Histopathological Effects of Sub Acute Intoxication with Cadmium Administration on Kidneys and Heart of Rats
Rasha M Saleh1, Walaa F Awadin2*
of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University,
2Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
*Corresponding author:Walaa F Awadin, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University,Egypt.Tel: +201126797600; Fax: +20502379952; Email: walaafekriawadin@yahoo.com
Received Date: 08 August,
2017; Accepted Date: 28 August,
2017; Published Date: 05 September,
1. Abstract
effect of sub-acute intoxication of rats with cadmium (Cd) was studied in adult
healthy male albino rats. Cd(cadmium chloride solution cdcl2 200mg/l) was
administered in drinking water daily for 4 weeks. Nephropathy was achieved
after4 weeks as indicated by biochemical assay. Microscopically examination
showed various pathological alterations in kidney andheart of Cd treated rats.
The results of this study indicated that sub-acute exposure of rats to Cd
(200mg/l) in drinking water dailyfor 4 weeks induced alterations in blood
biochemistry, renal and cardiac tissue structures.
1. Abbreviations:
MDA : Malondialdehyde
NO : Nitric
GOT : Glutamic
Na : Sodium
GPT : Glutamic PyruvicTransaminase
LDH : Lactate
NOH : Nitric
Oxide in Heart
NOB : Nitric
Oxide in Blood
NOK : Nitric
Oxide in Kidney
TG : Tri
LDL : Low Density Lipoprotein
HDL : High
Density Lipoprotein
MDAH : Malondialdehyde
in heart
MDAB : Malondialdehyde
in Blood
MDAK : Malondialdehyde
in Kidney
Hand E : Hematoxylin
and Eosin
MNCs : Mononuclear Cells
2. Keywords:Biochemistry;Cadmium; Histopathology
3. Introduction
Nephropathy is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality and its prevalence is continuously increasing in industrialized nations[1]. The animal models for nephropathy share many features which are common to human nephropathy andhave been delineated by targeting proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis glomerulonephritis, glomerular hypertrophy, tubulointerstitialnephritis and tubular necrosis [1]. In this study, Cadmium (Cd) intoxication was designed as a model ofexperimental nephropathy.Cadmium (Cd) is a soft bluish-white metal that used largely in metal coatings, plastics and alloy batteries. Chronic environmentalexposure of Cd is nephrotoxic [2]. It has been noted that administration of Cd (0.18 mg/kg intraperitoneally,three times a week) for three months in rats led to hypertension followed by thickening of glomerular basement membrane,tubulointerstitial fibrosis and reduced glomerular filtration rate [3]. Administration of Cd (1 ml of 1 mM,intraperitoneally 3 times per week) for five, 20 and 40 weeks caused perturbation of kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells andmitochondrial dysfunction in renal cortical cells [4]. Cd may exert effects on the cardiovascular system atextremely low exposure levels. However, the exact influence of Cd on the cardiovascular system remains controversial[5]. The aim of this work was to evaluate the toxico-pathological effects of subacute intoxication withcadmium administration on blood biochemistry and tissue structural alterations in kidneys and heart of rats.
4. Materials and Methods
5.1. Experimental animals
In this study, twenty adult healthy male albino rats with average weight 200-220 g were purchased from the animal house inHelwan and left for one week to acclimatize animal house in department of animal Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicineand Mansoura University. Rats were kept under controlled environment, maintained under a 12 hours’ light: dark cycle, 24oC (±3oC) and 50-70% humidity. All animal procedures followed the recommendations of the National Institutes of Health Guide forCare and Use of Laboratory Animals (Publication No. 85-23, revised 1985). All animal procedures were performed according tothe Ethics Committee of the National Research Centre, Egypt; registration number (09/189).5.2. Experimental designTwenty rats were randomly divided into 2 duplicate groups (five rats in each cage). The first group served as a control where ratswere provided with standard diet and water ad-libitum. Animals in the second group were subjected to freshly prepared Cdchloride solution cdcl2 (Sigma Company) 200mg/l in drinking water daily for 4 weeks; the whole duration of experiment [6].
5.2. Sample collection
After 4 weeks, blood samples were collected in plain test tubes via retro-orbital bleeding after 12 hours of fasting. Blood sampleswere left at room temperature for 1 hour then centrifuged for 10 minutes at 3000 g to obtain the serum. Serum samples werestored at-80°C for subsequent biochemical analysis. Five rats were killed each sacrifice by decapitation for collection of kidneysand heart. Each kidney was cut into two halves. After 4 weeks, one of kidney halves and rightventricles were obtained forestimation of Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Nitric Oxide (NO) levels in their tissue homogenates after been washed three times inice cold saline and blotted individually on ash-free filter paper. The crude tissue homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 g for 15minutes in cold centrifuge, and the resultant supernatant was separated. Other halves of kidneys and left ventricles obtained fromboth sacrifices were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin until be routinely processed for histopathological examination.
5.3. Biochemical analysis
Urea and creatinine were measured in the serum by a colorimetric method using commercial kit (Diamon, Egypt) [7].Serum lipid profile was estimated using commercial kits[8]. Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (GOT);Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (GPT), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was measured by a kinetic method usingcommercial kit (Egyptian company for biotechnology) [9]. MDA was determined spectrophotometrically [10]. NOB was assayed in the serum by a colorimetric method using the diazotization procedure according to Bartholomew(1984)[11], meanwhile, NOH and NOK were estimated in the heart and kidney homogenates as mentioned by Montgomery &Dymock (1961) [12].
5.4. Histopathological examinations
Paraffin sections from fixed kidneys and heart (5µm thickness) were cut and evaluated using standard staining protocol for H&E.Renal and cardiac slides from each group were also stained with Masson trichrome [13].
5.5. Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis of biochemical results was performed using the software SPSS 19 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois). Data wereexpressed as means standard errors. P values in the rows showed significance among groups after 4 weeks (P < 0.05).
was noted by significant increase in levels of serum urea and creatinine, GPT,
GOT, LDH, Na, NOH, NOB, NOK,cholesterol, TG, LDL, MDAH, MDAB and MDAK and
significant decrease of HDL in Cd group (Table 1).
. Renal histopathology
Kidneys in the control group showed normal histological picture in both sacrifices. Meanwhile, kidneys of both sacrifices revealedthe presence of vacuolated and necrotic tubules with tubular cast formation, collapsed and sclerotic glomeruli, fibrosis andmultiple foci of Mononuclear Cells (MNCs) aggregation in interstitial tissue (Figure 1&2).
Cardiac histopathology
Left ventricles in the control group showed normal histological picture in both sacrifices. Meanwhile, left ventricles in Cd treatedgroup revealed hyaline degeneration and mild per vascular fibrosis after 4 weeks. Hyaline degeneration with focal areas ofcoagulative necrosis and interstitial fibroblasts proliferation were observed in left ventricles after 8 weeks (Figure 4).
6. Discussion
in the blood biochemistry and tissue structures of kidneys and heart were
achieved in Cd treated rats. Urea is the firstacute renal marker which
increases when the kidney suffers any kind of injury; meanwhile, creatinine is
the most trustable renalmarker and increase only when the majority of renal
function is lost [14]. Renal injury was
indicated after 4weeks by increased serum values of creatinine, urea, GPT, GOT,
LDH, Na, NOH, NOB, NOK, cholesterol, TG, LDL, MDAH,MDAB, MDAK and decreased
Level of HDL in Cd group in accordance with previous literatures [14-16]. Histopathological examination of kidney from
Cd group demonstrated characteristic changes
Involving glomerular and tubular structures similar to those previously mentioned by Aoyagi et al.(2003)[17]. The accumulation ofCd in the kidneys causes damage of the renal proximal tubules. The renal dysfunction induced by Cd has been considered one ofthe causes for the development of hypertension [18]. In addition, Cd induced alteration in heart tissue. The effectof Cd on the vascular system and cardiac function was previously discussed by Prozialeck et al. (2006)[19-24].
the correlation between blood and urine Cd concentration and diseases such as
idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy[25], Peripheral
arterial disease[26], stroke, heart failure and
atherosclerosis [27-29]were documented in many
epidemiological studies.It was concluded that, Cd in drinking water (200mg/l)
for 4 weeks induced alterations in blood biochemistry, renal and cardiac tissue
Figure 1 (A-D): Kidneys shows
normal histological picture in control group (A), sclerotic glomeruli (thick arrow) (B), slightlyvacuolated tubules (thin arrows) (C) and focally necrotic tubule (D) (thin arrow) in Cd group (H&E A, C&D X: 100 and B,
Figure 2 (A-C): Kidney of Cd
treated group shows dilated renal tubules with hyaline casts (arrows) (A), focal area of fibrosis
(shortarrow) with focal area of MNCs aggregation in interstitial tissue (long
arrow) (B).(C) Higher magnification
of (B) to show MNCsaggregation in
interstitial tissue (thick arrow) (H& E A &C, X: 200 and B, X: 50).
Figure 3 (A-C): Masson
trichrome stained kidney slides shows absent glomerular and interstitial
fibrosis in control rats, glomerular(B) and interstitial fibrosis (C) (arrows).
in Cd exposed rats (A-C, X: 100).
Figure 4(A-C): Masson
trichrome stained heart shows absence of fibrosis in control rats (A),per vascular fibrosis (arrow) in Cdexposed
rats after 4 weeks (B) and
interstitial fibrosis in Cd exposed rats after 8 weeks (C) (A&B, X: 100 and C, X: 200).
Figure 5 (A-C): Masson
trichrome stained heart shows absence of fibrosis in control rats (A), pervascular fibrosis (arrow) in
Cdexposed rats after 4 weeks (B) and interstitial fibrosis in Cd exposed rats
after 8 weeks (C) (A&B, X: 100 and C, X: 200).
Control |
Cadmium |
P value |
Urea (mg/dl) |
32.33±2.333a |
102.7±24.55b |
0.0006 |
Creatinine (mg/dl) |
0.6700±0.03786a |
5.290±0.8110b |
0.0001 |
GPT (u/l) |
15.33±0.8819a |
37.00±1.528b |
< 0.0001 |
GOT (u/l) |
39.00±3.215a |
79.67±1.856b |
< 0.0001 |
LDH (ul) |
259.0±8.386a |
368.3±19.22c |
< 0.0001 |
Na (mmol/l) |
134.7±1.519a |
157.7±3.180b |
< 0.0001 |
NOH (umol/g) |
24.30±0.4041a |
59.53±0.2603d |
< 0.0001 |
NOB (umol/dl) |
19.20±0.4359a |
44.33±0.6692d |
< 0.0001 |
NOK (umol/g) |
16.40±0.6245a |
40.10±0.2309d |
< 0.0001 |
Cholesterol (mg/dl) |
110.0±5.033a |
215.3±22.00b |
0.0013 |
TG (mg/dl) |
77.33±5.548a |
120.0±12.50ab |
0.0151 |
HDL (mg/dl) |
49.00±5.568a |
23.67±0.8819b |
0.0003 |
LDL (mg/dl) |
45.33±6.009a |
168.0±23.29b |
0.0009 |
MDAB (mmol/l) |
24.83±0.3528a |
56.60±3.427b |
0.0004 |
MDAH (mmol/g) |
31.90±0.5033a |
61.53±11.35b |
0.0146 |
MDAK (mmol/g) |
24.37±2.534a |
66.30±5.805b |
0.0035 |
Means± SE Different superscript small letters in the same row indicate significant difference between groups when (P ≤ 0.05) |
Table 1: Biochemical measurements after 4 weeks
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