Current Trends in Metabolomics

Abbreviation | Curr Tr Metabol |
Publication Type | Peer Reviewed |
Publishing Model | Open Access |
DOI Prefix | 10.29011/CTM |
Journal Category | Metabolomics Journals |
About the Journal
Current Trends in Metabolomics is an online peer-reviewed scholarly open access journal which encourages the submission of manuscripts that covers all the aspects of recent advancements, latest research findings in the applications of metabolomics applied to the systems biology. There are no restrictions to the range of biological topics and/or organisms relevant to section metabolomics and research on the metabolic analytes of microorganisms, plants, and animals are welcome.
Aim and Scope
Current Trends in Metabolomics journal aims to publish the new current research findings in all the areas which include the application of Metabolomic technology in diagnosing the diseases, also related to drug discovery, food and environmental studies, functional genomics, etc. which are not limited to the above fields.
Current Trends in Metabolomics creates a dispensable platform for researchers, emerging scientists, potential authors and readers by publishing the latest research findings in the field of metabolomics which includes new post-genomics approaches, interactions between metabolites, metabolic profiling and fingerprinting, Metabolomic applications within animals, plants and microbes, etc. CTM is a multi-disciplinary journal which mainly focuses on advances in bioinformatics, genome sequencing, and high-throughput technologies that have highlighted the need for approaching biological systems as a whole.
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All published articles are permanently archived and available at Gavin Publishers website in HTML and PDF formats.
Editorial Board
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