Applied Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Gavin Publishers
Abbreviation Appl Clin Pharmacol Toxicol
ISSN 2577-0225
Publication Type Peer Reviewed
Publishing Model Open Access
Impact Factor 1.54
DOI Prefix 10.29011/2577-0225
Journal Category Pharmacology Journals

About the Journal

Applied Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology is an open access journal covering various aspects like pharmacy products, exploration and various developments in field of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. Applied Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology provides a unique platform helping to collect and disseminate state-of-the-art scientific understanding on pharmacology, toxicology and related discipline.

Aim and Scope

Applied Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology is an online scientific,peer-reviewed journal which covers high quality manuscripts both relevant and applicable to the broad field of pharmacy. this journal encompasses the study related to pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, rational prescribing, drug interactions.

The objective of this journal is to maintain and develop science and related research at an international level. In order to achieve this, it is important to bring into light of outstanding research and developmental results to theAnchor world instantaneously in the latest advances from the domain of clinical pharmacology and toxicology.

Indexing & Abstracting

All published articles are assigned to Digital Object Identifier (DOI) - Crossref.

All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of:

•    Genamics – JournalSeek

•    Academic Keys

•    ResearchBib - Academic Research Index

•    Free Medical Journals - Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

•    International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)

•    Al-Azhar University

•    Open J-Gate

•    Directory of Journals indexing

All published articles are permanently archived and available at Gavin Publishers website in HTML and PDF formats.

Editorial Board

Adilson da Costa


Pragnesh B Parmar


Gunvanti B Rathod


Alexander Birbrair


Alfio Ferlito


Ahmed RG


Alireza Heidari


Song Zhang

Chapel Hill

Yuhua Song


Daniela Copetti Santos


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