The Mystery of the Absolute, its Function before Manifestation as Universe and the Truth of the Universe
AN Pandey*
Department of Atomic Energy, Spiritual Awareness program (SAP),
*Corresponding author: AN Pandey, Spiritual Awareness program (SAP), Hyderabad, Tel:
+91-08885564606, E-mail:
Citation: Pandey AN (2017) The Mystery of the Absolute, its Function before Manifestation as Universe and the Truth of the Universe. Yoga Practice Phys Ther 2017: J123. DOI: 10.29011/YPTR-123. 000023
Indian seers have experienced that the Absolute manifest as Universe through a domain known as Nature (Prakriti). This means there are three terms namely the Absolute, the Nature and the Universe. The function of these terms has been experienced by the Indian seers in the scientific manner. The vision and experience of the seers can further be explored by providing the explanation for the following questions. They are i) what is the mystery in Absolute space? ii) What is the function of the Absolute before manifest has universe? And iii) what is the truth of the universe? The explanation of these three questions will reveal the scientific approach of the seer to find the mystery of Absolute, its (Absolute) function in between the domain of Absolute space and universe and the truth of universe.
1. The explanation of the model
Indian seers have observed that supreme reality manifests
(though, He is God beyond creation) Nature (Shakti) and its (Nature’s)
regulation (Shiva) for creation. Both Shakti (Nature) and Shiva (Mind) are
responsible for creation. Supreme reality made nature as responsible manager to
proceed further. The image describes in brief “How Absolute reality manifests
through Nature?” It also describes the mystery of the Absolute and also the
emergence of existence in the universe. It briefly provides the explanation of
above questions.
1.1 The mystery of the Absolute
Seer observed that Supreme reality is the controller but nature
is the manager of whole creation. Nature does the two jobs as manager. They are
i) Nature Permeates into all matter (source of energy) and ii) Nature
administers rules of how things should be emerging from controller into
space (dynamics of all creation, motion, changes, destruction of the
universe). Up to this, the mystery of the universe can be explained.
1.2 The function of the Absolute
before emergence of universe
The function of the Absolute before manifestation as universe
has been indicated by the term “existence emerges”. In this domain, further
creative aspects of the Absolute happen before manifestation of the same (the
Absolute) as universe. This is the brief explanation of the second question.
1.3 The truth of the universe
Because of two functions of nature, the existence emerges which
will have two main polarity as Shakti & Shiva and one resultant pole as
spirit. In science these three poles which form the holism can be represented
as energy (Shakti), space (Shiva) and consciousness (Spirit) respectively. When
existence emerges, two functions of nature are represented by energy and space.
When energy and space are balanced, the consciousness (auto function of the two
makes holistic approach of the existence) emerges. This explains the happenings
of universal phenomena.
2. The mystery of the Absolute
2.1 What happens when nature
permeates into matter?
Absolute space is self compressible from outside (impressible
from inside). The same is also known as Almighty. Almighty is singular having
property of kinematic, penetrative, permeable and transparent. The image
describes in brief “Quantized Formative Dust”.
Because of self compressive force on absolute space, space
becomes quantized known as Parmanu (Atom) also known as formative dust.
Formative dust (self compressed space) spins and they come closer to form
energy particle is also known as anu (molecules).
2.2 Energy particle
Formative dust or Parmanu while spinning forms energy particles.
Further spinning of energy particles provides the exertive force of space and
get magnetized. Some dusts get more magnetized and thrown out with repulsive
Constant emission of magnetized dust (having repulsive force)
makes gradual distribution of energy particle. These ejective magnetic dusts
(with repulsive force) form the repulsive magnetic wave and they are the link
for everything and everywhere.
The diagram describes that Anu is self compressive force having
spinning motion and are closed together by self compression. They form the
Energy particle. By spinning of the constituent and surrounding self
compressive force this fundamental particle is made to be spinning constantly.
This gives constantly exertive pressure of the Space. The spinning of the
fundamental particles in the space get more and more magnetized. Constant
emission of magnetized dust results in gradual distribution of energy particle
overtime. Some dusts get more magnetized (have repulsive force) and thrown out
particle having repulsive force. The key point of this concept is “The whole
universe is nothing but repulsive force and its fluctuations”.
2.3 What happens when nature
administers the rules?
This is the second function of nature which explains the
function of Mind (Shiva). Nature administers rules of how things should be
emerging from controller into space. This means the code of conducts in
manifestation of existence. When existence emerges the regulations related to
dynamics of all creation, motion, changes, destruction of the universe are
2.3.1 The function of repulsive
force in the universe
The function of energy particles and their composition has been
described. The image describes “The Universe with repulsive force and its
These ejective dusts (while formation of energy particle) are
repulsive magnetic wave which forms all powerful links between everything and
everywhere. The key point of this concept is “The whole universe is nothing but
repulsive force and its fluctuations”. In the space, these
Energy particles are being constantly produced due to the surrounding self compressive
force. These Energy particles are forced to come near to each other under their
repulsive force. This results that no two energy particles touch each other.
However, in due course they form the elements which are the basic structure of
life cycle consisting plants, worms, insects, reptiles, birds & animals and
human beings.
3. The function of Absolute
before manifestation as universe
The Absolute manifests as universe via a domain having the
impact of time, space and causation. They (time, space and causation) are
interdependent. In Indian concept this domain is known as “Maya”. Here second
phase of nature’s work related to dynamic of creation, motion, changes and
information related to destruction are coming into picture.
3.1 Formation of elements
The image describes” How elements are formed?”
Over the time the speed of the Energy particle get reduced
because of constant compressive force of the space. They come near to the other
energy particle. At some point the faster moving particle revolves the slower
energy particle. This is the first formation of element (Hydrogen). The
physical structure of the atom is bound by the electron orbiting the nucleus.
Depending on number of particle in structure, the different elements are formed.
3.2 Formation of Compounds from
The compounds are the result by combining different elements and
responsible to emerge identified existence. For example, compounds (no.
of elements) are responsible for formation of innate like plant, worm, insects,
reptiles, birds, animals and man. The image describes “How compounds are
These elements (more than one) in turn combines with
another element to become compound. In Ancient Indian Wisdom (AIW), these
compounds are classified into five elements and they are Solid, Liquid, heavy
air (Light & Heat), Air and Energy field or Akash. All five elements get
decayed and recombine. This comprises our universe, sprinkled with countless
galaxies. Milky Way (our galaxy) is one of them. Milky Way galaxy consists of
millions of stars; one of the stars is Sun.
4. The truth of the universe
After the Absolute is encircled with Maya (Prakriti or Nature)
along with time, space and causation, it manifests as the universe. Here
permutation and combination of elements start under the influence of planets of
solar system in Milky Galaxy.
4.1 How creation started?
The question arises where the nature (as a manager) started
functioning? How the formative dust (Parmanu) becomes energy particle
(molecules or anu) and further they become the element? To understand them
clearly, Indian seers have experienced the concept of Hiranya Garva which
consists of galaxy and stars (including solar system).
4.1.1 Hiranya Garva (the absolute
universe consisting galaxies and Stars)
The manifestation of formative dust (Parmanu) to energy particle
(Anu) and further to form stable elements happens in the region of absolute
universe (consisting galaxy and stars); which is also known as Hiranya Garva.
According to Indian seers, the creation started when Parmatma or absolute space
(super conscious mind, or indwelling consciousness or Sakshi Chaitanya)
imparted the cosmic vibration in Hiranya Garva (absolute universe); there was a
split (division and recombination) in five elements. Later on the elements
started recombination of one or two or many and start forming the creation of
life in the universe.
4.1.2 Function of elements in
life cycle
When two energy particles highly magnetized come closer to
each other; the magnetized energy particle having slower moving speed will be
surrounded by magnetized energy particle of faster moving speed without
touching each other. This way they form the element and the first element in
the space is hydrogen. In AIW five elements have been defined and their
recombination or decay brings the changes in life pattern.
4.2 Planets and Origin of life
Life begins with simplest form and take millions of years to
evolve and will take the existing form around us. In fact, life may arise
anywhere in the universe in such appropriate condition (when planets are
imbalanced and providing more free electromagnetic particles).
Life on the earth is affected by the function of nine planets
(working under solar system). The galaxy consists of countless stars and solar
system is one among them. The image describes “Planets and origin of life” in
Sun has nine planets orbiting and forms solar system; Earth is
one of the planet in Solar system. What we observed in each planet is the
combination of elements.
When the elements having inappropriate proportion in each
planet, the circulation of free particles generating electromagnetic field and
bring the changes in life pattern. That is why in Indian concept, the effect of
planets are considered which bring the impact on the life style in terms of
physical and mental health. However, the follower of yoga is unaffected (or
least affected) by these free particles coming from the planets. This is the
concept of most basic life.
4.2.1 How the life pattern
The life pattern started from grass or creeper. In the case of
grass the presence of touch (air) element is distinct. In case of worm the
presence of two elements like touch and taste is experienced. Likewise,
in case of insects, there is further manifestation and the insects consist the
presence of three elements like touch, taste and smell. Similarly, the reptiles
having four elements of the universe like touch, taste, smell and sight are
distinct. In case of birds and animal kingdom, there seems to be presence of
five elements like touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. However, in
human being there is addition of one more and the same is known as mind. Human beings
For human being, these five elements are present and supreme
spirit (Parmatma) has given an additional sense like mind as sixth sense where
two valuable sheets like Vigyanmaya and Anandmaya Kosha are present. Human life
has added value of fully fledged mind (conscious, sub conscious, unconscious
and super conscious mind) in addition to the elements present in the animal.
This has been awarded to the human being to evolve the energy and space present
within every one for realization of the creation. The image describes
“Life cycle (Involution)” in brief.
Life begins with one sense (touch) for grass; this provides the
perception of Touch or pressure. Two senses exist in worm (i.e., touch
and taste). In case of insects three senses like Touch, taste and smell are
present. Four senses exist for reptiles (i.e., touch, taste, smell
Five senses are present in birds and Animals (i.e., touch,
taste, smell, sight and Hearing/ Sound). In addition, six senses have been
awarded for man and they are touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing and Mind. Mind
is awarded to know the ultimate truth. It (mind) is helping hand for subtle law
of nature and life. The gross mind is evolved to know the almighty and absolute
4.3 Mystery of universe in human
Where the mystery of Nature and Universe exists in Human system?
The answer could be explored in terms of yogic concept where five basic
elements namely Akash or ether, air, fire or heat, water and earth represents
the five basic Tanmatra like sound, touch, sight, taste and smell. In addition,
there is sixth element termed as mind (consisting Vigyanmaya and Anandmaya
Kosha) also exists in human being. They (elements in terms of Tanmatra and
mind) are to be evolved to understand the mystery of the Absolute and truth of
the universe.
The mystery of nature and universe exists in human mind in the
region of Parmatma or spirit or super conscious mind. This is also known as
indwelling consciousness or Sakshi Chaitanya. That is why Indian seers have
visualized this region and given a slogan like “Aham Brahmasmi” after reaching
or uplifting the soul up to that region. When evolution of energy and space
within is completed when we reach to the same origin from where the mystery of
nature and universe starts. Because of this, in Hinduism it is believed that
every human being is the replica of creation of the universe.
The image describes “Five Basic Elements and Tanmatra”. The
waves emitting from each element provides different perception and the same has
been summarized in the image.
Within every element, the waves emitting from energy particle
comes out due to friction with the powerful surrounding compression of the
space. This transformed into perceptible phenomena. The perception of each
element (Akash, air, light & heat, liquid or water and smell) is analyzed
In the intensified fields of Akash (functioning at Vishuddhi
Chakra), emitted magnetic wave is perceived as Sound. This is the much purified
state of prana (bio energy) and mind. From this (Akash element) the next
element responsible for touch emerges and known as air functioning at Anahata
Chakra. In more intensified field of air, the magnetic field is
transformed into pressure.
In the denser field of heavy air magnetism undergoes
transformation as light and heat. This phenomenon corresponds to function as
sight at Manipura Chakra. Next to this chakra there is Swadisthana Chakra where
element like water (Jal) exists. In the liquid, the transformation of magnetic
wave is perceived as Taste and in solid and further the same becomes Smell at
Mooladhara Chakra of human system.
In AIW, the transformation of magnetic wave in sound, Pressure
(touch), Light & heat, Taste and smell is known as Tanmatra. They represent
the five basic elements of the mystery of absolute functioning in human system.
The Evolution of the same will reveal the complete truth of the universe and
also the mystery of the Absolute. The process of evolution could be achieved by
following the practice of Raj yoga (also known as Astang yoga).
5. Proof or evidence from Indian
The proof of the above exploration (“The Mystery of the
Absolute, its function before manifestation as universe and the truth of the
universe”) can be obtained from Upanishad and also from the vision of Swami
Vivekananda who delivered his talk at London in 1896 (Ref. “The Absolute and
its Manifestation”; Chapter 6 of Volume II, the complete works of Swami
5.1 Upanishad endorses the concept
Upanishad describes how supreme reality descends as universe in
the form of manifestation of Bindu at different domains (Loka) and the same is
the proof of this article.
The image describes “Evolution of Bindu (Nucleus) as per
Upanishad”. In this model Maha Bindu manifests as Shiva and Shakti (described
briefly in the image). This explores the mystic function of the Absolute where
quantized formative dust becomes energy particle and further the same evolves
as elements. The functional aspects have been represented by the reference
circle no. 1, 2, 3 and the mystery of the Absolute happens in pure dimension (Adhyatmik
In the case of “Existence emerges”, the formation of galaxy and
planets where time, space and causation play important roles. This explains
that the Absolute reflects as universe by passing through nature (Prakriti) who
is the manager of creation. The functional aspects of time, space and causation
has been shown by the reference circle number 5 in subtle dimension (Daivik
In the case of emergence of life cycle, the Hiranya Garva plays
an important role along with energy (nature or Prakriti) and space (shiva).
They have been represented by the reference circle no. 6, 7, 8 and the same
happens in Gross dimension (Bhoutik Loka).
5.2 The vision of Swami
Vivekananda on the Absolute and its manifestation
Swami Vivekananda delivered his lecture at London in 1896 where
he has given the gist of his talk by describing an image. The same has been
briefly explained here.
Swami Ji in his talk at London presented a model where he gave a
pictorial view of “How the Absolute manifests in universe”. He explained with
the help of model describing that the Absolute manifest (by block a) as
universe (by block b) through another block c where time, space and causation
have the effect.
The block a consisting Supreme reality or Super Consciousness or
Parmatma and its manifestation of Shiva and Shakti. It descends to universe
through Nature or Prakriti or Maya where time, space and causation play a great
role. Here the formation of stars and galaxies evolve. Among many, the Milky
Galaxy and sun exist. In case of universe, Solar System or existence of
creation (Jiva) exists along with Stars & galaxies. This means that the
universe is Absolute with time, space and causation (which are also known as
Maya). If Maya is eliminated the universe becomes Absolute or vice versa. Swami
Ji has clearly indicated the concept of Vedanta by this model which also
endorses the concept experienced by the Indian seers.
6. Conclusion
Formative dust (Parmanu having compressive force) spins become
energy particle (anu having exertive force) further spins become magnetic
particle. Highly magnetized particles move around each other. The faster moving
magnetized particles roam closer to slower moving energy particle and form
This means that formative dust (Parmanu) can be defined as
spirit. Similar way, energy particle (anu) can be defined as energy. Likewise,
the energy particles are magnetized and form elements can be defined as space.
7. Appeal
Swami Vivekananda wanted that the best of the East (Yoga and
Vedanta) and the best of the West (Science) are brought together for the
utility of human beings. The same concept is being explored by Swami
Vivekananda Yoga Anushandhana Sansthana (SVYASA), a world class yoga university
at Bengaluru, India (Ref.
In continuation with this, Spiritual Awareness Program (SAP) Hyderabad, India
has made an attempt to have the dialogue between scientist and spiritual
The posting of the subject on “The Mystery of the Absolute, its
function before manifestation as universe and the truth of the universe” is an
attempt to make a platform where the best of the East and the best of the West
can be brought together. This is a humble attempt and the same has to be
discussed and explored further.
The researchers in scientific field (physicist, psychologist,
neurologist etc) may kindly correct or comment or endorse the above concept for
further dialogue and arrive to a sound conclusion.