short commentary

Goji Berries: Natural Elixir of Eternal Youth

Costantino Mazzanobile1* 

1Department of Mental Health of Cagliari and medical writer, new York University, USA

*Corresponding author: Costantino Mazzanobile, New York University, USA, Tel: +39 3485131582; E-mail:

Received date: 28, December, 2016; Accepted date:  17, February, 201; Published date: 21, February, 2017

Citation: Mazzanobile C (2017) Goji berries: natural elixir of eternal youth. Yoga Practice Phys Ther 2017: J106. DOI: 10.29011/YPTR-106. 000006

Short Commentary

Whoso kept the most important sense organ will notice that most of the Wrinkles are where the skin is more exposed to the sun without protection Forming free radicals: on the face, neck and back of hands. The skin areas that remain mostly covered, maintain their youth longer. The harmful ultra violet rays not only cause sunburn, but also cause Cross linking of proteins in the collagen of the skin, causing wrinkles and as a result Folds. The oxidation of fatty acids due to the formation of unsightly stains of Old age. Not surprisingly, the ladies of yesteryear passeggiassero only Umbrellas from the sun and it were fashionable refined pallor. Even then it was evidently known skin worshipers alike prematurely aged. In countries where the ozone hole gets bigger it adds another problem: the skin not only ages faster, the sun's rays unfiltered also because more frequent skin cancer. But we are not the only creatures under the sun that have to protect themselves from its rays too intense. Even our young sister of the vegetable kingdom does not have a cape often. Compensate for this lack of them producing a large amount of antioxidants which focus largely in their skins. Fortunately this protection also moved on our skin if we consume these plants.

The carotenoids are particularly effective for the protection of the skin, and we already know that the goji berry it is packed. These substances, such as accessed in the eye, focus also in the skin and constitute a kind of internal sunscreen. It seems that all carotenoids participate in this protection in one way or another. Not only retain the youthfulness of our skin, but can visibly prevent skin cancer. This is demonstrated by, among others, one of the National Cancer Institute study of Bethesda, Maryland, United States. In people taking diet particularly rich in carotenoids, the risk of getting melanoma decreases more of a third. Several tests show similar efficacy of vitamin A. Depending on the dose, the first stages of the cancer regressed skin until all'ottantuno percent. They were examined in studies also separate lute in, ellagic acid and polysaccharides goji for their properties protective skin and was certified their important role in the prevention of skin cancer.

These substances act so evident also for psoriasis. Although the connection does not we have no studies available, we are aware of many cases where due intake of high doses (up to twice the amount) occurred an improvement or

Even the complete disappearance of symptoms. In addition to sunlight there are two things that particularly harm the skin and age prematurely: cigarette smoking and sugar. The blue haze not only narrows our blood vessels causing a shortage of skin blood flow. Also increases the production of an enzyme called metal-proteins of the matrix, in brief MMP that kills the outer layer of the skin so that a new tissue can develop below.

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Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

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