Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
ISSN: 2577-0756
Impact Factor: 1.960
research article
research article
The Potential Effect of Cervical Taping on Pain, Disability and Kinematics in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain - A Quasi-Experimental Study
HillaSarig Bahat*, Eitan Feigelson, Simon Vulfsons
Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitationreview article
short communication
Efficacy of Yoga in Dorsal Pain
H. Berber, A. Dag, E. Kara, H. Uslu, B. Kuran*, M. Unal, E. Bilen
Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitationresearch article
Comparison Between Interval and Continuous Method of Amateur Women's Futsal Team Training
Deivid Santana de Magalhães, Diogo Santos, Douglas Sousa Silva, Michelle Souza, Carlos Alberto Kelencz*
Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation