Advances In Breast Cancer And Therapy
case report
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in the Setting of Mammary Duct Ectasia
Sarit Sandowski Pizow1,Bradley Gluck2,Alan Heimann3, Edna Kapenhas4*
Advances In Breast Cancer And Therapyresearch article
A Systematic Review of the Surgical and Ablative Management of Breast Cancer Liver Metastasis
Kahyun Yoon-Flannery1, Stephanie A. Blankenship3, Carla S. Fisher4, Rose E. Mustafa5, Nadia F. Nocera1,6, Julia C. Tchou1, Brian J. Czerniecki7, Lucy M. De La Cruz2*
Advances In Breast Cancer And Therapyperspective
research article
Immediate Placement of Implant After Nipple Sparing Mastectomy Provides Acceptable Cosmetic Results While Preserving Oncologic Outcome: A Single Hospital Experience
Ceazón Edwards1*, Betsy J. Washburn1, Mihir Dekhne1, Michael Meininger2, Nayana Dekhne1
Advances In Breast Cancer And Therapy