activity of wine, which must change the taste [19].
and Toxicity of Cu
The necessity of Cu as
a constitutive element in, and cofactor for, crucial enzymes, as well as an
essential trace element for plants, animals, humans, and fungal and microbial
cells, is widely demonstrated [20]. Its balance regulates homeostasis.
Therefore, it cannot be considered as a biopesticide, even if it is sold as
such. Its toxicity by overdose is due, among other possible mechanisms, to the
inhibition of crucial enzymes. Any enzymatic or hormonal reaction exhibits a
bell curve in the presence of increasing doses of its ligand or substrate.
Moreover, it can saturate the detoxication system of any living organism.
Excess Cu in plant growing medium can restrict root growth by burning the root
tips and thereby causing excess lateral root growth. High levels of Cu
can compete with plant uptake of iron and sometimes molybdenum or zinc. The new growth can become initially greener than normal and then exhibit
symptoms of iron deficiency or possibly other micronutrient deficiencies.
If not corrected, Cu toxicity can reduce branching and eventually plant decline
follows [4].
In humans, some
medical prescriptions are made for 1 mg Cu/day, in particular to stimulate the
defence and immune system. Hepatic and kidney failure may occur when an excess
of Cu is consumed, since they are the detoxification organs. If we consider the
admissible daily intake for humans of 0.15 mg/kg/day, an 80 kg person can
ingest 12 mg of soluble Cu (interconvertible forms) per day. For an average of
0.15 mg/l in organic wine, 80 l must be consumed per day to reach the acute
toxicity of Cu, which is unrealistic, but for a non-organic wine only 8 l on
average would have to be consumed (if its content is 10 times more in general).
For chronic toxicity, we will have to consider the fact that Cu is included in
toxic formulations of fungicides [10]. This theoretical difference is
interesting, even if for these quantities, alcohol is far more toxic (Table 2).
of Toxicity with Common Synthetic Pesticides
We will compare the
acute and chronic toxicity of copper to that of three relevant substances: the
major characteristic fungicides detected in wines in our previous study,
boscalid and fenhexamid [5], and to the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup
[21], the most frequently used herbicide in vineyards and also the most used
(and most controversial) herbicide in the world, since glyphosate was also
detected in this study in wines. The most expensive wine (400 euros, 75 cl) was
non-organic, from 2009 and very well known: it was marked 17/20 by wine critics
Bettane and Dessauve, 18/20 by Gault and Millau, 97/100 by Wine Spectator, and
was given the supreme ranking in the Parker guide: 100/100. It contained 146
ppb of boscalid, recognizable by taste. These classifications do not consider
pesticide content. This also represents 146 µg/l, two times less than the average
found in wines treated by synthetic petroleum-derived pesticides and 1460 times
the level authorized in drinking water in France (0.1 µg/l). The ADI for
boscalid is 0.04 mg/kg bw/day, according to the European Union Pesticides
Database. It is already 3.75 times more acutely toxic than Cu, but this is
still an admissible level for regulatory authorities. For long-term toxicity,
we must consider the petroleum and heavy metal residues in the formulation. In
a boscalid-based one there are more than 300 ppb arsenic, around 300 cobalt,
1000 chromium, 600 nickel [12]. This can be sprayed on vineyards and can very
easily enter the human cell membranes; it will increase the toxicity and
endocrine disruption by at least 1000, especially in hepatic cells [22,12,16].
This more realistic type of toxicity will be then reached for 0.04 µg/kg
bw/day. For a human of 80 kg this will correspond to 3.2 µg consumed per day.
It means that 3.2 µg will be reached by consuming 22 ml of this wine (Table 2).
Boscalid has a chlorine or burning taste which is detectable by trained
professionals at this level [5].
The calculation is
comparable for fenhexamid. In petroleum-derived formulations, in addition to
petroleum derivatives shown to be toxic to hepatic cells, as we previously
demonstrated (Mesnage, et al. 2014) [22] the heavy metals are in ppb around 500
for arsenic, 800 for chromium and the same for nickel [12]. Consequently, the
toxicity level of this mixture is at least 1000 times the ADI, i.e. 0.37 µg/kg
bw/day (Table 2). This equates to just 59 ml of wine, corresponding to
approximately half a glass. Fenhexamid has a surprisingly sweet chemical and
artificial strawberry taste, in addition to the drying and papilla blockade
effects common to all synthetic pesticides [5]. For these two fungicides
sprayed in pesticide formulations and found in wines, the chronic toxicity
appears to be greater than that of alcohol. The chronic toxicity during
applications in the vineyards has long been demonstrated, for instance with
regard to bladder cancer [23]. Cu cannot be considered to be comparable in any
way to synthetic pesticides, for all these reasons.
The last example, of
glyphosate-based herbicide, has been invoked because it is the most used
pesticide in the world and the main herbicide used in vineyards. Roundup does
contain glyphosate (around 40%) but also petroleum derivatives (Mesnage, et al.
2013) [11] and arsenic up to 500 ppb, in common with other heavy metals
depending on the formulation [12]. Its chronic toxicity has been documented in
vivo from 0.1 ppb (µg/l) (Seralini, et al. 2014) [24] and even up to 100,000
times more than glyphosate, depending on the type of human cells and the time
of exposure [25,26]. Its effects below regulatory limits, though controversial,
have been reviewed [27]. Liver and kidney lethal deficiencies due to ultra-low
doses (0.1 ppb) of Roundup have been confirmed more recently by multiomics
techniques [28,29]. In general, 10-11 ppb (110 times more) of glyphosate were
discovered in several wines [5]; the calculation in Table 2 has been performed
from this basis. Still, glyphosate is 12-33 less toxic than fungicides. Cu is not
toxic on the same scale at all. It is also essential.
Impacts in Comparison to Synthetic Pesticides
In a secondary way,
this experiment allowed us to test the comparative environmental impact between
Cu and the synthetic pesticides used in neighbouring vineyards. In a previous
study (Seralini and Douzelet, 2017) [5] we demonstrated that in 16 neighbouring
vineyards, with the same variety and the same year, organic wines revealed
traces of contamination with chemical pesticides only once, below the
quantitative limit of assessment. Yet contamination with chemical pesticides
was found in all instances except two in so-called conventional wines, with a
mean of 293 ppb and up to 1144, in the neighbour vineyards treated with
pesticides. All organic wines used Cu in limited amounts (in general less than
3 kg/ha/year in France). The contrast in the ecosystem is remarkable (Figure
The plantations may
include co-cultures in organic vineyards. This and other spontaneous plants
like dandelion may detoxify the soil and environment, explaining the absence of
synthetic contaminants in organic wines. Even after a sporadic contamination by
the neighbour’s spraying, the vineyard using no synthetic pesticides is around
a hundred times less contaminated, if we consider the resulting wines. It is
known that some plants here observed can detoxify living organisms (Gasnier, et
al. 2010, 2011) [30,31] and soil [32]. This has rarely been explained before.
Many people suppose that organic vegetables must be contaminated by the
pesticide spraying of neighbour farmers, and that this will result in the
presence of unwanted pesticide residues anyway. It is not the case. Moreover,
the resulting biodiversity in organic vineyards is important (Figure 2)
overall, in comparison to vineyards treated with synthetic pesticides (Figure
3). This largely agrees with the conclusions of a review of the impacts of
pesticides used in agriculture [33], which are becoming more generally known.
Cu cannot be
considered as comparable to petroleum-derived synthetic pesticides present in
non-organic wines from any point of view. We were able to differentiate Cu
toxicity levels in organic and non-organic treatments due to the combined
effects of petroleum derivatives in the latter case. Moreover, the
environmental impact of copper in organic vineyards under normal treatment
appears to improve biodiversity, in contrast to the use of synthetic
Figure 1: Examples of neighbour vineyards in winter. On the left, the field has been treated in Alsace by synthetic pesticides,
on the right, vineyard prepared for natural wine: no petroleum-derived
chemicals, little Cu. In the latter in February, radish, oat, clover and other
plants have been seeded simultaneously in the vineyard to improve biodiversity
and natural yeasts. On the left, the soil is brittle and light with a putrid
smell. On the right it is sticky and rich, with humus odours, and living.
Figure 2: Biodiversity in
organic vineyards. In autumn (left) or spring (right, plants and flowers are
numerous). This dense biodiversity does not exist in treated vineyards.
Interestingly, detoxifying plants such as dandelion are visible (on the left),
that may explain why organic wines are devoid of pesticides even if the
neighbour sprays them. A hundred times less pesticides reach organic vineyards
by rain or neighbours, and the living soil and plants appear to be capable of
detoxification, resulting in the non-detection of synthetic pesticides in
organic wines in our study.
Figure 3: Treatment by
synthetic pesticides in a vineyard. Chemical treatment in comparison to Figure 2
where the vineyard is not sprayed with synthetic pesticides. No biodiversity is
noticeable here. Cu is present at high doses with heavy metals such as arsenic
in formulated pesticides, together with petroleum residues, especially
fungicides and glyphosate-based herbicides. The ecosystem is killed together
with its detoxification capacities; no other plants except the vines in the
Summary of Cu
smell or taste |
In water at
levels found in wines at 0.15 mg/l |
In wines when
spiked at same level |
By nose |
12/30 detected |
Yes, all |
By taste |
30/30 from 0.15 mg/l (1 professional at 0.075 mg/l) |
Yes, all |
Description by order |
Mineral or metallic |
Brisk nose, slightly more acidic taste in white wine |
Calcareous, stone |
Breaks the complexity in red wine |
Dries, grates, sticks, thick (on tongue, light) |
Milky |
Compound |
In organic wines µg/l |
In non-organic
wines µg/l |
Long term
toxicity in formulations µg/kg/day |
Quantity (for a
80 kg body) to reach the compound toxicity in ml/day |
Copper (Cu
average) |
150 |
1500 |
(in organic) 150 (in non-organic) 0.15* |
(in organic) 80,000** (in non-organic) 8,000** |
boscalid |
0 |
146 |
0.04* |
22 |
fenhexamid |
0 |
500 |
0.37* |
59 |
glyphosate |
0 |
11 |
0.1* |
727** |
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