Somatic Tumors Arising in Ovarian Teratomas-Experience from an Oncology Center in South India
Indu R Nair1*, Rajanbabu Anupama2, Prasad Chaya3,
Sreedhar Sarala4
Department of
Pathology, Amrita Institute of
Medical Sciences, India
Department of
Gynecological Oncology, Amrita Institute of
Medical Sciences, India
Department of
Pathology, Amrita
Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Department of Gynecology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, India
*Corresponding author: Indu R Nair, Department of Pathology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, India. Tel: +04842801234; Email:
Received Date: 17 December, 2018; Accepted Date: 04 January, 2019; Published
Date: 11 January, 2019
Citation: Nair IR, Anupama R, Chaya P, Sarala S (2019) Somatic Tumors Arising in Ovarian Teratomas-Experience from an Oncology Center in South India. Int J Clin Pathol Diagn IJCP-128. DOI: 10.29011/2577-2139.000028
Background: Teratomas constitute 95% of ovarian germ
cell tumors. Though somatic neoplasms have been reported to arise in teratomas,
very few studies had attempted to analyze the incidence and associated risk
Methods: We report the incidence of teratomas and
the somatic neoplasms arising from them, over a 5 year period from January 2013
to December 2017, by analyzing the cases treated in our institute, which is an
oncology center in South India.147 teratomas were encountered, of which,13 were
immature teratomas. 9 cases had somatic tumors arising in them, of which 2 were
neuroectodermal tumors(one astrocytoma, one oligodendroglia) and 7 were carcinomas(5 squamous cell
carcinomas,1 thyroid carcinoma and 1 mucoepidermoid carcinoma). We also attempted to study the associated risk
1. Introduction
Germ cell tumours constitute 20-25 % of all
ovarian tumors. 95 % of these are mature cystic teratomas [1]. Secondary
development of somatic tumours is a rare but well documented phenomenon in
patients with ovarian teratomas. Malignant change occurs in 1% to 2% of
teratomas, of which the most common is squamous cell carcinoma (75%). Studies
have assessed the risk factors associated with such malignant transformation [2].
Most of these are case reports, stating the isolated cases. We reviewed all the
consecutive ovarian teratoma cases in our institute, over a 5-year period,
which gave an estimate of the incidence of the somatic benign and malignant
tumours, their clinicopathological features and the associated risk factors.
2. Materials and Methods
Records of all 840 ovarian neoplasms treated
during the 5-year period from January 2013 to December 2017, in the departments
of Gynaecology and Gynaecological Oncology in Amrita Institute of Medical
Sciences, Kochi, India were retrieved. Tumours which had undergone torsion were
excluded. Clinical data were collected from electronic medical records and the
Pathology reports were reviewed for the relevant gross, microscopic and
immunohistochemical findings.
155 germ cell tumours were encountered during
this period, which constituted 17.5 % of all ovarian neoplasms, 147 of these
were teratomas (95%). Among the rest eight, 5 were dysgerminomas and 3, yolk
sac tumours. 13 of the teratomas were immature teratomas, (twelve grade 1 and
one, grade 2, in the 3-tier grading system). 2 cases of neuroectodermal
neoplasms were present, one oligodendroglioma and the other, a low grade
glioma, both in children less than 20 years. Seven cases of carcinomas arising
in teratomas were seen. No skin appendage or melanotic tumors were encountered
(Table 1). The patients were in the age group ranging from 9 to 84 (mean age - 34yrs).
The mean age of patients with benign teratomas was 30 yrs. All the patients
with immature teratoma were below 20 years of age (9-19 years, mean age -13 yrs).
All carcinomas were encountered in women above
45 years. (range 46-83, mean-56.4 yrs.) Most common clinical observation was
abdominal pain and lower abdominal fullness. Grossly the tumour size ranged
from 1.2 to 23 cms (mean diameter of 8.5cm), with a predominant cystic
component in 89%. Benign tumours had a mean size of 7.2cm. Malignant tumours
were larger than 10cms in size with a mean diameter of 11.4cm. All teratomas
with somatic tumours had fleshy solid areas and all carcinomas had solid
granular/friable areas more than 2cm in diameter size (r Ranges from 2.4 to10.6
cm with a mean of 5.6 cm).
3. Cases
3.1 Neuroectodermal Tumours
First case of neuroectodermal tumour was of a
16year old girl with a 10 cm ovarian cyst showing mature teratoma with a solid
nodule in the wall measuring 2.4cm in greatest dimension. On microscopy it
showed sheets of cells with uniform oval nuclei and moderate cytoplasm arranged
in a fibrillary background. Admixed were seen many large cells resembling
ganglion cells, suggestive of a low grade glial neoplasm (figure-1). No
mitosis/vascular proliferation/necrosis were seen. The tumour cells were
positive for GFAP and p53 with a proliferation index of 8%. Adjuvant treatment
was not given in view of the low grade disease and patient is doing well 24
months after completion of surgery. The oligodendroglioma was seen in the 11.2
cm sized ovarian cyst of an 11-year-old girl. Grossly it was seen as soft solid
grey white area, mean of diameter 7.4cm with a cerebriform appearance.
Microscopy it showed a monotonous population of round, uniform cells with a
hyper chromatic nucleus and perinuclear halo with the classical fried-egg
appearance. Also seen was a fine network of capillaries in the stroma. This was
seen focally in an otherwise encapsulated mature teratoma with an area of
immature teratoma, grade 2. The
neoplastic cells showed S100 positivity confirming the diagnosis. Ki 67index
was 10%. Owing to the presence of immature teratoma, she was treated with
chemotherapy (6 cycles of Etoposide and platinum), and is now doing well 3
years post treatment completion.
3.2 Carcinomas
Carcinomas constituted 4.7 % of germ cell
tumours, of which 5 were squamous cell carcinomas. One of the struma ovarii had
a differentiated thyroid carcinoma arising in it. The seventh was a
mucoepidermoid carcinoma. All 5 cases of squamous cell carcinomas (Figure 2)
showed mature cystic teratoma. The clinicopathological characteristics were
studied (Table 2). Thyroid carcinoma was seen in a 83 year old lady with left
ovarian cyst mea 17cm, with a solid granular nodule mea 7cm. Microscopy showed
struma ovarii with a large partly capsulated nodule composed of closely packed
follicles lined by cuboidal cells with moderate cytoplasm and uniform round
vesicular nuclei. Nuclear features of papillary carcinoma were not seen. The
follicles were invading the capsule, infiltrating into the adjacent area of
fibrosis, adherent to the colon. With these microscopic features, a diagnosis
of follicular carcinoma was made (Figure 3). Owing to the advanced age and
comorbidities, no further treatment was offered; she was kept on follow up and
died 4 months after the surgery. Seventh carcinoma was in a 48-year-old lady
with recurrent abdominal pain. She underwent right ovarian cystectomy, which
showed a solid mass mea 10.6cm. A small cyst in the periphery showed lining by
stratified squamous cells with underlying appendages, suggestive of a mature
teratoma. Solid areas showed mucinous and epidermoid cells along with nests of
intermediate cells. The mucinous cells were positive for CK7 and CEA while the
solid nests of epidermoid cells were positive for p63 andCK5/6, confirming the
diagnosis of mucoepidermoid carcinoma, in a teratoma (Figure 4). While on adjuvant
chemotherapy (after one 1 of 6 cycles of Paclitaxel, Carboplatin chemotherapy
regimen), she was found to have a rectal wall mass suggestive of tumour
recurrence at 4months. She was advised for surgery for removing the recurrent
4. Discussion
Majority of the germ cell tumours were mature
cystic teratomas. Among the monodermal teratomas, struma ovarii was the most
common, as stated in literature. 1 Of the 2 cases of neuroectodermal tumours;
one was a low grade glioma in a mature teratoma and the other an
oligodendroglioma, in an immature teratoma. Though studies have reported
neuroectodermal tumours, they are very rare (less than 50 cases) and include
the primitive, differentiated and anaplastic types [3]. Majority of the
previously reported cases were astrocytomas, though occasional high grade
tumours like glioblastomas are also described. These were found to arise mostly
in mature teratomas; only 7 cases are reported to have developed in immature
teratomas. Oligodendrogliomas arising in teratomas are extremely rare, and to
the best of our knowledge, only less than 10 cases are reported so far with
only one case in childhood [4]. Though dysgerminomas are described as the most
common malignant tumours in literature [1] 1, we found a higher incidence of immature
teratomas, mostly of grade 1 type. In a study from Orissa India, by Pradhan et
al., both teratomas and dysgerminomas contributed equally to the malignant
ovarian germ cell tumours [5]. The incidence of immature teratomas were
slightly more than dysgerminoma in paediatric patients in Kerala, as stated by
Rajeswari and co-workers [6]. The difference in incidence could be attributed
to geographic variation. All immature teratomas occurred in age group less than
20 years, in concordance with other studies [4].
Malignancies in germ cell tumours can be
malignant germ cell tumours like embryonal carcinoma or somatic malignancies
arising in teratomas, like carcinomas or sarcomas [1]. In observed patients,
all the seven malignancies were carcinomas, no cases of sarcoma or melanoma
were encountered. We also encountered a higher number of carcinomas than
mentioned in the literature (4.7 % vs. 1-2%).
This may be attributed referral bias, as our
institute being a gynaecologicalgynecological oncology centre, suspected malignancy
cases are referred from outside hospitals. Squamous cell carcinomas were the
commonest, in concordance with the findings described by Kedar et al. from
Indian population [7]. Other carcinomas described in literature are
adenocarcinoma (7%) and sarcomas of different types, like leiomyosarcoma and
angiosarcoma followed by rare tumours like melanoma, which is often metastatic
than primary [8]. The pathogenesis of squamous carcinomas in teratoma is not
yet clear. An in situ carcinomatous change similar to skin suggests squamous
epithelial origin in most of the tumours. Three of our cases showed full
thickness dysplasia of the cyst wall squamous epithelial lining, favouring this
theory [7]. I was a et al. had suggested the origin to be from metaplastic
columnar epithelium, supported by the IHC expression of CK18 more than CK10
similar to that seen in lung and cervix squamous carcinomas where metaplastic
origin is proved [9] However, we have not done the differential cytokeratins in
any of our cases.
5-10% of struma can harbour thyroid carcinomas,
most of which are papillary carcinomas, with the characteristic nuclear
features [1]. No definite criteria are described for follicular carcinoma, as
mostly the capsule seen around the tumour might be ovarian tissue or capsule.
Also, well established criteria for diagnosis are absent because of the rarity
of cases [7]. As high as 37% of cases of struma ovarii can show malignancy,
with metastasis in around 23% [10]. The possible criteria proposed are the
presence of infiltration by tumour cells into the surrounding ovarian tissue,
or lymphovascular emboli or metastasis. The most acceptable feature of
malignancy is extra ovarian spread, into the adjacent tissues or organs but
most of the reported cases have not shown aggressive behavior [11].
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is a type of salivary
gland tumour, which is the least common to arise in a teratoma. A literature
search showed less than five reported cases so far [12]. It shows the typical
morphology with mucinous, epidermoid and intermediate cell types, in varying
combination, depending on the degree of differentiation. In our case all the 3
cell types were well appreciable.
The absence of keratinisation in the epidermoid
cells and the presence of well differentiated mucinous cells and intermediate
cells excluded a more common adenosquamous carcinoma.
Studies have shown postmenopausal age group and
tumour size more than 10 cm to be associated with the development of squamous
cell carcinoma [2]. We also found advancing age to be a risk factor for the
development of carcinoma (risk ratio 44.5, P value 0.012). Tumour size is
another potential indicator of malignant transformation of teratomas [13,14].
According to Kikkawa et al., who reviewed 277 cases from 64 studies, tumours
with diameter larger than 9.9 cm or tumours demonstrating rapid growth were
found to be associated with an increased risk for malignant transformation. All
the carcinomas in our series had a tumour size of 10 cm or more, which was
found to be a statistically significant risk factor for malignancy (Fischer’s
exact test value 0.0004, p value 0.013). But most of the bulk in these large
tumours is contributed by the benign cystic component. Enlargement may also be
due to the secondary changes like necrosis and haemorrhage. Hence, an
assessment of the size and consistency of the solid areas were done.
Teratomas with mono dermal components or other
tumours arising in them had solid areas, which were fleshy in benign tumours
like carcinoid and hemorrhagic, necrotic and friable in the malignant ones. All
malignant tumours had friable or granular solid areas more than 2cm in size,
unlike the benign ones, which were mostly cystic. Thus, size of fleshy solid
area, more than 2cm was found to be another risk factor in outour patients.
(Fischer’s exact test value 0.0006, p value less than 0.04). These findings are
also in concordance with the risk factors observed by Park et al., [15].
Carcinomas arising in teratomas being very
rare, there are no treatment guidelines established. Though several groups have
suggested different chemotherapy regimen, the treatment must be tailored to the
type of tumour [16]. The therapy proposed is multimodality treatment based on
optimal cytoreduction, Cisplatin based adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy
for disease localized in the pelvis. It is recommended that after complete surgical
staging, I A patients need only follow up. Suboptimal surgery and advanced
stages are considered to be adverse prognostic factors. In our cases with
squamous cell carcinomas, four patients underwent complete staging surgery, two
of which had recurrence and other two were disease free. All carcinomas except
the thyroid carcinoma case were 6 offered cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy, with
cyclophosphamide and platinum. The patient with mucoepidermoid carcinoma
developed recurrence after first cycle of chemotherapy. Out of the two squamous
carcinoma patients who developed recurrence, one was at 8 months after
completion of treatment whereas the other recurred at 6 months. Another patient
had diagnosed with tumour recurrence at 9 months and expired in12 months (Table
5. Conclusions
Somatic tumours arising in teratomas are rare;
comprising 4.8%. Commonest malignancy was squamous cell carcinoma (4.7%). Risk
factors associated with carcinomatous change in teratomas are age above 45 yrs,
tumour size10cm or more and solid friable area, of size 2cm or more.
6. Suggestions
Though we encountered only seven cases of
carcinoma, this proof-of-principle case study shows a significant association
of carcinomatous growth with the gross size of the tumour as well as the solid
area. In future, a study with a larger sample size might find a stronger
association. We recommend that it might be worthwhile to sample extensively the
solid areas in all teratomas occurring in the young, so as to ensure the
absence of an immature component. Similarly, the friable or granular solid
areas larger than 2cms, in large tumours (more than 10cm) occurring in women
above 45 years may harbour carcinoma, hence needs to be thoroughly studied.
Source(s) of support: nil.
Presentation at a meeting: nil.
Conflicting Interest: nil.
1: glioma
in teratoma-Hand E-40X.
Figure 2: Squamous cell carcinoma in teratoma-Hand E-40X.
3: Thyroid
follicular carcinoma in struma ovarii-H and E-40X.