Archives of Surgery and Clinical Case Reports
ISSN: 2689-0526
Impact Factor: 3.90
Case Report
Couvelaire Uterus-Does Ultrasound Have a Diagnostic Role?
Helle Manfeld, Dorete Frydshou Munck, Mohammed Rohi Khalil
Archives of Surgery and Clinical Case ReportsCase Report
Splenic Artery Aneurysm in A Primigravida
Maryam Mefarreh Yousef Mohammad, Tarek Nabil Mahmoud Ahmed Shokeir
Archives of Surgery and Clinical Case ReportsCase Report
Mitral Valve Surgery in Libman Sacks Endocarditis: A Case Report
Rhissassi J, Briki J, Idrissa M, Maaroufi I, Bouhdadi H, Benlefqih C, Sayah R, Laaroussi M
Archives of Surgery and Clinical Case Reports