Age-Size Composition, L-W Relationship and Condition Factor of the Brown Trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in the River Iliyna, Bulgaria
Rozdina*, Galerida Raikova, Radoslav Valkanov
Department of General and Applied Hydrobiology,
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
author: Desislava Rozdina, Department of General and Applied
Hydrobiology, Faculty of Biology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”,
Sofia, Bulgaria. Tel: +359898873520; Email:
Received Date: 09 August, 2019; Accepted Date: 20 August, 2019; Published Date: 27 August, 2019
Citation: Rozdina D, Raikova
G, Valkanov R (2019) Age-Size Composition, L-W Relationship and Condition
Factor of the Brown Trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in the River Iliyna,
Bulgaria. Curr Res Hydrol Res: CRHR-121. DOI: 10.29011/CRHR-121. 100121
Contemporary study of the age-size composition,
L-W relationship and condition factor of the population of Salmo trutta from
Iliyna River, Bulgaria was made. Classical methods for assessment of fish age,
condition and population structure were applied. Five age groups were found.
The maximum age, length and weight of the caught trout was 5 years, 24.7 cm and
199 g. The most abundant was the 2nd age group- 43.2% of the population and the
less numerous was the 5th age group composed from 2.7% of the individuals in
the population. The fish catch was divided in 17 size classes. The most
abundant were the size classes 15.1-16 and 16.1-17 with six individuals each.
The first and the second age groups were with highest size range with 5 and 6
size classes respectively. Power function describes the regression between the
length and the weight of the fish (W=0.0162L2.9444, r=0,999). Fulton’s
Condition Factor was 1.84, showing the wellbeing of the population.
trutta is
the only species from the gender Salmo, naturally distributed in the
rivers of Bulgaria [1]. The species is native for almost all the Europe. It is
widespread and overall Least Concern. However, anadromous part of populations
(sea trout) and many lacustrine stocks have in many cases markedly declined
because of pollution (and possibly from impacts from salmon farming). The
phylogeographic structure is almost destroyed by stocking. Its preferred
habitat is cold streams, rivers and lakes. Spawns in rivers and streams with
swift water. Spawning sites are usually characterized by downward movement of
water into gravel. Spawns in couples between late October and March, usually in
November-December [2]. The brown trout is not a subject to commercial fishing in the rivers in
Bulgaria, as there are many trout farms. However, its populations are under
pressure as it is one of the preferred subjects for angling. Additionally,
there is a severe pressure on brown trout’s population trough poacher
activities. For this reason, it is very important periodically to check the
status of brown trout’s populations.
Contemporary studies on the biology
of S. trutta in
Bulgaria are missing. The present study
is the first since 30 years pause of studying the biology of wiled brown
trout’s populations. As studying area Iliyna River was chosen. Its Valley is
part of the National Park “Rila” and Natura 2000 site “Rilski monastery” in
The aim of the study is to evaluate the, age-size composition, L-W relationship and
condition factor of the brown trout (S. trutta) in the River Iliyna, Bulgaria. For the
successful management of the species in the protected area it is crucial to
evaluate the studied basic biological parameters. Classical methods for
assessment of fish age, size structure and condition were applied.
Material and Methods
The material was collected in September 2011 by electro
fishing with 700 A/50-70 Hz straight, pulsating current. Two sampling points
with the following coordinates were studied: 1. N 42, 09592˚ E 023, 40512°;
2. N 42, 10099° E 023, 34944°. Altogether 38 brown trout from Iliyna River
were analyzed. Each specimen was measured the standard length (to the end of
the scale cover) to the nearest millimeter (mm) and the total weight to the
nearest gram
(g). After the measurements on site, the fish were returned back alive
in the river of their catchment.
The age of the fish was determined on their
counting the number of annuli. The diagonal radius
of the scale as well as of each annulus was measured by the use of Dokumator,
Lasergeret (Carl Zeiss, Jena) at magnification 17 and 5х. To assess the size
structure, the fish catch was divided in size classes over 1 cm each. The
length-weight relationship was calculated using the power function:
W is the total weight (g)
L is the standard length (cm)
a is the regression constant
n is the regression coefficient [3].
Four approaches were applied to evaluate the
condition of the trout from the Iliyna River: 1. Fulton’s coefficient: CF= (W/L3) x100 [4-5]; 2.
The modified Fulton’s coefficient CFn=
(W/Ln) x100, where instead of the
rate indicator 3 was used the rate indicator from the L-W relationship of the
population; 3. The coefficient a (CFa) from the L-W relationship of the population W
= aLn, magnified by 103 to be converted as an integer for easier
comparison; 4. Comparing the values of the fish weight (W) from different water
bodies, calculated with the same randomly selected round values of the lengths
(L) (for example 5, 10, 15 cm) using the L-W relationship (W = aLn) for each of the populations. The population
with the better condition is the one with higher values of W, at the same value
of L [6-9].
3. Results and Discussion
Five age groups were found in the population of
brown trout from Iliyna River. The maximum age, length and weight of the caught
trout was 5 years, 24.7 cm and 199 g. The most abundant was the 2nd age group - 43.2% of the population, followed
by the first age group with 21.6%. The less numerous was the 5th age group composed from 2.7% of the individuals
in the population (Figure 1).
The fish catch was divided in 17 size classes.
The most abundant were the size classes 15.1-16 and 16.1-17 with six
individuals each (Figure 2, Table 1). The
age-size structure of the catch is presented on Table 1.
The first and the second age groups are with highest size range with 5 and 6
size classes respectively. The main probable reason for the low number of age
groups and the prevalence of the young individuals (up to two years) in the
trout’s population from Iliyna River is the unregulated fishing in the river.
The authorized by the law as well as the preferred from the angler’s fish are
with size 15-20 cm. This significantly decreases the possibility of the species
to gain its maximal size and age in the studied river. Another probable reason
for the smaller size is the unfavorable river conditions during the period of
low water such as high temperature, low oxygen level, river pollution and etc.
The L-W relationship for the brown trout from
Iliyna River is presented on Figure 3. Power
function is describing the regression between the length and the weight of the
fish (W=0.0162L2.9444, r=0,999). The
coefficient n from the equation is
close to 3. This indicates isometric growth of the population of S. trutta
from Iliyna River. This means that the fish increase in their length with
increasing weight in cubic form [10-11].
The values for the Condition Factor, calculated
with the use of the four methods are given in (Table 2).
Fulton’s Condition Factor for the trout from Iliyna River is 1.84. This
value, higher than 1 shows the wellbeing of the population and good habitat
condition [12]. The condition of the population
from Iliyina River was compared with other populations from rivers in Rila
Mountain. All the four methods show higher values of the Condition for the fish
from Iliyna River. Most probably the reason for this is the better food base
and the autumn fish catch for the study as well as the young average age of the
population. The Condition Factor for fish decreases in winter and beginning of
the spring, which is connected with keeping up the active metabolism and mostly
for ensuring the spawning process [13].
Figure 1: Age composition of the trout catch from the Iliyna River.
Figure 2: Size structure of the trout catch from the Iliyna River.
Figure 3: L-W relationship for S. trutta from the Iliyna River.
Size class |
Age, year |
Number |
% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
4,1-5 |
4 |
4 |
10,81 |
5,1-6 |
1 |
1 |
2,70 |
7,1-8 |
1 |
1 |
2,70 |
8,1-9 |
1 |
1 |
2,70 |
9,1-10 |
1 |
1 |
2,70 |
11,1-12 |
3 |
3 |
8,11 |
12,1-13 |
1 |
1 |
2,70 |
13,1-14 |
2 |
2 |
5,41 |
14,1-15 |
3 |
3 |
8,11 |
15,1-16 |
6 |
6 |
16,22 |
16,1-17 |
1 |
5 |
6 |
16,22 |
17,1-18 |
3 |
3 |
8,11 |
18,1-19 |
3 |
3 |
8,11 |
19,1-20 |
1 |
1 |
2,70 |
24,1-25 |
1 |
1 |
2,70 |
Total number |
8 |
16 |
5 |
7 |
1 |
37 |
% |
21,62 |
43,24 |
13,51 |
18,92 |
2,70 |
River /Author |
L-W relationship (W=aLn) |
Length (L, cm) |
5 |
10 |
15 |
20 |
25 |
L̅ = 14,94 |
Weight (W, g) calculated at one and the same length |
W5 |
W10 |
W15 |
W20 |
W25 |
W̅ |
CF |
CFn |
CFa.103 |
Iliyna River (our data) |
W =0.0162L2.9444 |
1,85 |
14,25 |
47,03 |
109,72 |
211,65 |
61,37 |
1,84 |
2,14 |
16,20 |
Rivers in Rila mountain [1] |
W =0.0088L3.09 |
1,27 |
10,83 |
37,90 |
92,19 |
183,70 |
63,47 |
1,45 |
1,13 |
8,80 |
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