Journal of Surgery
ISSN: 2575-9760
Impact Factor: 4.99
research article

Simultaneous Laparoscopic Resection of Primary Colorectal Cancer and Associated Liver Metastases: A Systematic Review
Omar Abu-Zaydeh, Muneer Sawaied, Ahmad Mahamid, Natalia Goldberg and Riad Haddad*
Journal of Surgeryresearch article

Coccygodynia - Causes, Local Symptoms and other Conditions within the Motor System - Concurrence and Correlation
Bogumiła Dampc*, Krzysztof Słowiński and Agata Pruciak
Journal of Surgeryresearch article

Risk Factors for Incisional Hernia Recurrence and Surgical Site Infection in Solid Organ Transplant Population - Single Center Experience
Andacoglu O*, Cheema F, Özbek U, Sanchez L, Malcher F
Journal of Surgerycase report

Jean-Louis Petit ‘S Hernia: Report of 03 Cases at Kara Teaching Hospital (Togo)
Dossouvi Tamegnon*, Kanassoua Kokou, Sikpa Komi Hola, Adabra Komlan, Kassegne Iroukora, Amouzou Efoé-Ga, Tchangai Boyodi, Alassani Fousseni and Dosseh Ekoué David
Journal of Surgery