The Colloidal Silver: Antifungal Antibiotic and the Most Powerful Antibiotic in the World of the Nature
Costantino Mazzanobile1*
1Department of Mental Health of Cagliari and medical writer, new York University, USA
*Corresponding author: Costantino Mazzanobile, New York University, USA, Tel: +39 3485131582; E-mail:
Received date: 28, December, 2016; Accepted date: 17, February, 201; Published date: 21, February, 2017
Citation: Mazzanobile C (2017) The Colloidal Silver: Antifungal Antibiotic and the Most Powerful Antibiotic in the World of the Nature. Yoga Practice Phys Ther 2017: J105. DOI: 10.29011/YPTR-105. 000005
Short Communication
Colloidal silver has been known for a long time in the alternative medical field for its Special properties. Since the time of the Greeks and Romans, the royal courts used to feast with silver cutlery in the same metal containers, so that the said noble blood blue derived as a result of minute traces of pure metal assimilated regularly. Medical research has shown that no organism known to cause diseases (Bacteria, viruses and fungi) can live more than a few minutes in the presence of a trace, albeit tiny, metallic silver. An antibiotic, just to make a comparison, kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver will eliminate about 650. In addition, resistant strains fail to develop when using silver, while for our body is virtually non-toxic. The doctor Larry C. Ford, of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Academy of Sciences of the School of Medicine Center for Health University California-Los Angeles, wrote "The silver solutions were antibacterial for concentrations of 10 organisms per I of Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria gonorrhea, Gardnerella, virginals, Salmonella typhi and other enteric pathogens, and fungicidal for Candida albicans, Candida globate and M.Furfur.” The biomedical researcher Robert O. Backer American University of Syracuse discovered that "silver profoundly stimulates healing of the skin and other soft tissues, in a so unlike any known natural process and kills the most dangerous infections all types, including bacteria and fungi that surround us. " He concludes, "What we have It did in fact, has been to rediscover the fact that silver kills bacteria, as it became known For centuries...; when antibiotics were discovered, it was stopped the clinical use silver as an antibiotic. "Colloidal silver is tasteless, odorless and does not irritate theSensitive tissues. It can be taken orally, as well as placed on gauze and applied directly on cuts, abrasions, open sores and warts. As for how to use, you may want to start with two teaspoons day (the spoon must be of non-ferrous material, plastic or silver). Use the half of the amount recommended for children and a few drops of up to two years. After hired two teaspoons a day for the first ten days, adults can get off to a teaspoon a day and proportionally according to the weight for children. If it begins to take Colloidal Silver on the occasion of a cold or flour due to any other virus, bacterium or fungus, triple the dose for three to ten days and then go to the dosage indicated above and drink plenty of water. What we did, in fact, has been to rediscover the fact that silver kills bacteria, as it has been known for centuries. If, despite taking Colloidal Silver, however, they notice any of the infections, quadruple the daily dose. You cannot predict a sudden attack of Germs such as to overwhelm the defenses of a combination of immune system fortified with a minimum level of Colloidal Silver. If you experience an attack Entity germs such as to overcome the natural defenses of the immune system strengthened the assumption of a specific daily amount of Colloidal Silver and that this is the occurrence of some disease, since it is not possible to exceed dosage, the only restraining factors are the price and the availability. Whereas the basic concept is prevention, you can exceed in favor of assuming security a higher quantity of the perfect minimal.
Here is a partial list of more than 650 diseases that have been treated with colloidal silver. Acne, Aden virus, AIDS, allergies, Angina, Appendicitis (post. Op), Arthritis, Armpits and points blacks neck, blood poisoning, leprosy, leukemia, Whites, Linarite, Lupus, Anthrax bacilli, Bacteria dysentery, Bacterium Coli Bacterium Communes Hills,Bacterium Pyocaneus, blepharitis, Bubbles, Bromides’ axillary (fetid sweating) Bromhidrosis feet (fetid sweating), corneal burns and wounds, burns and or burns, malaria, Lyme disease, childhood diseases, meningitis, MeningitisCerebrospinal, mycosis, thrush, Cancer, Candida, Can provirus, Interstitial keratinize, Chronic cysts, cystitis, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, spring Conginutivite, Conjunctivitis pustulosa, Coxsackie, Neurasthenia, Dacryocystitis, Dermatitis, Dermatitis toxemia, diabetes, diarrhea, diphtheria, dysentery, dysentery bacillary, bowel disorders, Purulent ophthalmic, purulent ophthalmic child, Ophthalmology, Urticaria ulcerative.