A Review of the Barriers to Transitions of Care Between the Hospital and Community Pharmacy
Maria Lang, Roxane Took*
Department of Pharmacy Practice, St. Louis College of Pharmacy,
Missouri, USA
*Corresponding Author: Roxane Took, Department of
Pharmacy Practice, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Missouri, USA. Tel:
+1-3146849911; Email: Roxane.Took@stlcop.edu
Citation: Lang M and Took R (2019) A Review of the Barriers to
Transitions of Care Between the Hospital and Community Pharmacy. J Hosp Health Care Admin 3: 123. DOI: 10.29011/JHHA-123.000023
Objective: To address the
barriers and implications of Transitions of Care (TOC) from the hospital to the
community pharmacy-based setting.
Methods: A recently discharged
patient presented to the community pharmacy for a Transitions of Care (TOC)
service. Medication refill histories from the pharmacy and insurance company
were gathered, and the patient’s discharge paperwork was requested from the
hospital to identify any medication discrepancies and medication-related problems
(e.g., medication non-adherence, duplicate therapy, drug-drug interactions).
After obtaining this information, the pharmacist and an Advanced Pharmacy
Practice Experience (APPE) student attempted to perform a medication
reconciliation and identity medication-related problems to create a Personal
Medication List (PML) and Medication Action Plan (MAP).
Results: The community
pharmacist and an APPE student were unable to effectively implement TOC in a
community pharmacy-based setting due to several barriers in the healthcare
system including misuse of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) and delayed response or nonresponse from Healthcare Providers
(HCPs). As a result, the patient has been readmitted twice since the initial
Conclusions: The patient
continues to be at high risk for medication-related errors, health
complications, and hospital readmissions due to unresolved medical issues and
medication non-adherence. Community pharmacies should be part of the hospital's
TOC process to effectively reduce hospital readmission rates and to improve
patient health outcomes.
1. Introduction
According to The Joint Commission, transitions
of care (TOC) is defined as the transitioning of a patient from one setting of
care (e.g., hospital) to another (e.g., home or hospice) [1]. During TOC, the
coordination of care between healthcare providers (HCPs) needs to be continuous
as the patient’s health conditions and needs change [1,2]. Implementing an
effective TOC program that includes pharmacists as HCPs is essential, because
deficits in this area are associated with medication-related errors, increased
hospital readmissions, patient harm, and high healthcare costs [1-5]. Current
readmission rates for patients on Medicare is 17.1%, which results in costs of
nearly $44 billion dollars per year [5,6]. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) have attempted to lower the readmission rates by reducing
payments for healthcare services to hospitals that have high readmission rates
The following patient case presents a
real-life scenario of hospital readmissions that could have benefited from an
effective community pharmacy-based TOC service:
A 55-year-old African-American female with multiple comorbidities was
readmitted to the hospital a total of three times within the last 30-days.
Initial admission was for excessive dehydration due to uncontrolled nausea and
vomiting. The second admission was due to uncontrolled pain, and the third
admission was due to bleeding complications. Prior to these three
hospitalizations, the patient had seen at least 6 physicians to help manage her
medical conditions and had utilized at least 4 pharmacies in the last 6 months.
The patient was nonadherent to her medications as evidenced by her pharmacy
records; the patient had not refilled many of her medications in the last 30
days. The patient admitted to having difficulties obtaining medications either because
of financial cost or drug unavailability. Furthermore, the patient claimed that
she could not remember if the hospital staff discussed the medication list with
her at discharge. The patient was confused about her medications; she did not
know which ones she should be taking or discontinuing. The patient complained
of uncontrolled nausea/vomiting and pain, and her level of functioning
continued to decline.
Implementation of a community pharmacy-based TOC service allows for
the identification and resolution of preventable medication-related problems,
promotes patient safety and medication adherence, reduces unnecessary
readmissions to the hospital and physician visits, and lowers overall
healthcare cost [4-8].
Community pharmacists undergo a total of 6 years or more of training
to receive a doctorate in pharmacy. Two of these years are focused on
prerequisites such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, physics and calculus, with 4
additional years of pharmacy-focused education in the professional program.
While in the professional program, students undergo 3 years of education in
pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy focused on the following topics:
cardiovascular, endocrinology, nephrology, pulmonary, gastroenterology,
psychology, oncology, infectious disease, critical care, gynecology,
dermatology, pediatrics, and geriatrics. In their final year of pharmacy
school, students practice their didactic skills during their 4-6 weeks of
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations where students
participate in pharmacist experiences in various settings (e.g., general
hospital, ambulatory care, critical care, community).
Because of their wealth of medication knowledge and accessibility, community pharmacists can be a valuable resource and support for patients that are newly discharged into the community setting [3,4,8]. Patients with multiple comorbidities are at increased risk for medical complications and hospital readmission within 30-days [9,10]. The objective of this review is to address the barriers and implications of TOC in the community pharmacy-based setting.
2. Methods
Upon initial hospital discharge, this case patient was identified as a candidate for the community pharmacy-based TOC program that was piloted. The patient met the following criteria: patient was not hospitalized due to childbirth, suicidal attempts, or psychiatric conditions, patient was greater than 18 years of age, patient was hospitalized for two or more days, and patient was not filling specialty medications (e.g., chemotherapy, transplant, and HIV medications) through the community pharmacy. The patient verbally consented to participate in the TOC program at no additional cost. Medication refill histories from the pharmacy and insurance company were gathered to assess medication adherence and identify medication-related problems. The patient’s discharge paperwork was requested from the hospital to identify any medication discrepancies and to perform medication reconciliation. The community pharmacist and an APPE student were tasked to perform medication reconciliation to identify medication-related problems, and create a Personal Medication List (PML) and Medication Action Plan (MAP).
3. Results
The implementation of a community pharmacy-based TOC program was
ineffective due to several barriers in the healthcare system. On multiple
occasions, HCPs were uncooperative with the community pharmacist/APPE student
by refusing to provide patient health information (e.g., discharge medication
list) and communicating with the community pharmacist in a timely manner (e.g.,
7-10 business days) because of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the hospital’s policy. In addition, key HCPs
from the hospital and primary care office failed to help resolve discrepancies
that the community pharmacist identified. As a result, the community pharmacist
and APPE student were unable to reconcile the patient’s medications and to
address medication-related problems. Also, the PML and MAP could not be
completed. The patient consequently was readmitted twice to the hospital within
a 30-day period with poor health outcomes, and the patient continues to be at
high risk for health complications and hospital readmissions.
4. Discussion
Several barriers contributed to the ineffectiveness of the TOC
process. One significant challenge that the community pharmacist and APPE
student had was the lack of timely access to patient’s health information,
including discharge medication list. In this patient case, the nurse and
primary care physician refused to discuss the patient’s concerns and medication
questions with the pharmacist because they felt that this would be a violation
of HIPAA. The HIPAA Privacy Rule was often cited inappropriately and
misconstrued by HCPs because it negated the purpose of protecting the patient
from harm and ensuring continuity of care. The goal of the HIPAA Privacy Rule,
per the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, is to ensure that
providers “do not use or disclose an individual’s health information except for
treatment, payment, or regular healthcare operations” [11]. Community
pharmacists need to be able to consult a HCP regarding a patient’s medication
regimen and perform “regular healthcare operations” of conducting medication
reconciliation [2,11]. Approximately 60% of medication errors occur when the
patient transitions through the healthcare system [8]. Obtaining a discharge
medication list is crucial for the TOC process because it allows the community
pharmacy system to identify any medication discrepancies and to prevent
medication-related errors [8,10].
Another barrier that the community pharmacist and APPE student
experienced was lack of inclusion in the hospital’s TOC process. Most
traditional hospital TOC models, such as described by Labson et al. (e.g., Care
Transition Programs, Project RED), do not include community pharmacists [5].
However, community pharmacists are valuable in assessing and identifying
patient barriers that pose risks for poor health outcomes. They can serve as a
patient advocate to ensure that the patient transitions smoothly back into the
community setting after hospitalization because they are frequently the first
accessible healthcare providers in the community. The patient described in the
case had uncoordinated care because the patient did not have a designated
person within the community to follow-up with and to assist the patient in the
TOC process.
Additionally, the pharmacist and APPE student encountered a lack of
urgency and accountability set by the healthcare team. Common responses
received by the community pharmacist included, “I don’t see what the issue is,”
“There’s nothing I can do about it,” and “That’s the patient’s own problem.”
Evidence has shown that including pharmacists on the health care team can help
overcome barriers in the TOC setting and improve patient outcomes [2,3,12-16].
This patient’s HCPs missed the opportunity to improve patient health outcomes
and to reduce the risk of readmissions by collaborating with the community
pharmacist to resolve medication-related problems.
Community pharmacists needs to be integrated into the hospital’s TOC
process to improve patient outcome and to reduce hospital readmission. As
previously mentioned, community pharmacists are valuable members of the
healthcare team who have received training in multiple disease states and are
qualified to screen for health problems, such as depression, diabetes,
neuropathy, and much more. Because of their accessibility, community
pharmacists are able to identify social and economic issues that affects the
patient’s overall health. Research has found that providing community
pharmacists with access to electronic health records can be beneficial in
decreasing hospital readmission [17]. Community pharmacists can better serve
patients through partnership with local hospitals; research has shown that
integrating these pharmacists in the transitions of care process can result in
a significant decrease in readmission rates, 6.9-8.1% in the intervention group
(in comparison to 20-21.4% in the usual care group) [18,19]. In these
partnerships, nursing staff help identify patients that are being discharged,
refer these patients to their community pharmacy, and share relevant
information with the community pharmacists. These pharmacists are provided with
contact information so they can easily communicate any barriers to care or
issues with the hospital.
By collaborating on a team, hospitalists and nurses can provide
discharge paperwork and communicate any medication changes. Community
pharmacists can further be utilized to improve positive health outcomes by
identifying medication discrepancies and potential medication-related problems,
by assessing patient’s barriers (e.g., socio-economic burden, lack of
transportation, medication non-adherence) [3,4]. Community pharmacists can be
utilized to follow up with the patient and perform risk assessments (e.g.,
medication non-adherence). This can significantly reduce unnecessary
hospitalizations or doctor visits [1,4]. For example, if the patient is unable
to afford the medications due to financial burden, the community pharmacist can
discuss the patient’s socioeconomic concerns and offer alternative,
cost-effective medications with the HCPs. This will result in preventing
medication non-adherence, poor health outcomes, and unnecessary stress on the
Overall, HCPs should utilize community pharmacists to ensure an
effective TOC and continuity of care to reduce hospital readmission rates and
promote positive health outcomes. Community pharmacists can be utilized in
various ways to help improve the TOC process. By providing quality care
transitions through the utilization of community pharmacists, this case patient
would have most likely had better health outcomes, and increased quality of
life which would have led to an overall decline in healthcare costs.
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