review article

The Active Role Women Take in Infertility

Marion Lee Johnson*

Department of Nursing, Beckfield College, Kentucky, USA

*Corresponding author: Marion Johnson, Professor, Department of Nursing, Beckfield College, Kentucky, Florence, Kentucky Campus, 16 Spiral Drive, Florence, Kentucky 41042, USA

Received Date: 06 September, 2020; Accepted Date: 06 October, 2020; Published Date: 12 October, 2020

Citation: Johnson ML (2020) The Active Role Women Take in Infertility. Int J Nurs Health Care Res 03: 1188. DOI: 10.29011/2688-9501.101188


Infertility is an occurrence that makes it challenging for women to become pregnant after frequent intercourse. After at least one year, it is determined that a woman is infertile if she fails to become pregnant. This condition is caused by various factors such as failure to ovulate and infections. Secondary research was conducted where various search engines such as Medline and Google Scholar were applied to provide the required articles regarding this topic. Overcoming the issue of infertility can be challenging among women. Research materials that had focused on how women overcome this condition were accessed through the search engines. Results from the articles applied in this case proved that there are different ways in which women support each other in overcoming infertility. Counseling allows the victims to share their experiences and strategies that can be applied to have their children, such as adoption. Support from family members and the use of religion allows the women to avoid cases of depression.


Counselling; Family support; Infertility; Religio


Infertility can be defined as the failure of a woman to become pregnant for more than a year after the efforts made by having frequent intercourse. The occurrence tends to affects women mentally and emotionally [1]. Most women embrace the idea of having their own children. Infertility makes it challenging for such individuals to conceive their own kids, a process that forces such individuals to seek other alternatives such as adoption. Understanding the role that women take in infertility requires analyzing various aspects, such as the causes of this issue [2]. In this project, a detailed analysis will be conducted to understand how women worldwide take an active role in dealing with infertility. The various efforts made by bodies such as the National Infertility Association will be evaluated to understand how they have improved women’s living standards across the world.

Causes of Infertility in Women

There are various causes of infertility in women. Below are some of the common causes, Failure to Ovulate- this cause is responsible for most of the infertility cases in the world. Forty percent of the infertile women are affected by the failure to ovulate. Causes such as primary ovarian insufficiency result in such failure. Likewise, the process of aging makes it difficult for women to ovulate [2]. Autoimmune diseases- an example of autoimmune diseases includes diabetes. Other common diseases include premature ovarian insufficiency that makes it challenging for a woman to develop the required ovaries that can initiate pregnancy. Obstructed fallopian tubes- blockage of the fallopian tubes prevents the convergence of the ovum and the sperm, a process that prevents fertilization. Infection- medical disorders among both women and men, can result in the aspect of infertility. Untreated gonorrhea is a common cause of this aspect.

The medical condition results in the development of the pelvic inflammatory disease that blocks the fallopian tubes of a woman. The occurrence results in the aspect of infertility among women [2]. Chronic infections can also result in the occurrence of infertility among women. Failure of an egg to mature properlythis aspect results in serious challenges since an immature egg cannot be fertilized. Some of the primary causes of this occurrence include obesity and lack of specific proteins responsible for the maturity of an egg. Implantation failure- even after fertilizing an egg, there are still some chances that infertility can be experienced. In case a fertilized egg fails to implant itself in the uterine wall, it becomes challenging for a woman to become pregnant. These are some of the primary causes of infertility among most women.


In this project, secondary research was conducted to develop a clear understanding of the efforts that have been made by women to deal with the case of infertility. The use of this methodology offered various benefits in that adequate sources were available from the internet. A review of previous studies provided an opportunity for accessing the required materials for this research. While accessing materials from the internet, various factors were considered. An example included the therapy sessions that are sought by women who are affected by the issue of infertility. Likewise, studies that contained medical recommendations provided by doctors regarding the best ways of preventing infertility were also reviewed. Analysis of these aspects made it possible to identify research materials that contained relevant data for this research.

In the study conducted by Boivin, et al. [3], the primary aim was to evaluate the impact of psychosocial counseling among women affected by infertility. A total of 143 participants were engaged in the research, including 49 couples and 45 additional women [3]. The respondents who participated in the research were affected by the issue of infertility for approximately six years. Psychosocial questionnaires were employed in this case to develop an understanding of why infertile women fail to seek psychosocial assistance despite its relevance in improving their psychological state [3]. In the primary research conducted in this case, the participants were consulted regarding the support they had been receiving concerning infertility [3]. Understanding the contribution made by other organizations made it possible to access the required data for this study.

The study conducted by Hasanpoor-Azghady, et al. [4] aimed to identify the social construction of infertility among infertile women in Iran. Dealing with cases of judgment from members of society was analyzed using a qualitative study. Data was collected using 36 interviews, where a total of 27 women affected by the issue of infertility were engaged in the research [4]. The methodology conducted in this research was also aimed at identifying how couples deal with infertility. Some of the strategies employed to ensure that infertile women can socialize with members of society were analyzed within the research. Moreover, women’s ability to live without children in different regions, such as Tehran, was analyzed within the study [4]. The primary aim of conducting these forms of analysis was to develop a clear understanding of how women in Iran deal with infertility. Likewise, the efforts made to aid other women affected by the same concern was evaluated in this study.

Religion is one of the best ways in which women deal with the issue of infertility. The study conducted by Roudsari, et al. [1] was aimed at developing an understanding of how women apply the aspect of religion to tackle infertility. Secondary research was applied in this case in the form of literature research. Some of the sources that were employed to provide the required articles included Medline, CINAHL, PBSC, and IBSS. The application of these search engines offered various benefits [1]. First of all, the engines’ information was reliable since it had been based on detailed research. Some of the research engines, such as Medline and CINAHL, guaranteed accurate data that made it possible to understand how women cope with the aspect of infertility [1]. The article proved that women affected by this condition continue to seek several methods of dealing with the issue since it results in psychological issues.

The study conducted by Yazdani, et al. [5] was also focused on reviewing the best way in which women deal with the issue of infertility. In this case, the online consultancy was evaluated in terms of its effectiveness in aiding such women. A systematic review conducted in this case was focused on identifying how stress tends to impact the women affected by the aspect of infertility. Understanding the occurrence of stress among the victims has resulted in the development of several online therapy sessions that have boosted the mental state of infertility patients. Various databases were applied in the systematic review conducted in this case. An example of these databases included Magi ran and PubMed [5]. The consideration of these sources made it possible to come up with effective recommendations for this research. The inclusion of 29 articles provided appropriate data that could be applied to provide the required recommendations for this project [5]. The methodology conducted in this research was based on the fact that online therapy is an effective way of aiding women affected by infertility.


Infertility is an occurrence that results in negative impacts on the lives of women. Some of the victims of this occurrence are affected by breakups, especially by men who are incapable of understanding the occurrence of the medical state. Results from the study conducted by Hasanpoor-Azghady, et al. [4] showed that most infertile women are afraid of various aspects, such as being judged by others. Likewise, concerns over life instability is a key factor that impacts the lives of such victims [4]. These issues have forced such women to deal with the aspect of infertility by seeking psychosocial assistance. Most of the respondents involved in the research suggested that they have made attempts to stabilize their lives through social constructions, such as engaging in community programs [4]. The development of such constructions has ended up improving the lives of the people living with infertility.

Results from the research conducted by Yazdani, et al. [5] suggested that counseling is an effective measure that has been employed to tackle the issue of infertility among women. Most of the articles reviewed in this case showed that women who are affected by this issue prefer to seek the assistance offered by counseling programs [5]. The experts involved within such programs ensure that the women are united with other victims of the condition. Togetherness is a process that allows most of the women to understand how to relate with other members of society, particularly those who tend to judge them [5]. Infertility perceived stress is a factor that can result in the occurrence of other cases, such as depression among the victims affected. As such, the application of counseling where the victims involved is united in various ways allows the medical condition victims to overcome it and live normal lives.

The research conducted by Roudsari et al. [1] showed similar results regarding the best strategies that women can apply to deal with infertility. Religion has been applied as a consolation for these victims. Most of the participants believed that the occurrence of the infertility cases was associated with a reason. As such, women within the society managed to unite to overcome this issue [1]. Most participants also suggested that religion had been an effective tool that allowed them to embrace other means of having their own children, such as adoption. This tool allowed the women to aid others who had been affected by the same case by encouraging them to avoid giving up on the idea of raising their children [1]. Results from this research also proved that most of the women affected by infertility had managed to maintain their families through the application of religion. This article was effective since it provided the desired results for this research.

From the study conducted by Boivin, et al. [3], it was evident that various sources can be applied to offer support to women who are impacted by the aspect of infertility. Family support is one of the examples. Some of the participants engaged in the research suggested that support is offered in terms of emotional support that is provided by concerned family members who understand their situation [3]. Friends and spouses also play a key role in providing the required support, especially among the women who are impacted emotionally and psychologically [3]. These results confirmed that emotional support is an important way that can allow the people living with infertility to accept the condition and seek other means of having children.


The secondary research conducted in this case has proved that infertility is an occurrence that tends to affect several members of society, including the victims, their spouses, and family members. This condition tends to have a significant impact on the relationship that exists among the victims and their spouses. Women have, however, devised effective means of overcoming the situation and aiding other victims of the aspect of infertility. Coming up with different strategies has allowed women to avoid the occurrence of various cases such as depression. Likewise, emotional and mental stress has been eliminated by the contribution made by several women across the world who have joined efforts to tackle the issue of infertility [1]. The efforts made by other parties, such as family members, play an essential role in aiding the overall recovery of these victims.

From the research conducted in this case, it is evident that one of the best ways in which the people living with infertility overcome their condition is through counseling. This practice can be conducted in various ways. Online platforms can be applied to provide the required counseling for women affected by this issue [2]. Counselling requires the engagement of medical experts who have experience in terms of dealing with women who are affected by this medical condition. Such professionals can provide the required guidance regarding how women should socialize with other people in society. Likewise, the experts can provide the required guidance on how to seek other alternatives for having children. Counseling is an essential process that allows women to embrace other alternatives, such as adoption processes. Medical professionals are also capable of providing counseling sessions regarding modern technological means that are being applied to offer hope to the women who are unable to bear their children [2]. Counseling is one of the best strategies that has united women who are impacted by infertility in modern societies. These victims have managed to unite and deal with the issue effectively, which has resulted in the prevention of cases of stress and depression.

Family support is one of the other ways in which women affected by the aspect of infertility can overcome the condition. These individuals are in a good position to understand the state of their family members who may be having such an issue. Since stress is a common occurrence, emotional support should be offered to allow them to overcome such conditions [4]. Financial support can also be provided by the family members to ensure that infertility victims are capable of adopting children. Some of the modern technological means of bearing children that have been introduced are expensive. Family members can step in to ensure that financial aid is offered for people living with infertility who seek such alternatives. These victims are also capable of overcoming their conditions through the socialization provided by their family members. Family units are always better positioned to avoid cases such as the judgment of their members who are unable to bear their children [1]. Socializing with them and offering them hope can allow them to overcome depression cases and focus on applying other relevant measures such as adoption processes. Therefore, it is evident that family support can play a key role in allowing women to overcome infertility.

Women who have been victims of infertility have also sought religion to overcome the occurrence. The application of this strategy has allowed the victims of the condition to embrace their medical state. Moreover, such individuals have also managed to appreciate the contribution made by other processes such as adoption. Religion has been viewed as an effective way of explaining why some women are incapable of having their children [5]. This tool has been essential in that it has allowed the infertility victims to avoid cases such as the occurrence of depression. Religion has also aided the victims of depression by providing a platform where they can unite and discuss their conditions. The unity of these victims has allowed them to support each other, an occurrence that has resulted in the reduction of high-stress levels. Moreover, other religious leaders’ support has allowed the victims of stress to achieve their desired results of shifting their love to other people, such as adopted children [6]. Religion requires the victims of infertility to believe in practices such as Christianity. This occurrence provides an understanding of their current state.


The research conducted in this case proves that infertility women have identified various means of overcoming the condition. Likewise, these victims have also adopted other strategies that have allowed them to aid other infertility victims. Counseling from women who have experienced the medical condition has made it possible for the victims to overcome depression cases. The support provided by family members has made it possible for the victims to overcome infertility. Likewise, different tools such as religion have been applied to reduce emotional and mental stress resulting from infertility cases among women. Therefore, the secondary research conducted in this case has been beneficial in terms of providing a clear understanding of how women who are affected by this condition tend to overcome it and focus on their normal lives.


  1. Roudsari RL, Allan HT, Smith PA (2007) looking at infertility through the lens of religion and spirituality: a review of the literature. Human Fertility10: 141-149.
  2. Schwerdtfeger KL, Shreffler KM (2009) Trauma of pregnancy loss and infertility among mothers and involuntarily childless women in the United States. Journal of Loss and Trauma14: 211-227.
  3. Boivin J, Scanlan LC, Walker SM (2014) why are infertile patients not using psychosocial counselling? Human Reproduction14: 1384-1391.
  4. Hasanpoor-Azghady SB, Simbar M, AbouAli-Vedadhir SAA, Amiri-Farahani L (2019) The social construction of infertility among Iranian infertile women: a qualitative study. Journal of reproduction & infertility 20: 178-190.
  5. Yazdani F, Elyasi F, Peyvandi S, Moosazadeh M, Galekolaee KS, et al. (2017) Counseling-supportive interventions to decrease infertile women’s perceived stress: A systematic review. Electronic physician9: 4694-4702.
  6. Ussher JM, Perz J (2018) Threat of biographical disruption: the gendered construction and experience of infertility following cancer for women and men. BMC cancer18: 1-17.

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International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research

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