Journal of Anesthesia and Surgical Reports

Gavin Publishers
Abbreviation J Anesth Surg Rep
Publication Type Peer Reviewed
Publishing Model Open Access
DOI Prefix 10.29011/JASR
Journal Category Anesthesia Journals

About the Journal

Journal of Anesthesia and Surgical Reports (JASR) is an online open access, peer-reviewed journal publishes all aspects submissions from research, reviews, case reports, case studies, case descriptions, short communication, and letter to editor, short articles, in all areas of anesthesia and surgical reports.

Aim and Scope

This journal aim is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in the world which covers both clinical and medical aspects of anesthesiology and surgery including pain medicine, anesthesia before and after surgery, resuscitation and intensive care medicine, anesthetic drugs, spinal, epidural and caudal anesthesia, side effects of anesthesia, surgery discusses on current experimental research in all areas of surgery and its related fields like abdominal, cancer, vascular, head and neck, breast, colorectal, and other forms of surgery.

As a major aspect of this exertion, with a lot many of physicians and other primary care practitioners to give chances to free trade of ideas and information, serving he aphorism of Public health observation.

All published articles are assigned to Digital Object Identifier (DOI) - Crossref.

All published articles are permanently archived and available at Gavin Publishers website in HTML and PDF formats.

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Editorial Board

Takashi Anayama


Lavanya CH


Yue Xu


Ibrahim Tayfun Sahiner


Ramesh K. Batra


Jaime Ruiz-Tovar


Lieber Po-Hung Li


Jay N Shah


Alfio Ferlito


Hussein A Khambalia


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