An Automated Panel for Assessing Pro-Oxidant and Antioxidant Status in Human Serum
Ferrier*, Stephen Reed, Bradley T. Elliott
Department of Biomedical
Sciences, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom
author: Chrystalla Ferrier, Department
of Biomedical Sciences, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom. Tel:
+442079115000; Email:
Date: 10 August, 2017; Accepted
Date: 20 November, 2017; Published
Date: 27 November, 2017
Background: The implied role of reactive oxygen species in diabetes, cardiovascular
disease and some forms of cancer suggests that the measurement of pro-oxidant
and antioxidant biomarkers may be a useful addition to current routine tests.
Methods: Validation procedures were undertaking to establish performance
characteristics for glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, superoxide
dismutase and total antioxidant status assays on the ILab Aries analyser. Blood
samples from thirty healthy participants enabled the determination of
preliminary reference ranges for these tests in addition to the calculated
antioxidant gap.
Results: The performance of all the tests was favourably comparable with that
stated by the manufacturer. Preliminary reference ranges were similar to those
in previous publications. There was a requirement for separate male and female
ranges for all the panel tests apart from gamma-glutamyltransferase.
Conclusions: An automated panel for selected serum pro-oxidant and antioxidant
biomarkers is feasible in terms of test performance, turnaround time and costs.
Additional studies on larger groups of individuals with known disorders will
determine the clinical usefulness of this panel.
Keywords: Antioxidants; Glutathione
peroxidase; gamma-Glutamyltransferase; Glutathione reductase; Oxidative stress;
Uric acid
1. Introduction
oxygen species (ROS), namely the hydroxyl radical (OH.), the
superoxide ion (O2-) and hydrogen peroxide, serve as
signalling molecules for gene expression, cell growth, inflammation and
apoptosis by altering protein function via the covalent modification of
cysteine residues [1-3]. ROS are generated intracellularly in mitochondria, as
by-products of oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation, in cytosol,
exosomes and phagosomes via enzymatic action on endogenous and exogenous
substances and extracellularly by release from cells via aquaporins or exosomes
enzymatic actions, namely superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and
glutathione reductase, and the non-enzymatic antioxidant roles of mainly
albumin and uric acid maintain ROS concentrations within suitable limits.
Overproduction of ROS, for instance in local hypoxia or depletion of
intra-/extracellular antioxidant capacity, results in ROS concentrations that
have been implicated in the development and progression of diseases including
diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer [4,5].
volume of recent publications on ROS linked diseases prompts the question of
whether automated profiles to reflect pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance should be
included as part of the routine Blood Sciences test provision. The aims of this
preliminary study were to evaluate the performance of selected serum
pro-oxidant and antioxidant biomarkers on an automated system, to compare pilot
study healthy participant reference ranges with manufacturer and previously
published values, to obtain a preliminary reference range for the calculated
antioxidant gap [6] and to assess the feasibility of adding a pro-oxidant and
antioxidant panel to current routine testing.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
Non-fasting venous blood samples were obtained from
thirty healthy participants (14 males and 16 females, aged 23 to 62) following
informed consent.
2.2. Sample processing
Blood samples collected in serum separator and plasma
separator tubes were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes, stored at 4oC
and analysed within 24 hours.
2.3. Analytes
All tests were performed on the Instrumentation
Laboratory ILab Aries, benchtop clinical chemistry analyser (supplied by Werfen
UK) at 37oC using application parameters specified by the reagent
manufacturers. Instrumentation Laboratory reagents, calibration sera and
control sera for albumin, gamma-glutamyltransferase and uric acid were
purchased from Werfen UK. Biokit quantex C-reactive protein reagents, standards
and control sera were purchased from Werfen UK. Glutathione peroxidase, glutathione
reductase and total antioxidant status reagents, standards and control sera
were purchased from Randox Laboratories Ltd.
- Albumin (Alb): An end-point spectrophotometric method using bromocresol green dye-binding, absorbance readings were taken at 620 nm. Albumin concentrations in g/L were converted to mmol/L with division by 66.437 for antioxidant gap (GAP) calculations.
- Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT): A kinetic spectrophotometric method using L-γ-glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide and glycylglycine substrates to form 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoate with absorbance readings taken at 405 nm.
- Uric acid (UA): An end-point spectrophotometric method using uricase/peroxidase, 4-aminoantipyrine and 2, 4, 6-tribromo-3-hydroxybenzoic acid, with the absorbance of the end product quinoneimine absorbance readings were taken at a primary wavelength of 510 nm and a blanking wavelength of 600 nm. Uric acid concentrations are expressed as mmol/L.
- C-reactive protein (CRP): An end-point turbidimetric polystyrene latex particle immunoassay, with absorbance readings taken at 577 nm.
- Glutathione peroxidase (GPx): A kinetic spectrophotometric method using reduced glutathione (GSH), cumene hydroperoxide and Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH) as reagents.
- Glutathione reductase (GR): A kinetic spectrophotometric method using oxidised glutathione (GSSG) and NADPH as reagents. Absorbance readings were taken at a primary wavelength of 340 nm and a blanking wavelength of 405 nm.
- Superoxide dismutase (SOD): A fixed point spectrophotometric method using xanthine, xanthine oxidase and 2-(4-iodophenol)-5-phenyltetrazolium chloride as reagents. Absorbance readings were taken at a primary wavelength of 510 nm and a blanking wavelength of 700 nm.
- Total antioxidant status (TAS): An end-point spectrophotometric method based on the method of Miller et al. [7], using metmyoglobin, ferrylmyoglobin and 2,2’-Azino-di- [3-ethylbenthiazoline sulphate] (ABTS®) as reagents and absorbance readings taken at 620 nm.
- Antioxidant gap (GAP): GAP was calculated using the equation (1) from Miller et al. [7]. with the assumption of equivalence between trolox equivalent antioxidant activity (TEAC) and TAS [8]. GAP (mmol/L of antioxidant activity) = TAS- [(albumin x 0.69) + uric acid] (1) Albumin and uric acid are expressed as mmol/L.
2.4. Method
CRP, GGT and UA method validations were undertaken for other studies and
performance of each was within the desirable specifications [9]. For GPx, GR,
SOS and TAS, repeat measurements using deionised water, a low concentration
reference material, a control material and a set of reference material
dilutions were used to determine the limit of detection (LOD), limit of
quantitation (LOQ), between run imprecision expressed as percentage coefficient
of variation (%CV), between run percentage bias, expanded uncertainty of
measurement and linearity, respectively. Additionally, recovery experiments
were undertaken on mixtures of standards and control materials. All methods were
calibrated at the start of each daily run of experiments. The expanded
uncertainty of measurement (U) was calculated using between run standard
deviations (SD) of repeated measurements using equation 2: U = ± 2 x SD (2) The
number (n) of repeated samples was as follows: 10 for the LOD and LOQ, 20 for
within run percentage CV, 5 for between run percentage bias and percentage CV,
4 sets of mixtures for the recovery experiments and 8 dilutions for the
linearity experiments. Control materials were reconstituted as stated in the
manufacturer’s instructions. The control material manufacturer assigned values
were as follows: GPx 860 U/L, GR 84 U/L, SOD 1.74 U/mL, TAS 1.75 mmol/L.
2.5. Participant
CRP, GGT, GPx, GR, TAS and UA concentrations were measured on the serum samples
of each participant within 24 hours of sample collection. Samples not analysed
on the same day were stored overnight at 4oC. Preliminary reference
ranges were calculated according to the data distribution. The GAP was
calculated for each participant and from this a preliminary reference range was
2.6. Statistical
Excel 2016 was used for method evaluation calculations and GAP values. IBM SPSS
Statistics Version 23 was used to analyse participant demographics and for the
determination of reference ranges for all analytes. Normality of distributions
was determined using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The Independent T-test was used to
compare mean values for parametric participant data. The Mann-Whitney U-test
was used to compare median values for non-parametric participant data. A
p-value of <0.05 was considered significant for all statistical analysis.
3. Results
performance summary information for the GPx, GR, SOD and TAS methods on the
ILab Aries and the participant demographics and results are provided in Tables
1 and 2 respectively. The between run coefficient of variation for each assay
was compared with the manufacturers stated values, and found to be comparable,
no values were available for TAS. Manufactures stated coefficients of variation
for GPx, GR and SOD were 4.4%, 4.32% and 7.1% respectively.
manufacturer’s reference ranges from previous studies were noted for initial
comparison of the data obtained here. The quoted serum or plasma ranges were 33
- 73 U/L for GR and 1.30 - 1.77 mmol/L for TAS. The U value for the calculated
GAP is calculated by the combining U values for each component as shown in
equation 3 [10]:
U (GAP) = √ ((U2 (TAS) +
0.692U2 (Alb) + U2 (UA))
= ± 0.27 mmol/L (3)
4. Discussion
preliminary study has evaluated the performance of a selection of markers for
the assessment of oxidative stress and antioxidant status on an automated
system and compared reference ranges from a group of healthy participants to
reagent manufacturer and previously published values. In addition, the markers
have been used to calculate the antioxidant gap and a preliminary reference
range for this established.
validations, Table 1, on the ILab Aries for GPx, GR, SOD and TAS demonstrated
reliable performance with parameters comparable to those stated by the reagent
manufacturers [11]. GPx and GR performances were more consistent and reliable
when calibration was undertaken with a standard solution; alternative factor
based applications were not reproducible on the ILab Aries.
confidence in method performance has been confirmed a general recommendation is
that local reference ranges are established, to enable its use for clinical
interpretative purposes [12]. Initial reference ranges were calculated from the
results obtained from 30 non-fasting participants, Table 2. CRP concentration
was measured to exclude the presence of conditions that may also influence the
concentrations of antioxidant markers [1] and [13]. No values above 8 mg/L were
obtained and therefore all the results were included. Serum GR may be used as a
marker for oxidative stress and inflammatory conditions, which result in a
decrease from reference values [14]. The GR reference ranges of 50-88 U/L and
50-72 U/L for males and females respectively were comparable to Melissinos et
al. [15] 33-77 U/L and Goldberg et al. [16] 42-80 U/L and Delides et al. [17].
47-79 IU/L.
represents the contributions of enzymatic and non-enzymatic substances in the
serum. Non-enzymatic components are predominantly albumin and uric acid; minor
contributing substances include ascorbic acid, bilirubin, α-tocopherol,
β-carotene and cysteine [7]. As with GR, a decrease is observed in conditions
arising from or resulting in oxidative stress [18]. TAS reference ranges of
2.0-2.4 mmol/L and 1.8-2.3 mmol/L for males and females respectively were
higher than those provided of 1.30-1.77 mmol/L. The upper limit values obtained
were also close to the 2.5 mmol/L dilution limit of the assay. Other reported
ranges include 1.07-1.89 mmol/L [19] and 1.2084-1.214 mmol/L [8]. The GAP
calculation (equation 2) [6] represents antioxidant contributions from all
serum components apart from ALB and UA and therefore may provide a useful
additional indicator of the effect of substances that would not be feasible to
measure routinely. For calculated algorithms the measurement uncertainty should
be calculated from the measurement uncertainties of each component [10]. GAP
initial references ranges for males and females were 1.3-1.5 mmol/L and 1.2-1.4
mmol/L respectively with a measurement uncertainty of ± 0.27 mmol/L. The effect
of measurement uncertainty when comparing healthy groups with patients with
named disorders in future studies is necessary for accurate interpretation of
is included in this panel as an acknowledgment to the large recent body of work
around its usefulness as an additional marker of inflammation and
cardiovascular disease risk [20-22]. Reference ranges currently used are <
55 U/L for males and < 38 U/L, this study however obtained ranges of 3-40
U/L for males and 6-30 U/L for females. The use of GGT in this capacity is
concerned with increases within the established reference ranges, further
subdividing this into quartiles [21]. A larger number of participants will
enable to establishment of a more accurate reference range which can then be
subdivided into the quartiles for future studies.
from GGT and GAP, all tests had significant differences between male and female
reference ranges. It is recommended therefore that separate references ranges
are determined initially for all tests and a single range only used if there
are non-significant differences. Even as an initial indication of reference
ranges, the small sample size is a limitation to this work. Working reference
ranges using a minimum of 120 male and 120 female subjects are necessary for
further routine and research purposes, and will form part of our future work.
considering the addition of tests onto the existing routine clinical biochemistry
panel options, sample stability, turnaround time and costs must be considered.
GR and TAS are completed in less than ten minutes and therefore do not delay
the completion of the routine profile on serum samples. The GAP calculation can
be easily incorporated into the ILab Aries Ratios functions and therefore
appears on the completed panel. The cost of the reagents is comparable to other
non-immunoassay routine methods, so the addition of the panel is feasible with
respect to this. The Randox GPx and SOD assays are intended for whole blood use
only and lengthy extraction procedures are required prior to measurement. They
are therefore not suitable for incorporation in a serum test panel, but may be
undertaken on the ILab Aries as standalone tests for routine and research
stability in stored serum samples is quoted as one week at 2-8oC and
TAS serum stability as 36 hours at 2- 8oC by the reagent
manufacturer. However, to take into account time between samples being taken
and analysis in addition to possible add on requests to existing samples,
stability studies are currently in progress to establish local criteria.
Finally, the determination of intra-individual biological variation for TAS, GR
and GAP will enable the establishment of reference change values and their
subsequent use in determining clinically significant changes in individuals
studies will establish the stability of the measured analysts under local
storage conditions, intra-individual biological variation and antioxidant panel
final reference ranges using a larger population.
5. Conclusions
preliminary study has determined that an automated panel for assessing
pro-oxidant and antioxidant status in human serum is feasible in terms of
reliable method performance, ease of operation, turnaround time and costs. The
panel may be undertaken simultaneously and on the same sample as current
routine clinical chemistry tests. Additional studies on larger groups of
individuals with known disorders will determine the clinical usefulness of this
Test |
Limit of Detection
Limit of Quantitation |
% CV Between run |
% bias Between run |
Expanded uncertainty of measurement (U) |
Linearity (r2) |
% Recovery (range of values) |
GPx |
93 U/L |
211 U/L |
4.5 |
8.7 |
± 95 U/L |
0.9917 |
95 - 97 |
GR |
2.2 U/L |
6.7 U/L |
3.0 |
2.9 |
± 5.2 U/L |
0.9968 |
100 - 101 |
0.08U/mL |
0.35 U/L |
8.4 |
- 4.2 |
± 0.35 U/mL |
0.9703 |
102 -114 |
0 mmol/L |
0.6mmol/L |
7.5 |
0.4 |
±0.27mmol/L |
0.9818 |
95 - 102 |
%CV, %bias and U values are expressed to two
significant figures. |
Table 1: Performance
summary for glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, superoxide dismutase
and total antioxidant status on the ILab Aries analyser.
Male |
Female |
All participants |
p-value |
Number (n) |
14 |
16 |
30 |
Age, years, mean (range) |
43 (23 - 62) |
39 (23 - 59) |
41 (23 -62) |
0.425 |
Alb, g/L, mean (±2 SD) |
44 (40 - 48) |
43 (40 - 45) |
43 (40 - 47) |
0.047 |
CRP, mg/L, median (IQR) |
0.8 (0.6 - 2.1) |
0.4 (0.1 - 1.0) |
0.6 (0.2 - 1.7) |
0.077 |
GGT, U/L, median (IQR) |
24 (20 - 35) |
16 (13 - 18) |
19 (15 - 26) |
0.000 |
UA, mmol/L, mean (±2 SD) |
0.310 (0.172 - 0.448) |
0.257 (0.145 - 0.368) |
0.282 (0.148 - 0. 416) |
0.026 |
GR, U/L, mean (±2 SD) |
69 (50 - 88) |
61 (50 - 72) |
65 (48 - 82) |
0.006 |
TAS, mmol/L, mean (±2 SD) |
2.2 (2.0 - 2.4) |
2.1 (1.8 - 2.3) |
2.1 (1.9 - 2.4) |
0.016 |
GAP, mmol/L, mean (±2 SD) |
1.4 (1.3 - 1.5) |
1.4 (1.2 - 1.4) |
1.4 (1.2 - 1.6) |
0.207 |
All test values were normally distributed apart from
CRP and GGT. Significant differences between males and females (p < 0.05)
were observed for all participant data apart from age, CRP and GAP. |
Table 2:
Participant demographics and serum reference ranges.
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