Open Journal of Blood and Lymphatic Cancer

Abbreviation | Open J Blood Cancer |
Publication Type | Peer Reviewed |
Publishing Model | Open Access |
DOI Prefix | 10.29011/OJBC |
Journal Category | Blood Cancer Journals |
About the Journal
Open Journal of Blood and Lymphatic Cancer is a peer reviewed scholarly open access journal that covers various aspects like Leukaemia, Lymphoma and its causes, risk factors and its prognosis. Blood cancer represents a large group of different malignancies. This group includes cancers of the bone marrow, blood and lymphatic system which includes lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, tonsils, thymus, spleen and digestive tract lymphoid tissue. Leukaemia and myeloma, which start in the bone marrow and lymphoma which starts in the lymphatic system are the most common types of blood cancer. Open Journal of Blood and Lymphatic Cancer provides a unique platform that helps to collect and disseminate the scientific understanding in its diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
Aim and Scope
Open Journal of Blood and Lymphatic Cancer aims to develop science and related research at an international level particularly in the field of blood and lymphatic cancers. In order to achieve this, it is important to bring it into limelight to disseminate the outstanding research and its results to the world instantaneously through the latest advances in the domain of Blood and Lymphatic Cancer.
Open Journal of Blood and Lymphatic Cancer is a scientific journal which covers high quality manuscripts which are both relevant and applicable to the broad field of cancer.
Indexing & Abstracting
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• ResearchBib - Academic Research Index
• Free Medical Journals - Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
• International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
• Al-Azhar University
• Open J-Gate
• Directory of Journals indexing
All published articles are permanently archived and available at Gavin Publishers website in HTML and PDF formats.
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