Chemical and Microbiological Quality Evaluation of Yoghurt Produced and Marketed in Chimoio, Mozambique
João Luís Ferrão*,
Gininha Micaela Pitrosse
Engineering Faculty, Mozambique Catholic University, Mozambique
*Corresponding author: João Luís Ferrão, Engineering Faculty, Mozambique
Catholic University, Mozambique. Tel: +25825122945; Email:
Received Date: 29 November, 2017; Accepted Date: 30 January,
2018; Published
Date: 07 February, 2018
Citation: Ferrão JL, Pitrosse GM (2018) Chemical and Microbiological Quality
Evaluation of Yoghurt Produced and Marketed in Chimoio, Mozambique. Food Nutr J
3: 163. DOI: 10.29011/2575-7091.100063
Background: Among several products derived from milk, yogurt is one of the
food products elaborated in the dairy industry of Chimoio. Yogurt quality
depends on good quality of the raw material and efficient control at all
processing stages. The objective of this study was to analyses the
physical-chemical and microbiological quality of the yogurt produced and
marketed in Chimoio, Mozambique.
Material and Methods: This study was conducted in the Food and Water Laboratory
in the Faculty of Engineering of the Catholic University of Mozambique. Twelve
samples were purchased from the main Chimoio supermarket. Determination
of pH, acidity, total soluble solids, proteins, lipids, and moisture was
performed. Microbiological analyzes of yogurt were performed according to the
manual of microbiological analysis for total bacteria counting, identification
and quantification of Staphylococcus aureus, Yeast and Mold
Count, total coliform enumeration and confirmation tests for total coliforms.
Results: The mean values were 4.3 Standard
deviation (SD) = 0.04 for pH, 1.47 SD 0.08 for titratable acidity, 5.25%
SD 0.05 for fat content, 3.11% SD 0.097 for protein and 86.2% SD 0.15 for
humidity. Fifty percent of the samples presented aerobic mesophilic
bacteria mean 1.8x105CFU / ml. In terms of Molds and Yeasts, it was
obtained 0.77x102 CFU / ml and in the Staphylococcus
aureus count, 0.72x102 CFU / ml was obtained. Results
of enumeration of total and fecal coliforms in yogurt samples indicate total
coliform contamination of 28 NMP / g and 4 NMP / g for fecal coliforms.
Conclusion: From the findings, it can be concluded that the analyzed
samples of the yoghurt produced and marketed in the city of Chimoio presents
satisfactory quality for consumption. Improvement of the handling conditions
during the production process should be observed
1. Background
The quality and safety of processed foods are
decisive factors for the competitiveness in the industry and consumer market
[1]. Among several products derived from milk, yogurt is one of the food
products elaborated in the dairy industry of Chimoio. Yogurt quality depends on
good quality of the raw material and efficient control at all processing stages
Yogurt is a result of milk fermented by
lactic acid bacteria, (Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus
thermophilus). These bacteria use part of lactose, the sugar found in the milk,
and transform it into lactic acid and aromatic compounds that characterize the
yogurt [3]. Yogurt changes, like any other food derived from the development of
microorganisms and biochemical reactions [4].
Although the exact origin of yogurt is still
a mystery to researchers, there are some events that give clues to its
emergence. Yogurt is impressively old and is believed to date back to the 3rd
millennium B.C., when a shepherd in what is now Turkey fermented milk in
sheep-skin bags to conserve it. Nowadays it is consumed worldwide, with
historical prevalence in western countries but with a fast-growing foothold in
emerging markets [5].
Formerly yogurt was considered a medicine as
it was easy to digest and had benefits for the intestinal flora due to milk
proteins that contain a high biological value and are partially pre-digested by
the action of lactic bacteria, thus allowing better digestion [6].
Quality control of yogurt is of paramount
importance for the consumers. Among the various parameters that indicate the
quality and safety of yogurt, the most important are those that define the
chemical and microbiological characteristics. The analyses are necessary to
obtain information on the consumption aptitude, nutritional value, the hygiene
conditions during its production, processing, storage, distribution, on its
shelf life and on the risk that can be posed to human health [7].
In Mozambique, due to lactose intolerance
among the local communities, in the rural areas the villagers tend to consume
fermented milk from their cows and in the cities, there is a growing demand for
yogurt consumption. The increasing consumption of yogurt is not derived only
from the lactose intolerance, but also due to its beneficial properties such as
easy digestibility, high nutritional value and therapeutic effects [8].
Very few studies have been carried out in
Mozambique in general and particularly in Chimoio on yogurt quality. The
objective of this study was to analyses the physical-chemical and
microbiological quality of the yogurt produced and marketed in Chimoio, Mozambique.
2. Material
and Methods
Study Area
Chimoio is a municipality located in Manica
Province in the central region of Mozambique.The population is estimated to be
324,816 in an area of 174 km² with altitude ranging from 513 to 786 meters. The
major economic activities are: agriculture production, livestock, general
trading, metallurgical industry, food industry, tourism, telecommunication,
banking and insurance [9]. This study was conducted in the Food and Water
Laboratory in the Faculty of Engineering of the Catholic University of
Sample Collection
Twelve samples were purchased from the main
Chimoio supermarket. The samples were randomly selected and immediately
transported to the laboratory in isothermal boxes under ice bath and stored at
controlled temperatures (4°C) in the refrigerator of the laboratory until the
analysis were carried out.
Determination of chemical parameters of yoghurt
The samples were mixed and analyzed in
triplicate for determination of pH, acidity, total soluble solids, proteins,
lipids, and moisture according to the methodology described by Adolfo Luz
Institute [10].
pH determination
To determine the pH, 10 g of the sample was
weighed into a beaker, and diluted with 100 ml of distilled water. The pH was
determined using a digital pH meter (Hanna Instruments).
Determination of moisture content
The moisture content was determined according
to the analytical standards of the procedures described by Nielsen [11].
Aluminum capsules were heated in a series 2000 scientific oven, 5 g of the
sample was weighed and placed in capsules and heated at 105°C for 5 hours.
After this time, the sample was weighed and the procedure repeated until a
constant weight was obtained.
Determination of proteins
The determination of proteins was performed
according to the biuret method described in analytical standards by Carvalho
[12]. A sample was prepared by weighing 1 g of the sample and mixing in 99 ml
of distilled water in a 250 ml beaker.
Determination of lipids
The determination of lipids was done by the
discontinuous method according to the procedures described by Nielsen [10].
Microbiological Analysis
Safety and preparation of culture media
All culture media were prepared according to
the manufacturer's instructions for proportions and sterilization. For the
quality assurance certification and absence of microbial contamination, a
factor that could result in false-positive results, all materials, instruments
and utensils were sterilized in the autoclave at 121ºC for 15 min and kept
immersed in the bath at 35ºC until the moment of inoculation.
Microbiological analysis of yoghurt
Microbiological analyzes of yogurt were
performed according to the manual of microbiological analysis methods described
by Silva [13].
Total bacteria counting
The investigation of mesophilic bacteria was
carried out in PCA culture medium by means of the deep seeding technique
allowing the visualization of colony formation from viable plaques cells
incubated at 37°C for 48 h. Plates were inoculated by the depth seeding method
where aliquots of 1 ml of each dilution (10-4, 10-5, 10-6) were seeded in
duplicate in previously sterilized petri dishes and 20 ml of PCA agar added.
After the incubation period, typical colony forming units were counted,
interpreted, multiplied by the dilution factor and expressed in CFU / ml.
Identification and quantification of Staphylococcus aureus
For the rapid counting of S. aureus,
duplicate Petri film plates were inoculated with 1 ml of successive dilutions
of 10-1 to 10-3 and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours and then transferred to a
chamber at 62 ± 2°C and maintained for 4 hours. After this period, reactive
thermos nuclease discs were placed on the plates and incubated again at 37°C
for 1 hour. The counting was then performed considering blue coloration
surrounded by a pink area as positive for staphylococcus.
Yeast and Mold Count
The standard counting of molds and yeasts was
done according to Silva [13] and 1 ml aliquots of the first 3 successive
dilutions (10-1, 10-2, 10-3) were inoculated into previously sterilized plates
of the medium of YEA (Yeast Extract Agar) with tartaric acid added to obtain
the desirable pH of 3.55, then spread with the aid of a loop, waited for about
10 minutes for coagulation and drying of the medium and incubated at room
temperature for 5 days. These analyses were performed in duplicate.
Verification and estimation of colonies was performed by counting the number of
creamy colonies for yeasts and large colonies with cotton or purulent
characteristics for molds.
Total coliform enumeration (Presumptive test)
The enumeration of coliforms was performed
using the Most Probable Number (MPN) technique according to Silva [13], which
is the estimation of the density of viable microorganisms present in a sample
under analysis. The inoculation was done by selecting the successive dilutions
(10-1, 10-2, 10-3) of the samples and inoculating into 3 series of tubes
containing 10 ml of 0.5% of MacConkey agar adding 1 ml of each dilution
containing Durham tubes inverted. These tubes were incubated at 35 ± 2°C for 48
hours and the tubes showing gas production in the Durham tubes (resulting from
lactose fermentation) were considered positive.
Confirmation tests for total coliforms
Confirmation of the presence of total
coliforms was done according to [13] by inoculating 1 ml of each dilution of
the tubes considered positive in the presumptive test in 0.5% bright green
broth and the tubes were inoculated in a bath. The presence of gas and
turbidity of the medium (a result of lactose fermentation) in Durham tubes
reveals the presence of coliforms and thus considered positives.
Statistical Analysis
Data were entered in an excel spreadsheet,
means and standard deviation were calculated using the statistical package
Bioestat 3.0.
3. Results
Table 1 presents the results of the chemical
composition of the yogurt sold in Chimoio.
The mean values were 4.3 Standard deviation
(SD) = 0.04 for pH, 1.47 SD 0.08 for titratable acidity, 5.25% SD 0.05 for fat
content, 3.11% SD 0.097 for protein and 86.2% SD 0.15 for humidity.
Microbiological Results
Fifty percent of the samples presented
aerobic mesophilic bacteria mean 1.8x105CFU / ml. In terms of Molds and Yeasts,
it was obtained 0.77x102 CFU / ml and in the Staphylococcus aureus count,
0.72x102 CFU / ml was obtained
Results of enumeration of total and fecal
coliforms in yogurt samples indicate total coliform contamination of 28 NMP / g
and 4 NMP / g for fecal coliforms,
4. Discussion
The pH is the parameter that determines the
acidity and alkalinity of a product and, offers an indication of contamination
from bacteria or chemicals, while also providing a convenient method to
estimate the acid development of a dairy product. [14]. The pH differences in
the fermented milk may be related to the type and quantity of starter culture
used for the manufacture [15]
In this study the pH was 4.3, and close
values were found in Beira, Mozambique and in Brazil [16,17]. Lower values were
reported in Para, Brazil [4]. The international minimum standard acceptable for
pH is 4.4 [18].
There is a relationship between titratable
acidity and pH during lactic acid fermentation. In this study titratable
acidity was 1.47. The Codex standard for fermented milk [18] recommends a
minimum of titratable acidity of 0.6% while the Brazilian Quality and Identity
Standard (PIQ) board [19] established values in the range of 0.6 to 1.5%.
In Beira, Mozambique a value of 0.45% was
reported [12] and Brazil [13] found values of titratable acidity of 0.83 to
1.06%. The results of the titratable acidity obtained in this study agreed with
these findings while [4] found values ranging from 1.08 to 1.33%.
The mean value for fat content in this study
was 5.23%, similar to reported in Beira, Mozambique [12]. According to the
Portuguese Association of Nutritionists [20], this type of yogurt is classified
as fat yogurt. In Nigeria [21] the fat content of yogurt ranges from 1.5 to 2.5
while in Brazil yogurt ranges from 1.2 to 2.0% lower than the Chimoio yogurt.
The average protein content in this study was
3.11%, higher than the Codex Alimentarium minimum standard [18] of 2.7%.
Results similar to this study were reported in Brazil [22,23]. This fact has a
great importance since those foods are widely consumed by children that require
a higher daily intake of protein in their diet.
Water content is one of the most important
characteristics in consumer sensory perception of food. Change in moisture
content will dramatically affect flavor and texture as well physical and
chemical properties [24]. Water content in this study was 86.2%. In Beira,
Mozambique [16] a study found 86.27% moisture content. Values of moisture
content similar to this study were found in Brazil [25]. Higher moisture
content can be an indication of fraud by water addition. The aerobic mesophilic
bacterial count ranged from 1.9 x 102 to 2.2 x 105 CFU / ml which were higher
than the value obtained in Nigeria [26,27].
The aerobic mesophilic bacteria mean was
1.8x105 CFU / ml in this study, higher than the FAO recommendation [28] that
the bacterial count should not exceed 1.0 x 105 CFU / ml. This difference may
probably be due to non-aseptic handling and inadequate heat treatment during
the pasteurization process. Mesophilic bacteria when present at counts above
106 CFU / ml may cause deterioration processes and shorten the shelf life of
In terms of Molds and Yeasts this study obtained
0.77x102 CFU / ml and this value is within the limits. The Normative
Instruction of Brazil [29] establishes a maximum limit of 200 UFC / ml of molds
and yeasts in yogurts. The results
indicate that there was no contamination by molds and yeasts that usually
originate from the environment, packaging or ingredients [15]. Counts above the
values are related to the addition of sugar or fruit in the yogurt providing
conditions appropriate for yeast multiplication [29] Leandro.
In this study the Staphylococcus aureus count
was 0.72x102 CFU / ml. There is no legislation establishing the level of
acceptable contamination of staphylococcus in yogurt. In other countries the
allowed level is 1.0 x 102 UFC/ml for milks and fermented dairy drinks [30]. According to this standard, the result of
this study is within the permitted range.
The total coliform contamination was 28 NMP /
ml and 4 NMP / g for fecal coliforms. According to Brazilian Normative
Instruction establishes 100NMP / ml for total coliforms and
10NMP / ml for fecal coliforms. The values
obtained in this study are within the limits. Considering that coliforms are
destroyed during the pasteurization process, the results can be
considered as indicators of good
hygienic-practices during the production process as well as efficient
pasteurization, and careful and adequate handling during subsequent processes.
5. Conclusion
From the findings, it can be concluded that
the analyzed samples of the yoghurt produced and marketed in the city of
Chimoio presents satisfactory quality for consumption. Improvement
of the handling conditions during the
production process should be observed, since even in low contaminations the
presence of Staphylococcus aureus was observed, which at high levels
may constitute a danger to human health due
to the formation of enterotoxins that can cause food intoxication. The e
presence of fecal coliforms which are a reflection of contamination
during handling of the product is also a
concern. The need to establish physical-chemical parameters for fermented milk
beverages by the Mozambican authorities should be stressed.
6. Declarations
a) Ethic
of approval and consent to participate: Non-applicable
b) Consent
for publication: Not applicable
c) Availability
of data and material
d) Competing
interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
7. Authors'
The author JLF was involved in research
design, and manuscript writing. GM was responsible for data collection and
8. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank Mr Greg Saxon for
English revision.
9. Funding
Personal resources were used to carry out the
Sample |
pH |
Titratable acidity (g/100 g) |
Fats (%) |
Proteins (%) |
Humidity (%) |
1 |
4.34 |
1.402 |
5.21 |
3.04 |
86.0 |
2 |
4.27 |
1.45 |
5.24 |
3.22 |
86. |
3 |
4.28 |
1.549 |
5.31 |
3.08 |
86.3 |
Mean |
4.30 |
1.47 |
5.25 |
3.11 |
86.2 |
SD |
0.04 |
0.08 |
0.05 |
0.097 |
0.15 |
CV (%) |
0.88 |
5.11 |
0.98 |
3.12 |
0.18 |
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