Diversity and Extent of Coastal Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in an Unexplored Coastal Upwelling Region of the Caribbean Sea
C. Vasquez-Carrillo*, K.
Sullivan Sealey
Coastal Ecology Laboratory, Department of Biology, University of Miami,
*Corresponding author: C. Vasquez-Carrillo, Coastal Ecology Laboratory,
Department of Biology, University of Miami, FL, USA. Tel: +16085145833;
Email: cvasquezcar@gmail.com
Received Date:
11 September, 2018; Accepted Date:
01 October, 2018; Published Date: 08
October, 2018
Citation: Vasquez-Carrillo C, Sullivan Sealey KS (2018) Diversity and Extent of Coastal Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in an Unexplored Coastal Upwelling Region of the Caribbean Sea. Int J Biodivers Endanger Species: IJBES-106. DOI: 10.29011/ IJBES-106.100006
1. Abstract
The Tropical North Western Atlantic (aka the wider Caribbean) is a large marine ecoregion with patterns of marine species’ diversity that both need elucidation and protection. The wider Caribbean is facing rapid changes associated with anthropogenic activities of coastal alteration, pollution loading and weather patterns, with losses of biodiversity expected. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) is a key component of marine communities adding both structural complexity and species diversity to the wider Caribbean. This study aimed to examine SAV species assemblages and their extent at a unique coastal ecosystem in the Southern Caribbean Sea. This ecosystem remains unexplored for its nearshore marine biodiversity due to its remoteness and harsh environmental conditions. The study took place at ten survey sites in shallow nearshore waters of northeastern La Guajira peninsula of Colombia. SAV specimens were manually collected at depths up to 4 meters along the coast and determined to the species level using taxonomic keys. Mixed seagrass-macroalgae SAV communities were observed along the study area, and the species richness was high (116 species) considering the sapling effort was low. Twenty-eight species of macroalgae found here were not known to occur in Colombia. SAV communities were dominated by macroalgae at several survey sites, particularly by rhodophytes, thus, these communities seem to differ from those on areas to the west of the peninsula where seagrasses are dominant. The new macroalgae species occurrences and the diverse SAV assemblages found in this study contribute new knowledge on the biodiversity of an unknown upwelling-associated coastal ecosystem in the Wider Caribbean. Further ecological studies of the area are recommended as it could be a reservoir or hotspot for marine plant biodiversity in the wider Caribbean with low anthropogenic disturbance.
2. Keywords: Benthic Macroalgae; Biological Diversity; Coastal Upwelling; Colombia; Gracilaria spp.; La Guajira
Submerged Aquatic
Vegetation (SAV) includes seagrasses and macroalgae (seaweeds) forming
extensive and diverse benthic communities critical to marine ecosystem
production and nutrient cycling [1,2]. SAV communities
are dynamic, responding to changes in water quality as well as playing key
ecological roles in the trophic structure and secondary production of nearshore
ecosystems [3,4].
SAV species assemblages are used as predictors of ecosystem health and changes
in hydrology or nutrient input [5-6]. SAV communities can be adversely
impacted by eutrophication and lose diversity, as primary production moves to
the water column via phytoplankton blooms [7-8]. Diverse
assemblages of SAV provide forage and refuge resources to a diverse number of
organisms in the food network (e.g.
crustaceans, sea turtles, manatees) [9]. Diversity of
forage resources and structural complexity are well known determinants of
biodiversity in marine ecosystems [10,11]. The Caribbean
ecoregion of the Tropical North Western Atlantic (TNWA) province is considered
a hotspot of marine biological diversity [12,13]. The ecoregion
extends over 13500 km of coastline surrounding the warm (22-29ºC) waters of the
Caribbean Sea. The region’s physical environment has a profound influence on
the organization and patterns of marine species [14,15]. The Caribbean
Sea is generally oligotrophic (nutrient concentration < 10 µM), yet, areas
with coastal upwelling are enriched with nutrients coming from deeper cool
ocean waters (nitrogen and phosphorus > 50 µM). Upwelling
areas of the Caribbean are highly dynamic with wind driven intensity and
extent; and have been characterized as having the lowest seasonal temperature
maximum, and relatively lower disturbance regimes from both chronic and acute
physical disturbance regimes [15]. The Southern Caribbean Upwelling System (SCUS)
off of the Northeastern Colombia [16] and the
northeastern Venezuela [17]
fuels a very productive marine ecosystem in the wider Caribbean, which
biodiversity is not well known. In La Guajira peninsula of Colombia, upwelling
events support a productive fishery [16-18]. However, towards
the eastern side of the peninsula, studies of coastal marine ecosystems are
scarce. The high winds and dessert-like weather conditions, as well as the
remoteness of the area, have prevented ecological and biodiversity studies [18]. Basic species
inventories of key coastal ecosystems such as the ones in La Guajira, Colombia,
are important baseline data for change detection and coastal management
prioritization in the wider Caribbean [13]. Species
diversity assessments can identify areas of high endemism, taxonomic
uniqueness, species richness, or even the threat of pathogens [19,20]. SAV assemblages
can constitute unique habitat resource for a diversity of marine invertebrates,
fishes and marine turtles [21-23]. Understanding naturally diverse SAV
species assemblages is one aspect of understanding the Caribbean region
biodiversity patterns and changes in species assemblages with anthropogenic
threats. This study seeks to look at SAV species richness around the peninsula
of La Guajira in an effort to understand patterns of coastal biodiversity at
Caribbean upwelling ecosystems. The harsh environmental conditions in the
eastern side of the peninsula have limited anthropogenic conversion and
degradation of its coastal ecosystems, and thus, marine biodiversity may have
been less impacted in eastern La Guajira compared to other coastal areas of the
Caribbean. The survey was designed to characterize species diversity and
geographic extent of SAV communities of eastern La Guajira; the western side of
the peninsula has been more studied and described in terms of coastal
ecosystems including SAV communities biodiversity [24,25]. In the eastern
side fewer seagrass meadows, and larger areas of mixed macroalgae with no
reference to the species composition have been reported [18]. This study
intended to combine a classification of the coastal system with an inventory of
conspicuous benthic macroalgae species, using taxonomic keys and the coastal
marine and estuarine classification standard CMECS [26]. This hierarchical
classification standard has universal applicability because of its flexible
lexicon and the possibility of using multiple aspects of habitat, like
substrate type or biotic components, as modifiers when classifying a complex or
new habitat. The standard has been extensively used in the United States and
the Greater Caribbean [27-29].
Materials and Methods
The study took
place at the northeastern side of La Guajira peninsula, in the Uribia
municipality of Colombia, a region called Upper Guajira. The region is
characterized by a hot, semi-arid climate and warm seawater temperature (mean
Water temperature is cooler than average for the Caribbean Sea (27°C), due to the
annual, moderate coastal upwelling experienced. Upper Guajira has a shallow,
relatively wide, well-developed continental shelf of carbonated sediments, with
soft (sandy and muddy) bottoms, which favor the establishment of submerged
aquatic vegetation. The shallow shelf, fine bottoms and coastal upwelling cause
the waters in the area to be highly turbid. Tides are mixed, semidiurnal
microtides of 0.3m average amplitude.
4.1. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Surveys
Ten study sites were surveyed for
SAV species and characterized in their coastal geomorphology, shore line type,
and marine benthic substrate in year 2016 (Figure 1, Table 1). Sites were located at either of
two distinct regions: a) Bahia Hondita region in the northern peninsula, which is
a shallow hypersaline lagoon surrounded by mangrove forests with an ocean
embayment at its mouth (Sites 1, 2 and 3) and b) Eastern Guajira region, which
extended from Masichii Beach to Jiwotpolu Beach (Sites 4 through 10). In this
region there is a variety of coastal types, including sandy beaches, cliffs and
rocky shores. Each site
was surveyed for coastal type by visual observation; basic water quality
characteristics (Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen) were measured via
hand-held multi-probe (Model 85, YSI incorporated, OH, USA); and the species
composition of SAV communities was determined. Surveys of SAV were carried out in
the nearshore intertidal and subtidal zones of the ten study sites. SAV samples
were collected over a period of forty-five minutes, by two surveyors. Each
sampling site was surveyed only once. At each site, collectors sampled SAV manually
and randomly, within an area not larger than 10m x10m, at shallow depths (from
0m -on the sand- to 4m deep, depending on the coastal geomorphology of the
site). At low relieve rocky shores with some accessibility, SAV surveys were
performed by sampling from intertidal rocks at very low depths (e.g. Puerto
Chimare). Accessible sandy beaches such as sites Neimao and Jiwotpolu were
sampled both in the subtidal and intertidal areas up to 2m deep. High relief,
low accessibility rocky shores were accessed by motor boat and samples were
collected by free diving at 2-4 m depth (e.g. in Patsualoru, Palei). After
collection, SAV samples were held in seawater until laboratory sorting, and identified
to the lowest taxonomic level possible using dichotomous classification guides [30]. Due to the
exploratory nature of this research, new species records were expected,
therefore, SAV species found here were searched in national and international
plant and/or biodiversity databases that contain herbarium and museum
collections information including the SIAM (Sistema de Información Ambiental
Marina) (Invemar, available at: http://siam.invemar.org.co) and SIB (Sistema
de Información Biológica
de Colombia (Instituto Alexander von Humboldt, available at: https://sibcolombia.net/)
in Colombia, and iOBIS system (Ocean Biogeographic Information System,
available at: http://iobis.org/) for international records. Records in published
literature [31]
were also revised. Species for which no occurrence records either in La Guajira
or Colombia were found in these databases or the literature were considered new
4.2. SAV Diversity and Extent Estimates
The presence-absence of SAV species
per survey site data was used in non-parametric statistics to calculate species
richness per survey site, and to make comparisons of species richness among
surveyed sites. The total species count was calculated as the species richness
(S). Common
biodiversity estimators such as Shannon index could not be calculated due to the
lack of data on species abundances (number of individuals per species
recorded). Species abundances could not be recorded due to high water turbidity
in the study area. Instead, in order to compare SAV S among survey sites, the
Jaccard dissimilarity index was employed. This index was used in a non-metric
multidimensional ordination to produce MDS plots using Gracilaria spp. presence-absence patterns because this group was the most common
and diverse, facilitating comparison among all the surveyed areas [32], using software Primer 7.0 [33]. The Jaccard dissimilarities between sites were
compared to a geographic Euclidean distance matrix using the Mantel test in the
Vegan package of R to see if closer areas were more similar in species
composition than areas farther apart [34].
5.1. Diversity of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation of
Northeastern La Guajira
total of 116 SAV species were observed in northeastern La Guajira peninsula,
Colombia, the majority of which (113 species) were macroalgae (polyphyletic
group including Plantae: Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta, and Phaeophyceae) and only
three species were seagrasses (Plantae: Tracheophyta) (Appendix
The species rarefaction curve suggests that the number of SAV species in the
study area remains to increase with additional survey effort (Figure
Of the total macroalgae species found in the coasts of northeastern Guajira,
the rhodophytes were the most common group with more than half of the species
(57%), followed by the chlorophytes (27%) and the phaeophytes (16%) (Figure
3). The
rhodophytes comprised eighteen families present, the most common of which were
Rhodomelaceae (fifteen spp.), Gracilariaceae (eleven spp.) and Corallinaceae
(ten spp.). The Chlorophytes were represented in the area by ten families, the
most abundant in number of species were Ulvaceae (nine spp.) followed by the
Cladophoraceae and the Caulerpaceae with six species each (Figure 2). The phaeophytes
were represented only by two families, the common Dictyotaceae (twelve spp.)
and Sargassaceae (six spp.). Fifty of the 113 species of macroalgae recorded
during this survey study had not been reported before for La Guajira region of
Colombia (Table 2).
Additionally, twenty-eight species of macroalgae from all three main groups had
not been reported in Colombian waters previously according to the national and
international databases search results. These species are typically found in coastal
waters of the Caribbean Sea and included five species of chlorophytes, five
species of phaeophytes and eighteen species of rhodophytes (Table 2).
5.2. Extent of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Eastern
La Guajira
All surveyed sites
in the study area had both macroalgae species and seagrasses except for Playa
Jiwotpolu in which no seagrasses were observed (Appendix 1). Bahia Hondita region
sites differed in the species composition from the eastern region. Bahia Hondita
had SAV species that where not found on the eastern region, including Codium sp., Ceramium sp., Dasya ocellata, Heterosiphonia gibbeseii and Halodule wrightii, whereas several
species present on the eastern side were not found on Bahia Hondia region (e.g. Bryopsis hypnoides, Chaetomorpha linum,
Lobophora variegate, Spatoglossum schroederi, Gracilaria cervicornis,
Gracilaria mammillaris, Osmundaria obtusiloba, Sporolithon episporum) (Appendix
The sites with the highest species richness were the rocky shore of Puerto
Chimare (S = 49), and three sandy beaches located to the south
named Puerto Santa Cruz (S = 37), Neimao and
Wannal beaches (S = 29, each) (Table 2). Bahia Hondita
had a moderate species richness (S = 26). The species dissimilarity among survey sites
did not correspond with the Euclidean distance separating them (Mantel test, NS). Over half of the species (fifty-five)
occurred only at one survey site, and only ten species were shared or common
among sites, meaning that these species were present at least at four of the
ten survey sites. Common species include Caulerpa sp., Chaetomorpa sp., Gracilaria spp., Hypnea sp., Sargassum sp. and seagrass, Thalassia testudinum. The most common SAV were the seagrass T. testudinum and the macroalgae
G. dominguensis; they were present
at nine and eight sites of the ten surveyed sites respectively. In fact, Gracilaria genus was the most
common in number of species (ten spp.) and number of sites present, thus this
group significantly contributed to the observed similarities in species
diversity among sites. The MDS plot using Gracilaria spp. illustrates the complexity of the
diversity patterns of SAV in the study area (Figure 2). The SAV species
assemblages are dissimilar among sites, with only three sites about 40% similar
(the sandy beaches of Neimao-Site 6, Wannal-Site 8, and Puerto Santa Cruz-Site
9). The MDS plot shows the first three sites are largely outliers (Bahia Hondita
region, Sites 1, 2 and 3). Indicating that the Bahia Hondita region differs
from SAV species assemblages in comparison with the eastern region.
The assessment of
the nearshore SAV diversity at northeastern La Guajira peninsula suggests
geographically extensive and species-rich, macroalgae-dominated, nearshore SAV
communities, which differ from the monospecific and/or seagrass dominated SAV
communities observed in other areas such as western La Guajira peninsula [18,25]. An inventory of intertidal
and subtidal SAV species was compiled with almost thirty species not previously
reported for Colombia. This lack of previous information on the species
presence in Eastern Guajira’s waters, reflects the difficulty of conducting
field studies in this highly remote, arid area of Colombia, Southern Caribbean
Sea. All the species recorded in this study have been previously reported in
Caribbean waters in the literature [29]. However, several
species recorded in the intertidal zone to 3 meters deep in this survey, are
typically found at greater depths, from 10 to 30 meters in other areas of the
wider Caribbean [29].
Coastal SAV communities are likely to be limited on their sea ward extent by
bathymetry and lack of light. The high turbidity of upwelled waters and
sandy-mud bottoms of eastern La Guajira may favor the growth of deeper
macroalgae species in shallower areas. However, it is possible that the high
energy and waves bring SAV specimens from deeper waters onto the intertidal
zone, where some of the surveys took place, thus those species were included in
this study. Species-rich SAV communities in eastern La Guajira are dominated by
macroalgae and seem to extend widely along the coast, at least from Puerto
Chimare to Neimao, and then from sandy beaches in Wannal to Puerto Santa Cruz.
However, the oceanic extent of these communities was not assessed in this study
due to the high water turbidity and energy. Further seawards studies of SAV
communities are required in order to fully assess the species biodiversity of
La Guajira’s nearshore ecosystems. Regionally, western La Guajira, including Bahia
Hondita (Sites 1, 2 and 3), is characterized by a broader continental platform
and sandy substrates. Seagrass communities have previously been mapped and described
for this environment [18].
Instead, eastern Guajira region (Sites 4 through 10) has a steeped continental
platform, high energy shorelines, and finer substrates offshore (e.g. muddy
sands and sandy muds) with embedded rocks and boulders (Table
1). SAV
macroalgae were dominant in this region and were observed very close to shore
forming species-rich communities often attached to rock’s surfaces and often
mixed with patches of seagrasses. The overall high richness of SAV species, and
the differentiation among survey sites could partially be attributed to the
diversity of nutrients made available through the coastal upwelling of the SCUS
system [35].
This nutrient supply, which is unique in the Caribbean Sea, contributes to the
growth of vegetation forms with differing nutritional requirements in the
nearshore benthos [36].
Anecdotally, the biomass of macroalgae in several surveyed sites was large. For
multiple species, leaves were longer than published records. Vertebrate fauna
was observed in association with studied nearshore macroalgae communities including
juvenile sharks and juvenile green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). Macroalgae, especially of rhodophytes like Gracilaria sp., are common diet
items for the macro-herbivore C. mydas
[23,37-39]. The structural
complexity and diversity of marine plants in eastern La Guajira may be providing
key nursing habitat for marine taxa in the wider Caribbean. Further characterizations of the unique SAV communities at
higher depths and different seasons in the study area would provide insight
into the dynamics and productivity of Guajira’s ecosystem and even the SCUS
system. Further studies can confirm whether the study area is an outstanding
macroalgae diversity spot within the Tropical Northwestern Atlantic [40,41].
We would like to thank the Waitt Foundation/National
Geographic Society Scientific Grants Program for their financial support
through the field exploration grant W441-16, which supported the expedition to
eastern La Guajira, Colombia. Additionally, we are grateful with the University
of Miami (UM) and with Colciencias, Colombia for supporting the principal
investigator doctoral studies. We would like to thank Jacob Patus, at the
Coastal Ecology lab of UM, for his collaboration with Geographic Information Systems.
Also, we thank to field assistants, biologists Manuela Pelaez, Kellys Iguarán, and Jacob Patus, as well as our simultaneous
translator and field assistant Lorenzo Arends. We deeply thank the Wayuu
indigenous families (Sapuana, Lubo, Gonzales and Iguarán)
for hosting and supporting us in the field, without them, this work would not
have been possible. We gratefully acknowledge the help of the sea turtle
conservation stewards in Bahia Hondita, for their commitment, guidance and help
in the field.
Conflict of Interest
The authors of this manuscript confirm that there are no
known competing interests associated with this publication and there has been
no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its
outcome. We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named
authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for
authorship but are not listed.
Figure 1: Location of the study area in northeastern La
Guajira peninsula in the Caribbean Sea. The map displays the distribution of
mangrove forests and types of submerged aquatic vegetation in yellow and green
color codes and the location of SAV survey sites (See Table 1 for site
2: Species rarefaction curve of the expected number of
SAV species with the number of survey sites.
Figure 3: Number of species, genera and families of
macroalgae species found in Northeastern La Guajira, Colombia.
Figure 4: Multi-Dimensional scaling (MDS) for SAV surveyed sites in
La Guajira using Bray-Curtis similarity, based on the presence-absence of
rhodophytes of the genus Gracilaria sp. Species
are letter-coded as follows: A. Gracilaria caudata, B. Gracilaria curtissae, C. Gracilaria cylindrica, D. Gracilaria damaecornis, E. Gracilaria
dominguensis, F.
Gracilaria mammillaris.
1. Bahia Hondita |
12.4096 71.685 |
240 |
Low |
Narrow mouth, shallow (<5m depth) hypersaline lagoon with input from dry arroyos |
Mangrove-dominated with intermixed pocket beaches |
Vegetated and unvegetated sandy mud |
2. Palei |
12.4271 71.7348 |
60 |
Medium |
Exposed rocky headland |
Rocky shore with high relief Cliffs (> 5 meters) |
Unvegetated and vegetated muddy sand with boulders |
3. Patsualoru |
12.4108 71.7451 |
30 |
Medium |
Coastal embayment with protected rocky shore |
Rocky shore with high relief Cliffs (> 5 meters) |
Vegetated and unvegetated muddy sand |
4. Masichii |
12.4179 71.4899 |
100 |
Medium |
Exposed sandy beach with back dunes |
Sandy Beach - Unvegetated |
Vegetated muddy sand with cobble and boulders, |
5. Puerto Chimare |
12.3835 71.4047 |
110 |
Medium |
Exposed rocky shore with high relief cliffs |
Rocky shore with high relief Cliffs (> 5 meters) |
Vegetated muddy sand with small cobble islands and boulders |
6. Neimao |
12.3451 71.2882 |
140 |
High |
Exposed beach with blocked river mouth, backdune with hypersaline wetlands associated with dried river beds |
Sandy Beach - Unvegetated |
Vegetated and unvegetated muddy sand with Cobble and Boulders |
7. Punta Negra |
12.2925 71.2239 |
170 |
High |
Exposed, large, rocky headland with high relief cliffs |
Rocky shore with high relief Cliffs (> 5 meters) |
Large boulders in the intertidal zone; bottom was not explored |
8. Wannal |
12.2372 71.205 |
160 |
High |
Exposed, Long, wide beach with blocked river mouth, backdune wetlands |
Sandy beach - Unvegetated |
Vegetated muddy sand with Cobbles and Boulders |
9. Puerto Santa Cruz |
12.1836 71.1716 |
170 |
High |
Exposed elongated beach with blocked river mouth, backdune wetlands |
Sandy Beach - Unvegetated |
Vegetated sand with areas of Cobble and Boulders and unvegetated Sand Rubble |
10. Jiwotpolu |
12.1615 71.1615 |
170 |
High |
Exposed beach with blocked river mouth, backdune wetlands |
Sandy Beach - Unvegetated |
Vegetated and unvegetated sand and rubbled sand with Cobbles and Boulders |
Table 1: Description of Survey Sites in La Guajira following standard classification systems (CMECS). Sites are shown in Figure 1.
Group |
Class |
Family |
Genera |
Species |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Anadyomenaceae |
Anadyomene |
Anadyomene stellata |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Bryopsidaceae |
Bryopsis |
Bryopsis plumosa |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Cladophoraceae |
Chaetomorpha |
Chaetomorpha aerea |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Cladophoraceae |
Cladophora |
Cladophora catenata |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Cladophoraceae |
Cladophora |
Cladophora liniformis |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Dichotomosiphonaceae |
Avrainvillea |
Avrainvillea nigricans |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Halimedaceae |
Halimeda |
Halimeda scabra |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Ulvaceae |
Enteromorpha |
Enteromorpha flexuosa |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Ulvaceae |
Enteromorpha |
Enteromorpha flexuosa subsp. paradoxa |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Ulvaceae |
Enteromorpha |
Enteromorpha intestinalis |
Chlorophyta |
Ulvophyceae |
Ulvaceae |
Enteromorpha |
Enteromorpha prolifera |
Chlorophyta |
Palmophyllophyceae |
Palmophyllaceae |
Verdigellas |
Verdigellas fimbriata |
Phaeophyta |
Phaeophyceae |
Dictyotaceae |
Dictyopteris |
Dictyopteris jolyana |
Phaeophyta |
Phaeophyceae |
Dictyotaceae |
Dictyopteris |
Dictyopteris justii |
Phaeophyta |
Phaeophyceae |
Dictyotaceae |
Dictyota |
Dictyota humifusa |
Phaeophyta |
Phaeophyceae |
Dictyotaceae |
Padina |
Padina profunda |
Phaeophyta |
Phaeophyceae |
Dictyotaceae |
Stypopodium |
Stypopodium zonale |
Phaeophyta |
Phaeophyceae |
Sargassaceae |
Sargassum |
Sargassum platycarpum |
Phaeophyta |
Phaeophyceae |
Sargassaceae |
Sargassum |
Sargassum pteropleuron |
Phaeophyta |
Phaeophyceae |
Sargassaceae |
Turbinaria |
Turbinaria tricostata |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Ceramiaceae |
Centroceras |
Centroceras clavulatum |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Champiaceae |
Champia |
Champia salicornioides |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Champiaceae |
Champia |
Champia vieillardii |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Corallinaceae |
Haliptilon |
Haliptilon cubense |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Corallinaceae |
Haliptilon |
Haliptilon subulatum |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Corallinaceae |
Jania |
Jania pumila |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Corallinaceae |
Mesophyllum |
Mesophyllum mesomorphum |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Corallinaceae |
Porolithon |
Porolithon pachydermum |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Corallinaceae |
Titanoderma |
Titanoderma pusttulatum |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Cystocloniaceae |
Hypnea |
Hypnea valentiae |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Dasyaceae |
Dasya |
Dasya ocellata |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Dasyaceae |
Dasya |
Dasya spinuligera |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Galaxauraceae |
Wrangelia |
Wrangelia bicuspidata |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Gracilariaceae |
Gracilaria |
Gracilaria curtissae |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Gracilariaceae |
Gracilaria |
Gracilaria damaecornis |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Gracilariaceae |
Gracilaria |
Gracilaria tikvahiae |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Hymenocladiaceae |
Asteromenia |
Asteromenia peltata |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Kallymeniaceae |
Kallymenia |
Kallymenia cribogloea |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Lomentariaceae |
Gelidiopsis |
Gelidiopsis planicaulis |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodomelaceae |
Acanthophora |
Acanthophora muscoides |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodomelaceae |
Bostrychia |
Bostrychia montagnei |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodomelaceae |
Bostrychia |
Bostrychia tenella |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodomelaceae |
Chondria |
Chondria capillaris |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodomelaceae |
Chondria |
Chondria cnicophylla |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodomelaceae |
Chondria |
Chondria floridana |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodomelaceae |
Laurencia |
Laurencia iridescens |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodomelaceae |
Laurencia |
Laurencia gemmifera |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodomelaceae |
Wrightiella |
Wrightiella blodgettii |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Rhodymeniaceae |
Rhodymenia |
Rhodymenia divaricata |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Solieriaceae |
Agardhiella |
Agardhiella ramosissima |
Rhodophyta |
Florideophyceae |
Sporolithaceae |
Sporolithon |
Sporolithon episporum |
Table 2: Species list of macroalgae found in eastern La Guajira, Colombia in 2016 that had not been reported to occur in La Guajira’s waters previously. Species highlighted in gray had not been reported in Colombian waters previously.
Site Number |
Survey Site |
S |
1 |
Bahia Hondita |
26 |
2 |
Patsualoru |
4 |
3 |
Palei |
11 |
4 |
Masichii |
15 |
5 |
Puerto Chimare |
49 |
6 |
Neimao |
29 |
7 |
Punta Negra |
6 |
8 |
Wannal |
29 |
9 |
Puerto Santa Cruz |
37 |
10 |
Playa Jiwotpolu |
22 |
Table 3: Species richness and diversity indexes at ten sampling sites in La Guajira peninsula, Colombia, during 2016. S = Number of SAV species or Species richness.
Palei |
Patsualoru |
Bahia Hondita |
Masichii |
Neimao |
Punta Negra |
Wannal |
Puerto Chimare |
Puerto Santa Cruz |
Playa Jiwotpolu |
Anadyomene stellata |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Avrainvillea nigricans |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Bryopsis hypnoides |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Bryopsis pennata |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Bryopsis plumosa |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Caulerpa mexicana |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Caulerpa prolifera |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Caulerpa racemosa |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Caulerpa racemosa var. lamourouxii |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Caulerpa sertularoides f. farlowii |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Caulerpa taxifolia |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Chaetomorpha aerea |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Chaetomorpha antennina |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Chaetomorpha linum |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Cladophora catenata |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Cladophora liniformis |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Cladophora prolifera |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Cladophoropsis membranaceae |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Codium sp. |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Codium repens |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Enteromorpha flexuosa |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Enteromorpha flexuosa subsp. paradoxa |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Enteromorpha intestinalis |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Enteromorpha lingulata |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Enteromorpha prolifera |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Halimeda scabra |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Udotea unistrarea |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Ulva fasciata |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Ulva lactuca |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Ulva oxysperma |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |