Advances in Processing of Heat Desiccated Traditional Dairy Foods of Indian Sub-Continent and Their Marketing Potential
Aggarwal1*, P. N. Raju2, Tanweer Alam3, Latha
Sabikhi2, Bindvi Arora4
of Food and Nutrition, Lady Irwin College, New Delhi, India
of Dairy Technology, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India
Institute of Packaging, New Delhi, India
Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
author: Dipesh Aggarwal, Department of
Food and Nutrition, Lady Irwin College, New Delhi-110001, India. Tel:
+919050674994; Email:
Date: 08 March, 2018; Accepted
Date: 17 May, 2018; Published
Date: 25 May, 2018
Heat desiccated milk products have been traditionally
produced in Indian sub-continent since ancient times. This sector is poised to
have rapid expansion hopefully with the innovations in technology, equipment’s
for mechanized production, packaging and storage. In order to overcome the
inherent disadvantages associated with the conventional methods for
manufacturing process of these traditional heat desiccated dairy products like
insufficient use of energy, poor hygiene and sanitation, non-uniform product quality,
etc. attempts had been made to upgrade product formulation and to develop
batch, semi-continuous and continuous process. With globalization of dairy
trade focussing on quality and consumer satisfaction, process optimization and
mechanization of the manufacturing process of these products is very
challenging. However, process of production and formulations for
several heat desiccated
traditional milk products have been upgraded and optimized by mechanization of
traditional processes. Packaging sector also plays a vital active role in
increasing the shelf life and market potential of these products. Efforts have
been made to review on the development and improvements made for process
upgradation of heat desiccated traditional milk products manufactured in Indian
sub-continent, newer packaging options and their market potential.
Keywords: Heat Desiccated; Mechanization;
Traditional Milk Products; Traditional Processes
1. Introduction
In India, about 50% of the total milk produced
is converted into various traditional milk products [1,2]. These products
account for 95% of all the milk products consumed [3]. Traditional dairy
products could be classified into six categories based on the principle of
manufacture like heat desiccated, fermented, heat and acid coagulated,
clarified butter fat, frozen and products made with addition of cereals [4-6].
Amongst them heat desiccation technique is the most ancient technology used to
process the milk and milk products. Scriptures from the early Buddhist and the
Jain period have documented sweets made from head-desiccated milk such as
sihakesara and morandeka. These have been used as desserts at the end of meals.
Lord Buddha allowed his followers to take sweets as a portable ration for
journeys on routes where it was difficult to get foodstuffs. In the Maurya
Period (268-233 BC), sweets were prepared from concentrated milk and honey or
jaggery. A variety of milk sweets have been described in the post Gupta period
(750-1200 AD) literature also [7]. Pal [8] reviewed the technological advances
in the manufacture of heat desiccated traditional Indian milk products. These
products are rich in nutrition and also provide vital calories. Gross
composition of some of the major heat desiccated dairy products is presented in
Table 1.
The production of traditional milk products
presents unique opportunity to the organised dairy sector as they have a huge
mass appeal and the market for these products far exceeds that of western dairy
products. The consumption of traditional dairy products is growing at an annual
growth rate of more than 20%, but for the western dairy products the growth
rates are relatively much lower (5-10%) [14]. While the western dairy products
(with the exception of malted milk and milk chocolates) add about 50% value to
milk, the traditional Indian dairy products add about 200% value to milk [15].
Further, the raw material costs of certain Indian traditional dairy products
viz. shrikhand, rasogolla, gulabjamun, khoa-based sweets (peda, burfi,
kalakand), sandesh and paneer is 29, 33, 34, 35 and 65% of the selling price,
respectively. For the western dairy products, comparative costs are relatively
much higher varying from 70-80% [14]. Significant headway has already been made
in the industrial production of some traditional sweets such as gulabjamun,
peda and burfi. The market size of ethnic milk products (Table 2) in India
alone is estimated at more than 1000 billion INR with an annual growth
estimated at 50 billion INR [16]. This development is no less than a revolution
in the production and marketing of all time popular traditional milk products
that were hitherto the exclusive preserve of traditional halwais (sweetmeat
makers) on a much smaller scale.
Cutting across different regions of the Indian
sub-continent, a number of heat desiccated milk confections are quite popular.
These products are based on khoa/mawa, which is used as base material for
sweets such as gulabjamun, kalajamun, burfi, kalakand, milk cake, peda, rabri,
khurchan, basundi, pantua, kunda and lalmohan. Confections like bal mithai,
phirni, Kunthalgiri pedha, malaipoori, lal peda, Dharwad peda and thirattupal
are region-specific locally available sweets in different parts of India which
are preferred by people for their characteristic taste and texture. A major
market for Indian milk-based sweets is developing overseas. The Indian diaspora
presents an exciting avenue for globalization of sweetmeats [1,17]. In North
America alone, this market is estimated at US $ 500 million [15]. The export of
ethnic sweets from India mainly khoa- and chhana-based sweetmeats during the
last decade is given in Figure 1
2. Khoa
Khoa, the principal heat desiccated dairy
product, is used as a base material for a huge variety of sweet delicacies. It
is also called as khoya, kava or mawa. Its exact origin is not known but it has
been prepared for centuries in Indian sub-continent as the base material for
milk-based confections by milk traders and halwais. According to the Food
Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations
[18] of India, khoya by whatever variety of names it is sold, means the product
obtained from cow or buffalo or goat or sheep milk or milk solids or a
combination thereof by rapid drying. The milk fat content shall not be less
than 30 percent on dry weight basis of finished product. It may contain citric
acid not more than 0.1 percent by weight. It shall be free from added starch,
added sugar and added colouring matter. Khoa has a uniform whitish colour with
just a tinge of brown, a slightly oily or granular texture, and a rich nutty
flavour which is associated with a mildly cooked and sweet taste due to the
high concentration of lactose. About 600,000 metric tons of khoa is produced
annually in India which utilize 7% of total milk production [19]. Nearly 36% of
India’s total khoa production takes place in Uttar Pradesh. The traditional
trade usually pays for milk on the basis of the yield of khoa (with 28%
moisture). The quality of khoa produced from buffalo milk is superior to khoa
produced from cow milk because khoa from cow milk results in moist surface,
salty taste with sticky and sandy texture which is not considered suitable for
the preparation of sweetmeats [20]. Also, buffalo milk results in higher yield
of khoa. Cow milk usually yields 17-19% of khoa by weight. The yield from
buffalo milk is reported to be 21-23% by weight [5]. Emulsifying capacity of
buffalo milk fat is higher due to the presence of larger proportion of butyric
acid-containing triglycerides and release of more free fat compared to cow milk
which may be responsible for smooth and mellow texture of khoa [21].
Khoa is classified by the Bureau of Indian
Standards into three major types depending upon the specific end uses i.e.
pindi, danedar and dhap [22]. Milk of high acidity produces a granular khoa
known as danedar type. Pindi khoa is characterized as a circular ball of a
hemispherical pat with smooth and homogenous body and texture and free from
burnt particles as well as any browning defects. It is most suitable for making
peda. Danedar khoa is characterized by its granular texture and uneven body.
The size of grains depends upon the amount of coagulant added and the quality
of milk used. This type of khoa is used as a base for the preparation of
kalakand, cakes and pastries where granulation is valued to a great extent.
Dhap khoa is characterized by loose and sticky body and smooth texture. It
contains less than 60 percent by mass total solids and higher moisture content
than pindi and danedar types. Dhap khoa is preferred for the preparation of
gulabjamun as it forms uniform balls with desired rheological qualities after
frying and soaking in sugar syrup.
2.1. Standardization of Milk for Khoa Making
Buffalo milk is preferred for khoa making
because it yields a whiter product with a soft, loose body and a smooth
granular texture which makes it suitable for the preparation of high-grade khoa
sweets. A minimum of 5.5% milk fat level in buffalo milk is essential to meet
the FSSAI [23] minimum fat requirements and to obtain a desirable body and
texture in khoa. Lower levels of fat result in undesirable hard body and coarse
texture [5]. Beniwal et al. [23] standardized the buffalo milk for the
production of khoa through a semi-automatic machine. Based on physico-chemical
parameters and sensory evaluation, fat/SNF (solids not fat) ratio of 0.611 in
milk was found to be the most suitable for preparation of khoa [23].
2.2. Technological Innovations in Khoa Making
The prehistoric process of khoa making in mild
steel shallow open pans on open flame of fire with vigorous mixing using a
wooden or steel ladle has been scaled up by different semi-continuous and
continuous machines which are used in places where the quantity of milk is
sufficiently large for khoa making. The first model of continuous khoa making
machine of 50 litres per hour capacity was developed by Banerjee et al. [24].
The process involved a steam jacketed cylinder fitted with rotary scrappers
followed by final concentration in an open cascading steam jacketed pan with
mechanical scrapping agitators. Subsequently, the process was standardized with
several modifications suggested by [25].
The equipment for the production of khoa under
rural conditions was developed by Sawhney and Kumar [26] providing a
semi-jacketed, shallow open pan and using a swinging hanger type scraper for
stirring during the desiccation process. The 2/3rd of pan is filled with water
placed over the furnace. Steam generated inside the jacket, is regulated by a
safety valve to control the pressure and temperature. Steam pressure inside the
jacket varies from 0 to 4 kg/cm2. On the basis of principle of scrapped surface
heat exchanger, more [27] designed a semi-mechanized batch type process for
khoa manufacturing which consisted of jacketed drum with vapour exhaust and
scrapper assembly. Christie and Shah [28-30] have extensively worked on
mechanization of khoa using steam jacketed cylinder with several modifications.
An Inclined Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger
(ISSHE) was developed for continuous khoa-making by National Dairy Development
Board (NDDB), Anand, India [31]. The plant comprises of a balance tank, a
positive displacement pump and an ISSHE. Milk concentrate of about 42-45% total
solids, is used as feed. The inclination of ISSHE permits the formation of a
pool of vigorously boiling milk important to the formation of khoa (Figure 2a).
Khoa prepared by ISSHE is similar to the conventional product from sensory
point of view and also maintains compositional and rheological uniformity
during continuous operation. A thin film scrapped surface heat exchanger
(TSSHE) was also developed by Dodeja et al. [32] at National Dairy Research
Institute (NDRI), Karnal, India for the continuous manufacture of khoa. TSSHE
unit consisted of two mild steel SSHE arranged in cascade fashion (Figure 2b).
The milk is concentrated to 40-45% total solids in first SSHE and finally to
khoa in second SSHE. Unlike in ISSHE, the feed for this unit is buffalo milk and
thus rendering it suitable for small and large organised manufacturers and
entrepreneurs. Dodeja and Deep [33] mechanized the process for the manufacture
of danedar khoa using three stage SSHE (Figure 3). Bhadania et al. [34] studied
the energy requirements of SSHE during manufacture of khoa and concluded that
three-stage SSHE could be successfully used for the continuous manufacture of
khoa. The steam requirement for the manufacture of khoa varies between 1.28 -
1.62 kg per kg of water evaporated under various operating conditions of the
SSHE. The quality of khoa prepared from different mechanized systems is given
in Table 3.
2.3. Alternative Techniques for Khoa Making
Alternative techniques have also been used for
khoa production to assist in the development of mechanized processes. Singh and
Rajorhia [37] studied the possibility of adopting a roller dryer for khoa
production. The process was found to be highly energy-intensive and khoa
obtained by this method was flaky, dry and completely lacked the desired
consistency. Pal and Londhe [38] extensively reviewed the application of
membrane technology for the production of traditional dairy products. The use
of pre-concentrated milk has been suggested in several previously reviewed
mechanized processes for the khoa production. Pre-concentration of cow milk,
2-fold [39] and buffalo milk 1.5-fold [40] using reverse osmosis technique
followed by heat desiccation in a steam jacketed open pan has been successfully
2.4. Microbiology of Khoa
Khoa is a favourable medium for the growth of
microbes on account of its nutritive value and moisture content. The
unsatisfactory practices generally followed in its production, handling and
storage in unorganized sector results in poor shelf life [41]. Although during
manufacture of khoa, milk is subjected to drastic heat treatment, the aerobic
spore formers are known to survive such heat treatment and may outnumber other
types of micro-organisms, thereby suggesting that the survivors might multiply
during subsequent storage. The possibility of contaminants gaining entry into
these products during subsequent handling also cannot be ruled out [42].
Rajarajan et al. [43] studied the effect of
antifungal agents on keeping quality of khoa. They treated the samples with
natamycin (0.5%) and potassium sorbate (0.3%). It showed lower yeast and molds
counts during storage at 30 and also at 5oC. Chavan and Kulkarni [44] made
efforts to improve the microbiological quality of khoa by solar radiation and
microwave heating. The application of microwave heating was observed to be
quite superior in reducing the total bacterial count, Yeast and Mold Count
(YMC) and spore count. It also showed very slow rate of increase during storage
for a week. Use of solar radiation through convex lens showed promising results
in reducing microbial counts and particularly more effectively on YMC.
A study was conducted to analyze bacterial
contaminants /pathogens in khoa samples sold in Chambal region of Madhya
Pradesh in India. A total of 50 samples of khoa were brought from different
localities of Chambal region at random. Bacterial colony counts were also
performed on these samples. Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species were the
predominant isolates. The viable counts obtained ranged from 1.3x104 to 2.1x106
CFU/g. Contamination of khoa by pathogenic bacteria could be an important
factor for gastrointestinal infections like food poisoning and food borne
illness. Adequate consumer protection can be achieved by assessment of the
microbiological data of the product [45]. Heat processing of milk at 63 or 73oC
having 3.5-6.5% fat, eliminated all Escherichia coli. Under similar processing
conditions, Staph. aureus was recovered, only when milk was heated at 63oC
having 6.5% fat. Potassium sorbate (3000 ppm) appeared more effective in
inhibiting the growth of selected yeast and molds in khoa at 7oC, compared to
ascorbic acid (3000 ppm). Reducing the water activity (aw) of khoa from 0.97 to
0.93 did not appear to enhance the preservative effect. The reduction of E.
coli or Staph. aureus in khoa during prolonged storage at 6-7oC, was less than
one log cycle, regardless of aw or preservative type. Survival of Staph. aureus
in khoa appeared to be enhanced with a decrease in aw [46].
A study was conducted to identify the
incidence of different microorganisms in air and khoa samples collected from
different sections of a khoa plant. Penicillium citrinum was found to be
predominantly present in both air (23.91%) and khoa samples (27.38%). The other
molds encountered were Geotricum candidum, Mucor racemosus, Aspergillus niger,
Syncephalastrum oxysporum, Rhizopus stolonifer, Cladosporium cladosporioides,
Absidia corymbifera and Pacilomyces variotti [47].
2.5. Khoa Based Indigenous Products
2.5.1. Burfi
Burfi is the most popular khoa-based
confection in Indian sub-continent. It is prepared by mixing different
proportions of khoa and sugar along with some other ingredients i.e. dry
fruits, fruit pulps, different cereals, pulses and their flours and flavouring
materials. Traditionally, burfi is prepared by vigorous blending of khoa and
sugar in open shallow kettle till a homogenous, smooth and fine grain mass
appears and is transferred hot into a tray for cooling and setting. A variety
of delicious burfi is available with varying proportions of ingredients, need
and speciality. Kaju katli is one of the most common burfi available in market.
A good quality burfi (plain) has white creamish to yellowish colour, soft body
with very fine grains and smooth texture. Mango burfi was prepared by Shelke et
al. [48] in which khoa was replaced up to 15% by mango pulp and the product was
found to have higher sensory acceptability as compared to plain burfi. In
another study, attempts were made to examine the suitability of pulses (Chana
or Moong) for the preparation of buffalo burfi. Admixtures of different levels
of khoa, pulses and sugar were tried. Burfi prepared from a mixture of buffalo
milk khoa, chana dal and sugar in the ratio of 60:10:30 was found to be most suitable
on the basis of sensory and chemical quality. The product was acceptable up to
21 days when stored under refrigerated condition [49].
Attempts were made to develop continuous
method for burfi making in combination with khoa making system and burfi making
unit [50]. Palit and Pal [51] also worked on mechanized production and shelf
life of burfi. They used standardized buffalo milk (fat: SNF ratio of 1:1.5)
with thin film scrapped surface heat exchanger and Stephen processing kettle
for the production of burfi. Use of cardamom and potassium sorbate @ 0.1% each
and vacuum packaging were tried for increasing the shelf life of burfi. The
workers reported that inspite of slightly pasty texture; burfi prepared by
mechanized process was highly acceptable with a shelf life of about 60 days at
30°C. A mechanized process for industrial production of burfi was successfully
developed by NDDB, Anand, India and installed at the Sugam Dairy, Baroda,
Burfi contains high amounts of fat (19.52%)
and sugar (29.4%) which are major constraints to relish for obese, diabetic and
people prone to heart diseases. With a view to overcome these constraints,
Morlock and Prabha [52] used sucralose as high potency sweetener for developing
dietetic burfi. The stability of sucralose in milk-based confection was
validated under the usual storage conditions at 5, 30, and 45°C for up to 28
days. Arora et al. [53] studied the textural and micro-structural properties of
burfi made with various types of sweeteners such as saccharin, acesulfame-K,
sucralose and aspartame. The recovery of aspartame studied by Arora et al. [54]
using reverse phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was reported
to be 90-97%. Sensory score was the highest at a level of 0.065% of aspartame
in milk (w/w) and had similar sweetness as of control burfi. The shelf life of
burfi was also studied by Vijayalakshmi et al. [55] using different packaging
materials under different atmospheric conditions such as normal packaging,
vacuum packaging and use of a free-oxygen absorber (at 65% RH/27oC). Normal
packaging even in barrier film did not effectively control microbial spoilage.
Vacuum packing, although it retarded microbial growth, adversely affected the
textural and sensory qualities. A free-oxygen absorber coupled with
high-barrier materials like metallized films/foil laminates resulted in more
than 45 days’ shelf life for burfi.
Doda burfi, another burfi variant, is a
traditional cereal-based milk confection. Traditionally, doda burfi is made by
crushed wheat grains (sanmak), wheat flour, sugar and ghee in different
proportions. The combination of lysine-rich milk protein with lysine-deficient
cereals such as wheat delivers the synergistic effect, which imparts a high
nutritional value to the product. Gajbhiye et al. [56] made attempts to
standardize the doda burfi and further improve its properties by replacing
sanmak by dried sprouted wheat grains. Admixtures of sprouted wheat gains (5,
7, and 9%) and sugar (7, 8, and 9%) at different levels were tried with wheat
flour and ghee kept at constant level of 2% respectively. 7% of sprouted wheat
grains and sugar each gave the most acceptable combination.
2.5.2. Gulabjamun
Gulabjamun is another popular khoa-based
confection in the Indian sub-continent including India, Pakistan, Nepal and
Bangladesh. Traditionally, gulabjamun is made of dough consisting mainly of
khoa and maida (refined wheat flour). Small balls made from this dough are
given either round or cylindrical shape, and deep fat fried to gold to dark
brown colour. Body of gulabjamun is soft and slightly spongy, free from lumps
and hard central core. It has a uniform granular texture soaked in thick sugar
syrup flavoured with cardamom seeds, rose water or saffron.
Traditional method of gulabjamun manufacture
has been standardized by Ghosh et al. [57]. In this method, 300 g of dhap type
khoa having 40-50% moisture, 100 g of flour and 3 g of baking powder are mixed,
kneaded into uniform dough using sufficient amount of water. Dough is divided
into small balls, and then deep fried in edible oil in an open shallow pan to a
golden-brown colour. These fried balls are soaked in sugar syrup (62.5%)
maintained at about 60oC for 2 h until it became soft and spongy. Recently,
Renuka et al. [58] used Fructo-Oligosaccharides (FOS) and FOS-sucrose blend
over sucrose in gulabjamun syrups that indicated the potential of FOS as a low
calorie and healthier alternative for sucrose in the preparation of gulabjamun.
Dietetic filled milk khoa-based gulabjamun was prepared from milk with 3%
vegetable oil and 8.5% SNF [59].
Joshi et al. [60] made attempts to
statistically optimize the formulation and processing conditions of gulabjamun
as an immense opportunity for the organized manufacturers in India to modernize
and scale-up their production. Optimization of the formulation was carried out
in terms of khoa:maida ratio (70:30-90:10), level of baking powder (0.2-1% of
the khoa:maida mixture), frying time (7-11 min), sugar syrup concentration
(50-70°Brix), temperature of sugar syrup (30-70°C) and soaking time (2-10 h).
Mechanization for the manufacture of gulabjamun from khoa has been reported by
Banerjee [61]. A study was undertaken to determine the efficacy of defatted soy
flour mix levels in gulabjamun and to analyse its impact on the quality
parameters. Soy flour was fortified at three levels (3.33, 6.66 and 9.99% w/w)
to prepare different compositions of gulabjamuns by replacing wheat-flour in
control sample. Appearance, colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability
of the gulabjamuns were reported to be improved with the addition of 3.33% soy
flour and decreased thereafter with addition of more soy flour [62]. New
technology for industrial production of gulabjamun has been developed using an
assembly line system and is in operation at Sugam Dairy, Baroda, India.
Gulabjamun mix powder, as a convenience formulation is also available in the
market for a long time and is quite popular among the masses.
There was high correlation observed between
kinetics of colour and textural parameters of gulabjamun. Frying-induced
surface browning was reflected in a decreasing lightness value L* as well as
the ratio of yellow hue index b* and red hue index a*. Increase in hardness and
firmness followed zero-order reaction kinetics whereas increase in stiffness
followed first-order reaction kinetics. L* alone could be used to predict the
firmness of deep-fat fried gulabjamun balls [63]. A study was conducted by Rao
et al. [64] to evaluate the effect of the concentration of sugar syrup used for
dipping fried gulabjamun balls made from fresh and one month stored mix on
volume expansion, hardness and colour of the resulting product. Temperature of
diffusion did not have any effect on volume expansion. However, higher sugar
syrup concentration resulted in decrease in volume expansion. Storage of
gulabjamun mix powder led to softer gulabjamun whereas higher concentrations of
sugar syrup resulted in increase in hardness. Temperature of diffusion did not
have any bearing on hardness of the samples [64].
2.5.3. Peda
Peda is also a khoa-based indigenous dairy
product, popular throughout India. Several types of peda are produced in
different regions of the country with modifications in the process i.e. Doodh
peda/ Mathura peda (Uttar Pradesh), Kunthalgiri peda (Maharashtra), Dharwad
peda (Karnataka), lal peda (Eastern Uttar Pradesh) and bal mithai (popular in
Uttarakhand, caramelized and coated with crystal sugar). Peda is generally
prepared by mixing khoa and sugar in the ratio 3:1, the mixture is heated on
gentle fire, stirred till the mixture attains a relatively firm texture. The
content is mixed thoroughly and made into balls of 15-25 g size by rolling
between the palms. The balls are flattened to give the disc shape. Dies and
moulds may also be used to shape them [7,8]. Sometimes, nut and flavouring
materials such as cardamom, saffron (Kesar peda) and cocoa may also be used
along with permitted colours. Industrial method for manufacture of peda has
been adopted by Sugam Dairy, Baroda. Khoa made in ISSHE is transferred to a
planetary mixer and sugar @ of 30% of khoa, flavouring/ colouring ingredients,
additives etc. are properly mixed. The peda mass is cooled to 4ºC and forming/shaping
of peda ball is done by Rheon shaping and forming machine.
Ray et al. [65] compared the chemical,
microbiological and organoleptic quality of market and laboratory made peda
(made from cow and buffalo milk). Variations in the samples were observed and
laboratory made peda from buffalo milk was found to be superior to peda made
from cow milk, as well as peda collected from the market. Narwade et al. [66]
also studied the quality of market and laboratory made peda. Desale et al. [67]
studied the effect of processing and compositional variables on the quality of
peda and reported that stirring at 120 rpm of speed after the addition of sugar
was found to be optimum to obtain good quality peda. Maximum sensory scores
were obtained for the peda having a composition of 30% sugar, 15% moisture and
25% fat. Biradar et al. [68] reported a negative linear relationship between
the logarithm of mold-free shelf-life and equilibrium relative humidity (ERH)
at 27 ± 1°C in the studied ERH range of 75-92%. Packaging in 100 and 300-gauge
low density polyethylene (LDPE) pouches reduced weight loss, browning and Free
Fatty Acid (FFA) development, and retarded deterioration of flavour, odour and
acceptability of peda during storage. Peroxide value was not influenced by LDPE-packaging.
LDPE-300 was more effective in controlling weight loss, browning and FFA
formation as compared to LDPE-100. Film thickness, however, did not influence
the organoleptic attributes significantly.
Among the available varieties of peda, brown
peda is more popular and prepared throughout the country on a small scale.
Brown peda is characterized by caramelized colour, highly cooked flavor and
longer shelf-life. Depending on the area of consumption, it differs in the
intensity of characteristic colour and flavour [69]. It is popular in Uttar
Pradesh as Mathura peda, in Karnataka as Dharwad peda, and in Maharashtra as
Mishra peda [70]. In almost all the types of brown peda, khoa is first cooked
to brown colour in ghee (clarified butter) and then peda is prepared from it by
blending sugar and other additives such as cardamom. It is usually sold after
wrapping in glossy-paper/paper-board which does not render perfect protection
to the sample. Londhe et al. [71] studied the effect of conventional cardboard
boxes, modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging techniques on the sensory,
physico-chemical, textural, biochemical and microbiological quality of brown
peda and reported that vacuum packaged brown peda could be best preserved up to
40 days at 30°C.
Another type of Peda especially popular in the
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (India) is lal peda. It has a distinctive cooked taste
and comparatively longer shelf life. Lal peda is produced on small scale by
local sweetmeat makers. It is generally prepared from khoa (prepared from cow
milk, buffalo milk or a combination of both) as a base material and sugar. Lal
peda is characterised by its reddish-brown colour due to caramelization of
sucrose during heat processing. Pandey et al. [72] prepared lal peda and the
highest yield was reported for the product prepared from mixed milk with 60%
sugar. Jha et al. [73] reported that when lal peda samples packed in paper
boxes and stored at two different temperatures i.e. 4 and 37°C, there was a
continuous loss of moisture at 37°C. Further, FFA and HMF contents increased
during storage and these changes were reported to be temperature sensitive. On
the basis of textural and sensory attributes, it was observed that lal peda
samples were acceptable up to 31 and 9 days, at 4 and 37°C, respectively.
Londhe and Pal [74] studied the effect of
preservatives on keeping quality of vacuum packaged brown peda during storage.
Addition of butylated hydroxyl anisole (BHA) (@ 0.02% on fat basis) and the
combination of BHA (@ 0.01% on fat basis) and potassium sorbate (@ 0.1% on the
basis of total solids of peda) along with vacuum packaging was attempted to
enhance the shelf life of brown peda. Brown peda balls were vacuum packed in
pre-formed LLD/BA/Nylon-6/BA/LDPE pouches and stored at 30ºC. The shelf life of
control sample was 40 days, the product with BHA alone had a shelf life of 50
days and the product containing BHA and potassium sorbate had a shelf life of
60 days [74].
2.5.4. Kalakand
Kalakand is another unique khoa-based
sweetmeat. It is popular all over the Indian sub-continent. It is partially
desiccated milk based sweet prepared from acidified milk with caramelized
flavour and granular texture. Rao and Goyal [75] prepared kalakand using the
method of De [5] with a slight modification i.e. by using 0.025% citric acid
instead of 0.5%. Buffalo milk standardised to 6% fat and 9% SNF was used. The
citric acid solution was added at a later stage when the concentrated mass
started losing the side of the vessel. Jadhav et al. [76] replaced the milk
from 5 to 15% by the bottle gourd pulp. The control sample of kalakand had
significantly higher sensory scores for all the parameters as compared to the
sample with 10 and 15% bottle gourd pulp. However, control and kalakand with 5%
bottle gourd pulp did not differ significantly from each other and both were
comparable sensorily. So far, no compositional standards for kalakand have been
laid down under either in the erstwhile Prevention of Food Adulteration (PFA)
Act, the current Food Safety and Standards Rules (FSSR) [18] or by the Bureau
of Indian Standards (BIS).
Rao and Goyal [75] evaluated quality of
kalakand stored in five different types of packages i.e. vegetable parchment
paper, metallized polyester (with and without vacuum) and LDPE (with and
without vacuum) at 30±1oC, RH 65% and 6±1oC, RH 90% for various time intervals.
It was reported that sensory scores of kalakand were affected by the type of
package and also by the duration of storage. Sucrose was replaced with
artificial sweeteners like saccharin and acesulfame-K in the preparation of
kalakand. Saccharin at the level 0.015% and acesulfame-K at the level of 0.045%
resembled control kalakand in sweetness. Saccharin and acesulfame-K were recovered
to the extent of 92-97% and 90-96%, respectively. HPLC analysis also revealed
no degradation of saccharin and acesulfame-k in kalakand establishing their
stability and hence retention of sweetness on storage [77].
2.5.5. Rabri
Rabri is a concentrated, sweetened whole milk
product, containing several layers of clotted cream. While the milk is slowly
evaporated, without being stirred, at simmering temperature in a traditional
open shallow pan over an open fire, pieces of skin which form on the surface of
the milk are continuously broken up and moved to the cooler parts of the pan.
Sugar is added when the volume of milk has been considerably reduced, layers of
clotted cream are immersed in the mixture and the finished product is obtained
by heating the whole mass for a short period. It contains all the milk solids
in an approximately five-fold concentration, with additional sugar. Consumed
directly, it has a high food and nutritive value, with approximately 20% fat,
10% protein, 17% lactose, 3% ash, 20% sugar and 30% moisture [9]. The
concentration of different components in rabri varied widely due to the initial
composition of milk, degree of concentration of milk solids and amount of sugar
added [5]. A method was standardized for rabri manufacture by Gayen and Pal
[78]. One kg buffalo milk (6% fat) simmered in a steam jacketed kettle at 90°C,
after three-fold concentrations gave a yield of 100 g clotted cream. Pal et al.
[79] successfully used TSSHE for the large scale production of rabri. It
involved standardization of buffalo milk to 6% fat, addition of sugar @6% to
preheated (85-90ºC) milk and concentrating in TSSHE upto 50% solids, addition
of shredded paneer and packaging in hot conditions (80ºC) and immediately
cooling. Chopde et al. [80] optimize the process for in-line production of
rabri. They integrated the Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger (SSHE) with Conical
Process Vat (CPV) and optimize the process parameters using response surface
methodology. The research revealed that rabri of better sensorial, chromatic
and textural attributes can be manufactured.
2.5.6. Khurchan
Khurchan, is a major delicacy, which
originated in the town of Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India [7]. It is a heat
desiccated, sweetened whole milk product traditionally prepared in a shallow
open pan by simmering the milk without stirring so as to allow for
instantaneous formation of a thick creamy layer of skin on the surface of the
milk after slow evaporation of water. Sugar is added to the concentrate
followed by a thorough mixing of the product. Average composition of khurchan
is 27.9% moisture, 23.6% fat, 15.4% protein, 14.9% lactose, 15.2% sugar and
3.0% ash [10]. It contains all the milk solids in an approximately five-fold
concentration, together with the addition of sugar, which makes its food and
nutritive value very high.
2.5.7. Kunda
Kunda, is an Indian traditional heat
desiccated dairy product, popular in the state of Karnataka in India,
especially Belgaum and its neighbouring areas. Manufacture of kunda is a time
consuming and energy intensive process and the process involves consumption of
large quantities of steam for evaporation of water [81]. It is prepared by
continuously heating a mixture of khoa and sugar with intermittent addition of
water until the characteristic brown colour is obtained. It is characterized by
a semi-brown to brown colour, soft body and grainy texture, and characteristic
sweet, nutty and pleasant flavour. Kulkarni et al. [82] standardized the
methods for manufacture of kunda. The khoa generally used for kunda making has
high moisture content (40%). If the khoa used is low in moisture content, then
about 10% of milk is added. After the addition of calculated amount of sugar
(25-30%), khoa is subjected to slow desiccation on direct fire. At the end, a
brown mass with granular texture is obtained which has about 25% moisture.
2.5.8. Basundi
The exact origin of Basundi is not known but
it is reported to have been prepared over several centuries in the western and
southern parts of India. It is served during special festivities such as
weddings and religious functions. It is analogous to rabri and khurchan which
are popular in the northern and central parts of India [7]. Basundi is
comparatively less thickened and normally does not contain flaky/layered
texture as in the case of rabri. It is similar to sweetened condensed milk with
the exception that it has a pleasant heated flavour and slightly brown colour
[83]. Traditionally, basundi is made from buffalo milk by progressive boiling
resulting in more and more skin formation, skin is removed and collected on
topside of the karahi and when desired concentration is reached the sugar is
added in the ratio of 10:1. Milk is concentrated about two-fold and stirred
heat coagulated film of milk gives desired typical soft textured flakes which
remain uniformly suspended in thickened milk. Cardamom and/or saffron are also
added. Basundi is served chilled, often garnished with slices of almonds and
pistachios. Different types of basundi are also prepared like Sitaphal (custard
apple) basundi, Angoor basundi (basundi with small rasogolla balls), etc.
A process for commercial manufacture of
basundi has also been developed. As per this process, buffalo milk having good
heat stability (negative alcohol test), standardized to 0.05 Fat/SNF ratio is
taken in an open steam jacketed kettle and is preheated to 90oC for 10 min.
Partial concentration upto 2-fold is done in a batch-type steam jacketed
stainless steel open, wide-mouth pan. Crystalline cane sugar is added at this
stage @5.5% (w/w) of milk and concentration is continued up to 2.5 fold of
original total solids including sugar [11,12,84,85]. Basundi is then
transferred hot in containers, cooled to 10oC and is stored under refrigeration
(7±2oC). Homogenization after concentration of milk could be advantageous for
improving the viscosity of the product [86]. Autoclaving for 10 min i.e.
post-production heat treatment is given to enhance the shelf life of basundi
and this is reported to increase the shelf life up to 40 days when stored at
7±2oC [87]. Different methods of milk concentration viz. open pan, under vacuum
and a combination of Reverse Osmosis (RO) and open pan concentration have been
used for basundi manufacture. Except for the significant decrease in lactose
content in RO concentrated product and significantly higher ash content
observed in vacuum concentrated product, no other major compositional changes
were observed because of the method of concentration [88]. Mechanization of the
basundi production has also been reported by Patel et al. [89] who developed
Continuous Basundi Making Machine (CBM) based on the principle of TSSHE. The
standard process and CBM is energy efficient and the quality of the product is
better compared to traditional product as concentration of milk takes place at
atmospheric pressure and sugar dosing develops typical pleasant caramel
flavour. Rajshekhar et al. [90] studied the effect of shape of SSHE on heat
transfer coefficient in basundi making. They used cylindrical, conical and
karahi shape SSHE. It was reported that in case of karahi type SSHE, the heat
transfer area per unit amount of milk in the SSHE is higher as compared to the
other two types of the models, which resulted in increase in heat transfer rate
and the rate of evaporation of water from the milk.
2.5.9. Gundpak
Gundpak is a khoa-based dairy product made by
cooking the blend of khoa, sugar, ghee and fried gund in ghee with proper
agitation and mixing of ground dried dates (chokada), nuts (cashew nut, almond,
coconut, pistachio) and spices (cinnamon, clove, small cardamom, large
cardamom) followed by topping with partly fried watermelon seeds and dry
grapes. Herbal plants powder may be added as an optional ingredient for the development
of characteristic flavor and therapeutic value of Gundpak. Gundpak is a
protein-energy rich delicious and nutritious sweet milk product. The demand of
the product is increasing throughout the country as well as outside day by day.
The total production of gundpak in Kathmandu valley in the fiscal year 2010 was
approx. 579.1 MT, worth of NRs. 192.5 million [91,92]. Gundpak being a
traditional product of Nepal, neither specific recipe nor mechanized processing
conditions for its large-scale production is standardized or validated. Gundpak
sold in the local market vary widely in appearance, texture, composition and
nutritional quality. Acharya [93] optimized the ingredients levels for the
production of gundpak using response surface methodology. He reported that the
optimum level of ingredients viz. khoa, ghee, sugar and gum for the best
product were 74.2 (67.64%), 5.0 (4.56%), 30.0 (27.35%) and 0.5 (0.45%) grams
2.5.10. Bomboyson
Bomboyson is a traditional dairy product of
eastern hilly region of Nepal. It is prepared by cooking khoa with ghee and
sugar. It is a sweet, dark brown coloured product with caramelized flavour. It
has potential for commercialization but no standardized method is available for
its large-scale production. Gartaula and Bhattarai [94] carried a study to
standardize this product for the organized production. Furthermore, they had
also made an attempt to replace sugar by jaggery in order to improve its
nutritional quality. They reported that bomboyson prepared from 100 parts khoa,
40 parts sugar and 20 parts ghee gave the best result in terms of sensory
analysis. Replacing sugar by jaggery in the product increased the mineral
content and was sensorially accepted. The product has a shelf life of 28 and 21
days at 5ºC and 25ºC respectively.
2.5.11. Payasam
Payasam is a traditional sweet delicacy of
South India. The basic method for preparation involves cooking pulses, cereals
or cereal products, sago, poppy seeds or fruit pulps (mango, banana or
jackfruit) in milk or coconut milk. Dried fruits and nuts are added to some
varieties as are cardamom, camphor or saffron. Prajeesha and Rao [95] developed
a technology for bamboo seeds payasam. The bamboo seeds payasam is a light
brown to dark brown coloured product, the dark colour is due to dark jaggery
used in its preparation. Various ingredients of bamboo seeds payasam, viz.
amount of bamboo seeds, water, jaggery, fresh coconut extract and milk along
with process for preparation were optimized. Preparation starts from cleaning,
washing and soaking of bamboo seeds followed by pressure cooking. The cooked
grains then mixed with jaggery syrup, coconut extract and toned milk. The
entire mixture was then heated and desiccated to a flowable consistency till
pleasant caramelized taste is obtained. Payasam has a shelf life of 1-2 days
and more than 15 days at 30ºC and 5ºC respectively.
3. Developments in Packaging
Packaging has a significant role in the food
supply chain and is an integral part of both the food processes as well as the
whole food supply chain [96]. Food packaging performs a number of tasks: it
protects the food from contamination and spoilage; it allows easier
transportation and storage of foods; and it makes advertising meaningful and
large-scale distribution and mass merchandising possible.
In recent years, heat desiccated traditional
milk-based sweets have been gaining significant importance in Indian dairy
industry and also the popularity for the products like khoa, burfi and sandesh
have increased in western countries and a lot of export potential exists for
these products. However, due to increased demands from consumers in terms of
product safety, shelf-life extension, cost efficiency, environmental issues and
convenience, food packaging no longer has just a passive role in protecting and
marketing the product. In order to improve the performance of food packaging in
meeting varied demands of stake holders in the entire supply chain, many new
functions have been introduced in packaging technologies to make it active. In
this direction, new and innovative packaging technologies such as modified and
controlled atmosphere packaging, active and intelligent packaging,
antimicrobial packaging and nano-packaging technologies are being developed,
tested and optimized around the world [97-99].
3.1. Modified Atmosphere Packaging
The intrinsic properties of individual dairy
and food products are responsible for quality changes and also it is evident
that their shelf life is limited in the presence of normal air. There are two
principal factors that are responsible for the deterioration of dairy products:
first being the chemical effect of atmospheric oxygen and second the growth of
aerobic spoilage microorganisms. These factors are responsible for changes in
odour, flavour, colour and texture leading to an overall deterioration in
quality either individual or in association with one another. The modification
of the atmosphere within the package by reducing the oxygen content while
increasing the levels of CO2 and/or N2 has been shown to significantly increase
the shelf life of perishable foods at chill temperatures. The principle of
Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) involves the removal of air from the pack
and its replacement with a single gas or a mixture of gases by either passive
or active methods. The three major gases used in the MAP of foods are O2, N2
and CO2 [100].
3.2. Active and Intelligent Packaging
Besides providing a protective atmosphere,
packaging material itself may play an active role in enhancing the shelf life
of product by nullifying the rate of deteriorative reactions, by arresting the
growth of spoilage/pathogenic microorganisms. This has led to the concept of
active packaging. Active packaging technologies involve interactions between
the food, the packaging material and the internal gaseous atmosphere and play a
dynamic role in food preservation. Active packaging senses environmental
changes and respond by changing its properties. In other terms, active
packaging is a group of technologies in which the package is actively involved
with the food products or interacts with the internal atmosphere to extend the
shelf life, while maintaining quality and safety. It is achieved by the use of
absorbers, emitters, scavengers, scrubbers and desiccants that when added to a
package, alter the package structure, function or properties [101]. Diverse
functions that the active substances perform include oxygen scavenging,
anti-microbial activity, moisture control, ethylene removal, antioxidative
reactions etc. Intelligent packaging is designed to monitor and communicate
information regarding the present properties of the food, or records aspects of
its history about food quality to the consumer [102]. It involves devices
attached as labels, incorporated into or printed onto a food packaging material
that offer enhanced possibilities to monitor product quality, trace the
critical points and give more detailed information about the supply chain.
Although this technique has not yet received
importance in India, due to the non-availability of active agents locally, but,
recently, Chaturvedi [103] has applied oxygen scavengers to extend the shelf
life of khoa-jalebi, another region-specific heat desiccated traditional dairy
product and reported that the shelf life of the product increased from 10 days
to 42 days when stored at 30°C and 65% RH.
3.3. Antimicrobial Packaging Systems
Antimicrobial packaging system is a type of
active packaging, that can take several forms such as: addition of sachets/pads
containing volatile antimicrobial agents into packages, incorporation of
volatile and non-volatile antimicrobial agents directly into polymers, coating
or adsorbing antimicrobials onto polymer surfaces, immobilization of
antimicrobials to polymers by ion or covalent linkages and use of polymers that
are inherently antimicrobial [98].
3.4. Edible Films and Coatings
Edible packaging consists of edible films,
sheets, coating and pouches. Edible films and sheets are stand-alone structures
that are preformed separately from the food and then placed on or between food
components or sealed into edible pouches. Edible coatings, on the other hand,
are thin layers of edible materials formed directly onto the surface of food
[104]. The edible films comprise of thickness of less than 254 µm, whereas
edible sheets include up to thickness of 254 µm [99]. The edible packaging
materials offer multifunction, like offer a selective barrier to retard the
migration of moisture, gas transport, oil and fat migration and solute
transport; improve the mechanical handling properties of foods; improve the
mechanical integrity or handling characteristics of the food; retain volatile
flavour compounds and carry food additives such as antioxidants and
antimicrobials [105].
Although edible coatings look simple, its
application for traditional dairy products is rather tricky as one has to
maintain the unique sensory attributes of these products. In this direction
some successful attempts were made to enhance the shelf life of traditional
dairy products such as paneer by developing edible antimicrobial films [106].
3.5. Biodegradable Packaging
Food packaging is the largest user of plastics
(~40%), which, in spite of their versatility, are poor barrier to gases and
vapors, including oxygen, carbon dioxide and organic vapors. Further, they are
considered a menace to environment once they reach municipal solid waste (MSW)
and/or landfills, as they are not biodegradable [107]. Consequently, the
approach of making packaging materials from biodegradable materials that can be
disposed of through composting or recycling got momentum. As a result, a number
of biodegradable materials such as naturally occurring polymeric materials,
polymers made by polymerization of organic molecules and biodegradable polymers
from petrochemicals have been investigated for use as alternative to plastics.
Biopolymers from agricultural food stocks, food processing waste and others
have the ability upon blending and/or processing to result in biopolymeric
packaging material called as biodegradable polymers or bioplastics [108].
Recently, Kumar [109] developed a nano-composite biodegradable packaging film
using sodium caseinate and corn starch, which was found to be completely
biodegradable within 120 hr under the soil burial conditions. Such film was
attempted for packaging of burfi, another khoa-based confection.
3.6. Nanocomposite Packaging Materials
Polymer nanocomposites are created by
dispersing an inert, nanoscale filler throughout a polymeric matrix in which
the filler has at least one dimension smaller than 100 nm. Filler materials
could be either flakes, fibers, whiskers or nanoparticles. The mechanical,
thermal and barrier of nano-composites are often remarkably different from
those of non-reinforced synthetic or biopolymer-based materials. Addition of
relatively low levels of nanoparticles (less than 5%) have been shown to
substantially improve the properties of finished plastic, increasing the
deformability and strength, and reducing the electrical conductivity and gas
permeability. Widely used filler materials are clay and silicate nanoplatelets,
silica (SiO2) nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, grapheme, starch nanocrystals,
cellulose-based nanofibers or nanowhiskers, chitin or chitosan nanoparticles,
silver nanoparticles (AgNO3), titanium nanoparticles (TiO2), magnesium
nanoparticles (MgO), copper nanoparticles (CuO), zinc (ZnO) etc. [110].
Recently, Kumar [109] developed a nanocomposite biodegradable packaging film
using sodium caseinate, corn starch and nanoclay (organically modified
montmorillonite) which was cross linked with formaldehyde. The studies revealed
improved mechanical strength in the film. Such film was applied as a sealant
layer for polystyrene trays for packaging of burfi.
3.7. Retort Processing
Retort processed foods offer long-life and
convenience for which packaging materials play an important role. Kunda, a heat
desiccated dairy product was packaged in pouches and retort processed in order
to enhance the shelf-life. The packaged and retort processed kunda was stored
at 37 and 55oC and the changes in rheological, microbial and sensory quality
were monitored at regular intervals by Navajeevan and Rao [111] was reported
that during storage, the processed kunda showed a gradual increase in its
rheological (firmness, consistency and adhesiveness) properties indicating that
retort processed kunda became firmer and more adhesive during storage. It was
concluded that the spoilage of retort processed kunda was more of physical in
nature than a microbial one.
3.8. Market Potential
The milk produced in India is distinctly
seasonal. It comes from cows and buffaloes in equal proportion, with a small
contribution from goats. The growth in milk production reflects India's unique history,
industry and policy structure set up under Operation Flood which the Indian
Government, the World Bank and the European Community food aid funded. It was
designed to achieve milk self-sufficiency early next century. Annual production
of raw milk from all sources in India is 146.3 million tons having increased
from 20 million tons in 1970, and is expected to reach 150 million tons by the
end of the year 2016 [112].
Operation Flood is a system of rural milk
producer co-operatives that purchase, process and market milk, provide
technical services and infrastructure. The early funding of Operation Flood One
was done through commercial resale of dairy product received as aid under the
World Food Program. The product came from the European Community and the
revenue from sales of aid product was used to develop infrastructure for local
co-operatives. Operation Flood Two set up the institutional framework
comprising a three-tiered co-operative structure of societies, unions and
federations. Operation Flood is now in its third stage and involves eight
million dairy farming families. There are 200 milk processing plants in the
co-operative, government and private sectors which receive 11 million litres of
milk per day and the Operation Flood dairies market three-quarters of this
total. Under the Operation Flood scheme, daily supplies of milk are collected
from over 60,000 village milk procurement centres to meet consumer demand for
drinking milk. This accounts for 5.5 million tons or ten per cent of total milk
produced. The remaining 90 per cent of milk is utilised on-farm, sold to small
operators in nearby towns, or used to produce ghee or other products.
In India, even after nearly three decades of
organised milk procurement and market intervention under the Operation Flood
programme, of the estimated 30 per cent of the total production which is
marketed by the village producers (after meeting the local consumption needs,
of both the producers and the non-producers), only 35 per cent is collected by
the organised processing sector and the rest by the traders of all hues.
Households and unorganised sector (halwais and milk vendors) handle about 82%
of the total milk production and the rest by the organised sector. Of the total
milk production, about 50% is being converted into indigenous dairy products.
The market of Indian milk products is estimated to be more than Rs. 65,000
crores. A few organised sectors started production of Traditional Milk Products
(TDPs) on a commercial scale, but this impact is still limited. According to
another estimate, 28 per cent of total production is converted into ghee and
another 20 per cent into milk products, such as dahi (curd), khoa (dehydrated
milk) and a variety of milk-sweets, to enhance shelf-life [3]. The villagers
try to conserve milk in its freshness, before it becomes sour which makes
possible better recovery of milk solids in the products that are made. Much
Indian milk production is seasonal in character as nearly half the production
is by buffalo which are seasonal calvers. Seasonal surpluses are converted into
the above products for which there is a premium in India. The pattern is much
the same in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The generalised flow of
milk from the producer to the consumers is depicted in Figure 4.
The demands of consumers in the four major
cities of India: Bombay, New Delhi, Calcutta and Madras, and the regional
variations in milk supply, led to the establishment of a National Milk Supply
Grid system via train and road tankers. Rural producers are linked with urban
consumers through the National Milk Supply Grid by moving milk from surplus to
deficit regions. Barriers to trade are substantial and there is a domestic
dairy policy of increased self-sufficiency. India's imports have been declining
as a proportion of total production. Imports are subject to 60 per cent
tariffs, plus state sales taxes and general excise duties [113,114].
The TDP market is the largest in value after
liquid milk and is estimated at US$3 billion in India and US$1 billion
overseas. Some 900,000 tonnes of khoa valued at Rs 45,000 million is produced
in the country. Approximately 1,20,000 tonnes of chhana (coagulated milk
product), valued at Rs 6,000 million is produced. Almost all the milk sweets in
India are made from two base materials - khoa and chhana. The traditional dairy
products sector in India is grossly undermanaged, but provides economic
opportunities. A niche global market has strongly emerged for ethnic Indian
dairy products. Our NRIs are estimated to be 30 million, so opportunity to take
the advantage of this niche market exists.
4. Conclusion
Hat desiccated traditional milk products are
known from the ancient times and are an integral part of dietary habits and
cultural heritage in Indian sub-continent. They have great social, religious,
cultural and economic importance. In addition to preservation of milk solids
for a longer time at room temperature, manufacture of heat desiccated dairy
products, add value to milk and also provide tremendous employment
opportunities. In this category, khoa is of great commercial importance due to
its use for the preparation of variety of indigenous sweets. For mechanization
of technology for khoa, significant research has been done and it can be
concluded that TSSHE and ISSHE equipment have great potential for industrial
use. Most of the heat desiccated dairy products are well characterized and
methods of manufacture have been standardized using mechanized or
semi-mechanized systems. In view of India’s pre-eminent position in milk
production and the need to bring more and more milk processing in organised
sector, more focussed research and development in the area of mechanized
manufacture of indigenous milk products is the need of the time. Growing
population of diaspora from Indian sub-continent in Europe, USA and Canada, a
huge market growth of these products is envisaged in next few years. Issues
such as quality, safety, packaging, shelf life, nutrition and health associated
with these products will need to be looked into with renewed research and
development focus.
1: Export of sweets (mostly
khoa- and chhana-based) from India during 1997-98 and 2009-10 (Data source:
Directorate General of Foreign Trade, India, 2010).
2(a-b): Mechanized process for the manufacture of khoa. Schematic representation of (a) inclined scraped surface heat exchanger (b) Two-stage scraped
surface heat exchanger (Source: Minz and Singh [36]).
Figure 3: Manufacture of
danedar khoa using three stage SSHE [33].
Product |
Milk source |
Moisture |
Fat |
Protein |
Lactose |
Sucrose |
Minerals |
Reference |
Khoa |
Cow |
30.40 |
22.20 |
18.80 |
24.90 |
- |
3.70 |
[4] |
Buffalo |
32.00 |
24.20 |
18.30 |
22.00 |
- |
3.50 |
[4] |
Rabri |
Buffalo |
49.80 |
15.50 |
9.50 |
11.30 |
12.00 |
2.00 |
[9] |
Khurchan |
Buffalo |
27.90 |
23.60 |
15.40 |
14.9 |
15.20 |
3.00 |
[10] |
Basundi |
Cow |
52.51 |
10.60 |
7.85 |
10.81 |
15.97 |
1.38 |
[11] |
Buffalo |
52.98 |
11.45 |
10.11 |
11.11 |
12.50 |
1.80 |
[12] |
Peda |
Buffalo |
14.36 |
19.31 |
15.34 |
15.25 |
33.27 |
2.47 |
[7] |
Milk cake |
Buffalo |
16.80 |
21.30 |
11.40 |
7.70 |
40.50 |
2.30 |
[13] |
Type of products |
End products |
Estimated market size (in billion Indian
Rupees) |
based sweets |
sandesh, pantooa, rasomalai, cham-cham, channa murki, rajbhog, chhana podo,
etc. |
520 |
sweets |
rabri, basundi, burfi, peda, gulabjamun, kalakand, khurchan, dharwad peda,
kunda, etc. |
(Indian cottage cheese) |
20 |
products |
and makkhan |
310 |
dairy products |
misti dahi, lassi, chhach/mattha, shrikhand, etc. |
180 |
Gupta [3]) |
Table 2: Market size of traditional dairy products.
Characteristics |
Conical Vat |
Contherm-convap |
process |
Total Solids (%) |
65.63 |
63.14 |
63.76 |
70.96 |
Fat (%) |
21.97 |
21.15 |
21.50 |
27.75 |
Free fat (% of
total fat) |
35.00 |
43.53 |
58.37 |
51.15 |
Acidity (%) |
0.53 |
0.54 |
0.61 |
0.58 |
Colour (Lovibond
tintometer readings) |
1.61y |
1.68y + 0.3R |
2.03y + 0.5R |
1.5y |
Hardness (mN) |
47.46 |
58.09 |
52.01 |
89.67 |
Cohesiveness |
0.512 |
0.450 |
0.434 |
0.406 |
(mN) |
0.268 |
0.662 |
0.757 |
0.465 |
Springiness (mN) |
4.80 |
7.33 |
8.00 |
6.16 |
Gumminess (mN) |
29.29 |
26.04 |
22.57 |
36.40 |
(mm.mN) |
116.42 |
191.20 |
181.06 |
223.97 |
Rajorhia et al. [35]) |
Table 3: Quality of khoa prepared from different mechanized systems.
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