Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
ISSN: 2577-1442
Impact Factor: 1.98

What’s in my BAG-1? The Various and Complex Roles of the Co-Chaperone
Sandra C Signore, Pawel Kermer
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
Management of Hydrocrphaly at The Henry Dunant Hospital of the Cameroonian Red Cross About 2 Cases
Onambany B, Fankem C, Mvogo Minkala T, Nga Nomo S, Djentcheu, Binyom P, Ngowé Ngowé M
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
Association between Covid-19 Vaccines and Anxiety
Rinad Hassan AlSayed, Osama Hassan AlSayed, Sadeem Faiz Alnemari, Rehab Muteb Al-Towairqi, Hatun Saad Alharthi, Fadi Saleh Alosaimi, Alaa Ismail, Ghaliah Obaid Alnefaie
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
Association of Cerebral Hemodynamics and Anemia on Processing Speed in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease
Daniel Sop,, Joel L Steinberg,, Jennifer Jordan,, Taylor Crouch, Yue May Zhang, Wally Smith
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
Changes in Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Stress in Women Coping with Infertility, Following Mind-Body Interventions
Czamanski-Cohen J, Friedman K, Adessky R, Birman Z, Koslowsky M
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
Effects of Dietary Supplementation with High-Dose Choline Alfoscerate (Cerebrain® Forte) on Cognitive Functioning in Patients with Minor Neurocognitive Disorder (Mind): A Pilot Study
Elisabetta Garofalo, Maria Sannino, Alessandro Iavarone, Bruno Ronga
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
The Effects of Low-Frequency High-Intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (Diamagnetic Therapy) in the Treatment of Rare Diseases: A Case Series Preliminary Study
Felipe Torres Obando, Pietro Romeo, Diego Vergara, Federica di Pardo, Adriana Soto
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
A Novel Hybrid Approach to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Vasil Kaniskov*, Iliyan Iliev
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
Examining the Use of Common Self-Report Measures for Depression and Anxiety in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Robyn L Young*,Lauren Cook, Rebecca Flower
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science
Study of Computed Tomography in Patients of Cerebral Malaria
Ayush Dubey*, Shubham Dubey, RG Dhawale
Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science