International Journal of Astrobiology & Aerospace Technology
Abbreviation | Int J Astrobiol Aerosp Technol |
Publication Type | Peer Reviewed |
Publishing Model | Open Access |
DOI Prefix | 10.29011/IJAAT |
Journal Category | Astrobiology Journals |
About the Journal
International Journal of Astrobiology & Aerospace Technology is an online, open access journal covers various aspects in Astrobiology, Astronomy, Cosmology, Planetary sciences etc.
IJAAT promotes international collaboration on Astrobiology & Aerospace Technology to improve investigative patterns, methods, practices and to expand and deepen the understanding of Astronomy, General space biology, Molecular biology, Planetary science, Ecology and Planetary quarantine.
Aim and Scope
International Journal of Astrobiology & Aerospace Technology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with quality manuscripts which aims to publish original research and reviews in all aspects of Astrobiology & Aerospace Technology.
The main objective of the journal is to provide an opportunity to researchers and scientist to explore their knowledge in all fields related to Astrobiology & Aerospace Technology.
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