Journal of Nursing and Women's Health
ISSN: 2577-1450
Impact Factor: 3.2
Research Article

Perinatal Outcomes Including Breastfeeding after Bariatric Surgery in Women with Grade 3 Obesity
Cordero L, Stenger MR, Landon MB, Needleman BJ, Noria S, Nankervis CA
Journal of Nursing and Women's HealthResearch Article

Risk Factors of High-Grade CIN in Women with ASC-H: Indications for Direct Conization
Min Sun Kyung, Seung Ho K, Hye-yon C
Journal of Nursing and Women's HealthResearch Article

A Sodium Hyaluronate-Based Oral Formulation as Adjuvant for Radiofrequency with Radioporation Treatment in Women with Vulvovaginal Atrophy: a Preliminary Study
Bertozzi Elena, Nobile Vincenzo, Tursi Francesco, Vicariotto Franco
Journal of Nursing and Women's Health