Therapeutic Writing“Words Evolved, Experiences and Therapeutic Writing Techniques”
Sonia Scarpante*
Giancarlo Fourth Foundation, Italy
author:Sonia Scarpante, Giancarlo Fourth
Foundation, Italy. Tel: +38975370864; E-Mail:
Date: 25 April, 2017; Accepted Date:24 June,2017; Published Date:
1 July, 2017
Citation: Scarpante S (2017) Therapeutic Writing “Words evolved, Experiences and Therapeutic Writing Techniques. Yoga Practice Phys Ther 2017: YPPT-118. DOI: 10.29011/YPTR-118. 000018
1. Short
Why am I talking about therapeutic
writing? What motivations are you pushing me to do? I speak of therapeutic
writing because my new beginning of life is part of my autobiography
"Letters to a real interlocutor". My way through which I learned many
things in life. What did that autobiographical journey teach me? That writing
is really a powerful medium, a fundamental help for those who are looking for a
better inner balance.
I call it therapeutic because through the
continuous work of a salvific script, it can be seen how much it can help us in
elaborating even the most acute suffering, to overcome the traumas of which
many of us carry on their stigmatized body, to dissolve knots, to solve
Affective fragility. To win old guilty feelings.
Thanks to writing, I have learned to face the
multifaceted face of what each of us calls his "Self"; I learned to
recover my meaning; I learned to see in my emotions by giving them a word.
Without fear.
Therapeutic writing, understood as individual and practical research, increases the strength of internality and thus improves the quality of our life.
Again, therapeutic writing can be considered as one of the cognitive tools, not least, and not even resolutive, but suitable for the subject that it addresses to draw and learn to support.
In the first and then collective work that writing can develop, a more pronounced predisposition is matured to those who are telling themselves, a more sensitive attention, a new sense of the life of others and of ours where trust becomes a dominant element, amalgamate Substantial force that helps to overcome the complex vicissitudes of life.
Writing as self-analysis was born from my first autobiographical work published in 2003; Laborious and somewhat effective work where compulsive writing dictated its rules at a fast pace where the pen was poorly synchronized in the minds of the mind. That initial writing has stimulated self-analysis from which reflections of great cognitive-emotional interest emerged.
Through autobiographical narrative I have learned to reveal myself in the various facets I make, learned to heal emotional relationships, to dissolve dangerous existential knots, to give voice and to solve also guilt, to reconcile with those difficult events that in my Life had drowned and deposited in the meanders of memory.
In this excavation work, two peculiarities are essential, which, together, will help us to learn to elaborate and discern; For this journey of knowledge, we have to brace ourselves in reviewing and analyzing ourselves and trusting in what we are going to build.
Therapeutic writing is a strong and challenging introspective journey that offers new possibilities for listening and getting to know each other, a journey that leads us to new ways and unimaginable opportunities.
During this introspective journey, one learns to talk about emotions and feelings without feeling judged, recognizing in the history of the other similarity with one's own, sharing a suffering and becoming more aware of it. The ability to write about and see from different perspectives thanks to the exchange of the other participants and the referrals of the conductor results in a sense of psycho-physical well-being that awakens personal resources until first forgotten or hidden.
The path with therapeutic writing
aimed at a path of personal growth and self-determination comes to life within
a group, in which each participant invited to write letters from time to time,
including the first to themselves (methodology Practice referring to the text:
Advanced Words, Experiences and Therapeutic Writing Techniques, Edi Science).
Then there are letters addressed
to our interlocutors and family members, as well as letters centered on
emotions and fears or on other specific situations we often face. The first
important step to be taken is accepting oneself, forgiving and loving oneself.
In this key, therapeutic writing is an introspective discipline tending to self-defence
for that component of anti-depression and anti-stress it contains.
Such a medical writing method is
termed "Adjuvant Therapy" to be prescribed next to the
pharmacological one for the valuable psychological help it provides to the
patient. The same term as "Narrative Medicine" of the word written as
useful medicine, writing as a cure, is increasingly widespread as a matter of
confrontation and encountering knowledge and convergent skills on the subject.
Individual benefits given by this
"Work with Writing" individually have a happy correspondence in the
collective sharing of reading: here the stories are free of any prejudice and
find in the sense of participation and in the natural reception of the group,
an additional reason for to strengthen the will to change the person in his or
her life context.
Writing, giving materiality to the non-existent, therefore allows you to feel and see actors of another reality. Hence the psychological importance of writing in our way of prefiguring change, of giving us a new image of ourselves, of providing for us an "Authentic Self", all to be discovered and reconstructed.
We can say that writing is a form of emancipation, a serious contribution to building a tomorrow's people more satisfied and aware.
Can Therapeutic Scripture Develop
in Performative Scripture? Why should this evolution occur which aspects should
not be ignored? Digging in parental memories, for example, is of fundamental
importance, the theme of the home of one's own identity, the bond with the
children, with their partner, digging within their own dreams but also and
above all their own resistance, fatigue Which are manifested in repetitive
styles, but also scriptures that allow us to develop some self-analysis through
free associations by identifying themselves as a natural element, an object, or
a journey. All this makes therapeutic writing possible to become performative
... As I write in my text Evolved words. Therapeutic writing experiences and
techniques ...
I know how much the reflection on
this subject can cost emotionally and introspection, but I know well, for
having lived in the first person, also the benefits that it allows to arrive
once you find the courage to sink the scalpel into the wound and cauterize it with
the help of the written word ... Scarlet Sonia President of the Association