Stem Cell: Advanced Research and Therapy
ISSN: 2637-9589
Impact Factor: 1.5
Article Processing Charges

Article Processing Charges (APCs) are fees charged by academic journals to cover the costs of publishing an article. These costs include the peer-review process, editing, typesetting, and hosting the article on the journal's website.

At our journal, we believe in open access to research and making it available to a wider audience. To make this possible, we charge a nominal APC to cover our costs. This fee is only charged after the article has been accepted for publication, and we offer a fee discount for authors who cannot afford to pay.

We believe that our APCs are affordable and transparent, and reflect the quality of the services we provide to our authors. Our APCs also enable us to maintain our high standards for peer-review and editorial services, ensuring that the research we publish is of the highest quality.

If you have any queries or negotiations regarding about our APCs or the publishing process, please don't hesitate to Contact Us at: We are committed to making the publication process as transparent and accessible as possible.

Manuscript Title

Manuscript title limit should not exceed 28 words. It should not contain abbreviations and the title should be a brief phrase which describes the contents present in the article.

Details of the Author

The details (full names and affiliations) of all the authors should be given in the manuscript. For corresponding author details (Current address with Telephone, Fax and E-mail) should be provided in the manuscript.

Image Submission:

Images with high resolutions must be submitted by the author. Authors should take full responsibility for copyrighted images during submission and publication process.


Submit your manuscript through or online submission.

Instructions to be followed:

  • A brief title describing, content of the image.
  • Images must be submitted in TIFF, PDF or PPT.
  • The description regarding the image must be limited (250 words).
  • Images should be captured at the following minimum resolutions: halftones and colour (all colour must be RGB) 100-200 dpi; combination halftones 350 dpi; line art 500 dpi to match the journal criteria.
  • Citations/References (URL) should be mentioned properly.


Presentation is a means of communication that helps a person to disclose his work under a broad spectrum of clinical and medical sciences. Presentations are of three types: Power Point Presentation, Flow Chart and Poster presentation.

Figures and Tables


Suggested formats for figures should be in bitmap formats (JPEG, GIF, TIFF, etc.). Please send us the Photoshop indexes, in case the pictures need any differential segments on distinctive layers.

Figure Legends:

Use numerical to designate figures (e.g., Figure 1). Use justifiable description, if necessary.

Figure Quality:

During submissions, figures are supposed to be at sufficient quality, preferably as JPEGs.


Tables can be included in the text, if not submitted as a separate file, oriented in portrait form (not landscape) and upright on the page, not sideways.

Table Legends:

Use numerical to designate tables (e.g., Table 1). Use justifiable description, if necessary.

Equations as Graphics:

If equations cannot be encoded in MathML, submit them in TIFF or EPS format as discrete files (i.e., a file containing only the data for one equation). Only when tables cannot be encoded as XML/SGML can they be submitted as graphics. If this method is used, it is critical that the font size in all equations and tables is consistent and legible throughout all submissions.

  • Suggested Equation Extraction Method
  • Table Specifications
  • Equation Specifications

Supplementary Information:

Discrete items of the Supplementary Information (Materials & Methods, Figures, Tables, etc.,) referred to at an appropriate point in the main text of the chapter. Summary diagram/figure included as part of the Supplementary Information (optional). All Supplementary Information is supplied as a single PDF file, where possible. File size within the permitted limits for Supplementary Information. Images should be a maximum size of 640 x 480 pixels (9 x 6.8 inches at 72 pixels per inch).

Author Corrections:

Suggestions from the authors, before or after the publication process, are acceptable and ensure that the corrections are clearly legible.

Article Processing Fee

Gavin Publishers is an online international open access, peer reviewed publishing organization and we do not have funding/support from any Private Organizations/Government to run. In order to run our organization in an organized way, we do charge manuscript processing fee from the authors to publish their manuscripts. We charge fee to maintain published manuscripts in online repositories. All our articles are published in most updated formats (HTML, PDF, etc.)

Article processing fee varies from Journal to Journal.


Stem Cell: Advanced Research and Therapy

Article Type

Publication Fee (USD)

Research/Review/Video Article


Case Report/Mini Review


Short Communication/Commentary/Letter to Editor/Opinion/Perspective/Book review


Image Article/Editorial



For any queries or negotiations regarding article processing fee, please contact:

Manuscript Withdrawal Policy

Author may wish to withdraw his manuscript after submitting it to Gavin Publishers. To withdraw a manuscript, we do not charge any fee, only if he/she withdraws it within 2 days from the submission date.

If an author withdraws manuscript after acceptance of the article, then he/she will be asked to pay partial processing fee of 499$. Each and every manuscript submission costs us (Gavin Publishers) certain amount along with overhead cost during processing. Manuscripts peer review process is completed (which can often happen within a week), and it has been worked into a journal issue, we have incurred costs on our end that need to be reimbursed.

For any queries or any discussions regarding manuscript withdrawal/article processing fee, please contact us at:

Manuscript Withdrawal Policy

Authors may wish to withdraw their manuscript after submitting it to Gavin Publishers. We understand that circumstances can arise that necessitate the withdrawal of a manuscript and we will work with authors to facilitate this process.

To withdraw a manuscript, the corresponding author must send a written request to the editorial office via email. The request should include the following information:

  • ● The title of the manuscript
  • ● The name of the corresponding author
  • ● The reason for withdrawing the manuscript

Once the request has been received, the editorial office will confirm the withdrawal with the corresponding author and all other authors listed on the manuscript. If the manuscript has already been assigned to an editor or reviewers, they will be notified of the withdrawal.

If a manuscript is withdrawn after submission author will be asked to pay minimum fee of 599 USD.

If a manuscript is withdrawn after acceptance and before publication, the corresponding author will be asked to pay 50% of the invoice amount. Each and every manuscript submission costs us (Gavin Publishers) a certain amount along with overhead cost during processing. Once a manuscript's peer review process is completed (which can often happen within a week), and it has been worked into a journal issue, we have incurred costs on our end that need to be reimbursed.

Please note that authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscript is ready for submission and has met all relevant ethical and publishing standards before submitting it for consideration. Withdrawal requests based on disputes among authors or between authors and their institutions regarding authorship, data ownership, or other issues cannot be considered.

We understand that withdrawing a manuscript can be a difficult decision for authors and we will do our best to accommodate their needs while also maintaining the integrity of our publication process. If you have any questions or concerns about manuscript withdrawal or article processing fees, please don't hesitate to contact us at:

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