Journal of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research

Gavin Publishers
Abbreviation J Orthod Craniofac Res
Publication Type Peer Reviewed
Publishing Model Open Access
DOI Prefix 10.29011/JOCR
Journal Category Orthodontics Journals

About the Journal

Journal of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal which publishes wide range of concepts and explores the recent advancements of the specialty of orthodontics and the evidence-based knowledge of craniofacial growth and development. This Journal publishes original papers of high scientific quality that report the findings of clinical trials, clinical epidemiology, and novel therapeutic or diagnostic approaches are appropriate submissions.

Focus and Scope

Journal of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research aims to bring ongoing research work and study for all readers through online open access. Journal plays a major role in providing a platform for all the scientists, research scholars, students and other healthcare practitioners in the fields of orthodontics and craniofacial research. It mainly targets on the measures and effective dental treatments, advanced technologies, instrumentation and developments in the field of orthodontics and craniofacial research.

Indexing & Abstracting

All published articles are assigned to Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – Crossref.

All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of:

•    Genamics – JournalSeek

•    Academic Keys

•    ResearchBib - Academic Research Index

•    Free Medical Journals - Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

•    International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)

•    Al-Azhar University

•    Open J-Gate

•    Directory of Journals indexing

All published articles are permanently archived and available at Gavin Publishers website in HTML and PDF formats.

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Editorial Board

Dario Spitaleri


Angelo Cardarelli


João Paulo Schwartz


RIAUD Xavier


Yash Kapadia


Alparslan Dilsiz


Renata Falchete do Prado


Xiaomian Wu


Mustafa Özay Uslu


Geeta Arya


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