Editor: Orit Markowitz
The Mount Sinai Medical Center, USA

Editor: Qing-Sheng Mi
Wayne State University, USA

Editor: Cheng-Chiu Huang
Washington University School of Medicine, USA

Editor: Elisabeth Roider
Harvard Medical School, USA

Editor: Arash Taheri
Wake Forest School of Medicine, USA

Editor: Diya F. Mutasim
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, USA

Editor: Jane Margaret Grant-Kels
University of Connecticut Health Center, USA

Editor: Jordan D. Frey
NYU Langone Medical Center, USA

Editor: Sara AlFadil
John Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA

Editor: Eve Judith Lowenstein
SUNY Health Science Center, USA

Editor: Hong Wan
Queen Mary University of London, UK

Editor: Davide Pennino
Kings College London, UK

Editor: Silke Lohan
Center of Experimental and Applied Cutaneous Physiology, Germany

Editor: Stefano Latorre
Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesu, Italy

Editor: Luca Negosanti
University Hospital of Bologna, Italy

Editor: Hironobu Ihn
Kumamoto University, Japan

Editor: Jeff Donovan
University of Toronto, Canada

Editor: Ferial Fanian
Jean Minjoz University Hospital, France

Editor: Xu Dong Zhang
University of Newcastle, Australia

Editor: Marta Elena Losa-Iglesias
King Juan Carlos University, Spain

Editor: Prof. Adam Reich
Department of Dermatology, University of Rzeszow, Poland

Editor: Khalid Al Aboud
King Faisal Hospital, Saudi Arabia

Editor: Su Shih-Chi
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

Editor: Stephen Chu-Sung Hu
Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan

Editor: Razvigor Darlenski
Trakia University, Bulgeria

Editor: Mustafa Turhan Sahin
Celal Bayar University, Turkey

Editor: Sevil Alan
Akdeniz University, Turkey

Editor: Soner Uzun
Akdeniz University, Turkey
Editor: Zekayi Kutlubay
Istanbul University, Turkey

Editor: Eslam Shawadfy
National Research Center, Egypt

Editor: Christian Muteba Baseke
University of Kinshasa Hospital, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Editor: Sandra Simoes
University of Lisbon, Portugal

Editor: Houria Sahel
CHU Bab El Oued Algiers, Algeria

Editor: Vasiliy Sergeev
Central Research Dermatology Clinic in Moscow, Russia

Editor: Bandic Jadran
ORS Hospital, Serbia

Editor: Radmilo Roncevic
Clinical Center of Serbia, Serbia

Editor: Haider Abdul-Lateef Mousa
University of Basrah, Iraq

Editor: Shahin Aghaei
IRAN University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Editor: Amir Feily
Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Editor: Evangelia Papadavid
Athens University Medical School, Greece

Editor: Pandiaraja Jayabal
SRM Medical College, India

Editor: Apratim Goel
Cutis Skin Studio, India

Editor: Elghblawi S. Ebtisam
STJ Hospital, Libya

Editor: Husz Sandor
University of Szeged, Hungary

Editor: Ahmad Machhour
Aleppo University Hospital, Syria

Editor: Seung Chul Rhee
Medical College of Dongguk University, Republic of Korea

Editor: Gwo-Shing Chen
Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan

Editor: Samuel Odeh
University of Jos, Nigeria
Reviewer Board Members
Reviewer Name: Ziyad Khamaysi
University: Head of a laser unit - Dermatology Department
Country: Israel
Reviewer Name: Remie Chrabieh
University: Pediatric Dermatology, University of Colorado
Country: USA
Reviewer Name: Nives Pondeljak
University: Dermatovenereology Resident
Country: Croatia
Reviewer Name: Solovan Caius Silviu
University: University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Senior Dermatologist
Country: Romania
Reviewer Name: Iria Neri
University: Dermatology Unit, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna
Country: Italy
Reviewer Name: Dr Marie-Laure JULLIE, MD
University: Consultant Pathologist, Dermatopathologist University Hospital of Bordeaux
Country: France
Reviewer Name: Dr Vidya Yadav
University: Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, MD Dermatology
Country: India
Reviewer Name: Azar Maluki
University: University of Minnesota, Dermatology
Country: USA
Reviewer Name: Mazloumi Tootoonchi
University: Tehran university of medical science, assistant professor of dermatology
Country: Iran
Reviewer Name: Sueli Carneiro
University: State University of Rio de Janeiro, Dermatologist and Rheumatologist
Country: Brazil