Prevalence of Fish and Shrimp Diseases and Use of Various Drugs and Chemicals in Indian Aquaculture for Disease Management
SS Mishra1*, R Das1,
P Choudhary1, J Debbarma1, SN Sahoo1,
P Swain1, R Rathore2, BS Giri2
Centre of ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Poranki,
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Citation: Mishra SS, Das R, Choudhary P, Debbarma J, Sahoo SN, et al. (2017) Prevalence of Fish and Shrimp Diseases and Use of Various Drugs and Chemicals in Indian Aquaculture for Disease Management. J Fish Aqua Dev: JFAD-129. DOI: 10.29011/JFAD-129. 100029
1. Abstract
1. Introduction
There has been significant shift from primarily
tiger shrimp P. monodon production to predominant P. vennamei production to more than 80% of total shrimp production.
Similarly, there has been significant foreign exchange earing through export of
frozen shrimp at International market with earning value of 2000 billion INR
during 2015-16 (Figure 2).
Despite phenomenal growth
of aquaculture sector both in fish and shrimp production during last few years,
the progress of aquaculture has caused some unwarranted
activities including emergence and
spread of diseases in aquaculture adversely affecting growth of the
sector [11]. The total loss to aquaculture sector world-wide has been estimated to be
more than US$ 6.0 billion per anum [2]. To protect
cultured fish and shrimp, farmers are in practice of using a wide
range of aqua–medicines, drugs and chemicals in aquaculture to control
production loss. Besides aquaculture drugs and chemicals are also used in pond
construction, soil and water management, enhancement of natural aquatic
productivity, feed formulation, manipulation of reproduction, growth promotion
and processing and value addition of the final product [12-14].
Since many countries like India do not have specific regulations and guidelines
on use of drugs and chemicals in fisheries and aquaculture unlike FDA rules for
human and animal medicine, diverse chemicals and drugs even those in veterinary
practices and agriculture crop management are freely being used in aquaculture.
Hence, serious concern has been raised by different international organizations
like FAO and OIE on irresponsible use of drugs and antibiotics, which often can
lead to development of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) [16].
The amount of information on chemical use in aquaculture and its significance
for human health assurance, environmental protection and sustainable
development of the sector, has been increasing. Although aquaculture has made
significant growth in Asian regions, no such study has been carried out to
cataloguing of drugs, chemicals and formulations used in aquaculture, except
some work done in Bangladesh [17-20]. However,
in India, no appropriate research works have been carried out on the impact of
aquaculture drugs and chemicals in fish health management and its impact on
environment. There is also growing concern on potential misuse of some of these
chemicals and health hazard. With this idea in mind the present investigation
was aimed to provide some information on the uses of drugs, chemicals and
formulations in various aquaculture practices including diseases management in
aquaculture dominant and progressive states like Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West
Bengal, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.
Both primary and secondary data were used during the study. Primary data were collected through field surveys in different districts, to have on spot assessment at farmers field. Specific prescribed questionnaire “Survey on usage pattern of drugs and chemicals in Indian aquaculture under All India Network Project on Fish Health” was used for survey. Data were collected through interview and personal interaction with fish and shellfish farm owners, hatchery operators, drugs/ chemicals selling units, aqua-medicine representative of various pharmaceuticals companies. Data on use of chemicals, active ingredients of aqua-medicines, their indications, method of application in field, dose, effectiveness, duration of application, cost and effect on environment were collected as per the format. Detailed information was also collected from State Government Fishery Departments of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh states. Secondary source of information consisted of published reports, training material, newsletters of fish and shrimp production companies, non-government organizations, appropriate government organizations like Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA) etc. The data were analyzed using tabular and descriptive statistical techniques.
3. Results and Discussions
Fish and shrimp Aquaculture has made significant growth in coastal states of India, like in Andhra Pradesh (A.P), Odisha, West Bengal (W.B) Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, while carp culture has progressively developed in Inland states like in Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Punjab and Haryana. In Andhra Pradesh, pond culture was initiated in the Kolleru lake region and spread to the surrounding districts of West Godavari and Krishna, which are currently the center of Indian major carp culture. Fish and shrimp production data indicates Andhra Pradesh produced 414349 Metric Ton (MT) of Marine and 1393728 MT of inland fish with total production of 1808077 MT of fish which was the highest in India. Similarly, Odisha produced 118311 MT of marine and 291832 MT of inland fisheries with total of 410143 MT fish. However, both Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand being inland states produced only freshwater fish amounting 255611 MT and 96600 MT fish, respectively, and the fish production potential is being enhanced every year [8]. As such Andhra Pradesh has been the center of modern aquaculture with all innovative and scientific practices with intensive culture have been taken up in this zone and the activities are spreading to neighboring states like in Odisha. Nonetheless this state supplies fish to all over the country and even exporting to the neighboring countries. In recent years, tremendous progress in carp and shrimp culture has also been made in Odisha, while carp aquaculture has become prominent in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand states, especially in cage culture in reservoirs and wetlands. Hence these four states were chosen to survey of aquaculture activities including disease problems faced by the farmers and use of various drugs and chemical in aquaculture. Both freshwater fish species and brackish water shrimp culture ponds were surveyed. It was observed that the freshwater aquaculture comprises of the culture of mainly three species of Indian major carps (IMC) viz. Catla catla (Catla), Labeo rohita (Rohu), and Cirrhinus mrigala (Mrigal) which constitute between 70% and 75% of the total freshwater fish production, with maximum emphasis on Labeo rohita production. In some farms three exotic species Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver carp), Ctenopharyngodon idella (Grass carp) and Cyprinus carpio (Common carp) are being cultured along with IMCs. Genetically improved Tilapia (Oreochromis mosambicus and Oreochromis niloticus) and Pangasius (Pangasiandon hypophthalamus) have gained popularity in some zones. Another exotic fish called Pacu (Piaractus brachypomus) which has accessed to Indian aquaculture through illegal route, has gained popularity in this zone, for its high growth potential, even in low saline pond culture systems, with less occurrence of disease problems and appreciable meat quality. The fish produced in Indian freshwater aquaculture system are mostly consumed in domestic market because of high consumer demand and low market value at international market, nonetheless, some are also exported to neighbouring Asian countries. Culture of brackish water species like indigenous shrimp Penaeus indicus, Tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and exotic white leg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) are commonly practised in the region, which is mostly export oriented, considering high international value of the species cultured and demand at International market.
Unlike in fish culture, parasitic infestations were
found not to be a major problem in shrimp culture, although some cases of
parasitic infestations were reported (Table 2).
In some areas in Andhra Pradesh, occurrence of a
new parasitic disease called Hepatopancreatic
Microsporidiosis (HPM) caused by Enterocytozoon
hepatopenaei (EHP), a microsporidian
parasite was reported and during October 2015, India’s Marine Products
Export Development Authority (MPEDA) gave warnings about the spread of EHP in
India’s shrimp farms [21]. Low level prevalence
of EHP associated with “Slow growth syndrome” in tiger shrimp was observed [22]. However, in the
present investigation, not much mortality due to
parasitic infestations in shrimp could be recorded in four states where survey
was carried out. However, parasitic infestations causing high morbidity and
production loss was recorded in most freshwater fish farms employing carp
culture. Among all parasites infestation with Orgulous was maximum followed by Dactylograms
sp. affecting gills. Occurrence of Myxobolous, Trichodina and Ergasilus sp. were also reported but with less number of
incidences, as reported previously [10,23,24]. In the present survey it was observed a variety of drugs
and chemicals were used in fish and shrimp culture for disease management and
control. It has been reported that various aquaculture drugs have wide
application in health management, pond construction, soil and water quality improvement, productivity
enhancement, feed formulation, manipulation of reproduction, growth promotion
and processing and value addition of the final product [14,20]. As reported
earlier, most of the aqua-medicine, drugs and chemicals commercially
available in the market could be categorized in to six types, i) Those
chemicals and formulations for water quality management in cultured ponds, ii)
Anti-parasitic drugs and chemicals iii) Disinfectants and sanitizers iv)
Probiotics and water remediation products v) Feed Supplements and growth
promoters and vi) Antibiotics [25].
As such, so far, no anti-parasitic drugs nor
insecticides have been permitted for use in fish culture in India, but farmers
are in habit of using such preparations as used in animal health care
(veterinary medicines) or in agriculture (Insecticides and pesticides). These
drugs included Paramed, Nuvan, Decis, Himalaya, Starchlor, Butox vet, Cliner,
Ectodel (2.8%), Emamectin Benzoate, Hitek Powder, Paracure-IV, Dichlorovos (Table 3) [17,25,28] reported
use of Melathion and Sumithion (Fanitrothion) [20] in most fish farms in Bangladesh, for
control and eradication of external parasites as well as fungal diseases. Use
of Malathion in any practice has been banned in India, but some farmers are
illegally using it in fish ponds to get rid of unwanted fish and parasites,
there by polluting the environment. In
European countries the antiparasitic drugs that are mostly used to control the
sea lice, contains dichlorvos, azamethiphos, hydrogen peroxide, ivermectin,
emamectin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, teflubenzuron, and diflubenzuron as the
active ingredients [29]. Although a number of products appear to be
available to veterinarians and salmon farmers in European countries only a few
are prescribed. Only Emamectin Benzoate (EB), is used as medicated feed in all
jurisdictions. In fact, this is the only product used in Canada (under
Emergency Drug Release) and the US (INAD) [30] for
control of parasitic infestations in fish. It was also observed change in
attitude of some fish farmers in Andhra Pradesh to use organic
products like containing neem (Azadirachta indica) extracts or neem
oil to control fish
parasitic infestations. Experimental trial by some farmers have shown
encouraging results and occurrence of Argulosis was not reported in the fish
farm since last three years. Again, some farmers use farm
made fermented extract locally called as “Jivamrutam” which contain cow urine,
cow dung, molasses, rice bran and sometimes Black gram (Vigna mungo).
After nearly 5-6 days of fermentation,
the fermented product is applied. As per their view, application of the product
was very useful in protecting the fish from parasitic infestations and
enhancing plankton production. However, its efficacy in shrimp ponds have not
been evaluated. Such type of innovative trials by fish farmers in Andhra
Pradesh are appreciated by farmers and scientific community and more awareness
programme are needed to spread the message.
The disease pattern was variable in different
states. In Andhra Pradesh, it was observed that cases of parasitic infestations
in freshwater fish culture was the maximum (40%). This was followed by loss due
to alternation in water quality parameters (26%) leading to production loss.
Infection of fish with bacterial pathogens were in the range of 23%, fungal
diseases in 5% cases and in only 6% cases the mortality are due to other
factors, similar to that reported earlier [23].
However, in Odisha, cases of parasitic infestation and bacterial diseases were
almost equal proportions. Usually, deterioration of water quality often led to
occurrence of bacterial or parasitic infestation. Some cases (10-12%) of
mortality were reported due to oxygen depletion, normally during winter
periods. In both Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand disease problems were minimal
compared to other states. Some occurrence of bacterial red disease and
parasitic infestations were reported. However, in cage culture, disease
occurrence, morbidity and mortality were very high, because of high stocking
density that favours disease transmission among the group. Cases of bacterial
induced red disease, ulcerative disease and fungal diseases were commonly
reported. Tail rot and Fin rot were
common and fungal diseases like Saprolegniasis, also called “Cotton wool
disease” caused by Saprolegnia parasitica and Achyla species were commonly
reported during winter months, when the cage nets are clogged with fouling
agents [48]. However, no cases of viral
disease either in carps or tilapia were noticed during the survey period.
Another significant observation was seasonal variation in occurrence and
severity of fish diseases in freshwater aquaculture. Whereas incidences of red disease or Motile Aeromoniasis were
common during all seasons, the incidences of Black-gill disease were more
during winter periods. Among parasitic diseases, occurrence of Argulousis and
Gill fluke disease were comparatively more during winter and post-rainy season.
Hence, the farmers were advised to take due preventive and control measures
during post-rain and winter seasons in grow-out culture system [23]. However, in shrimp P. vennamei culture in Andhra
Pradesh, the disease prevalence scene was observed to be different. Most cases
of disease (35-40%) were White Spot Disease (WSD) and Running mortality
syndrome of viral origin. This was followed by 10-20% cases of bacterial
induced shell necrosis, and EMS/ AHNPD, as reported by the farmers. Some
non-specific factors induced diseases (15-20%) like Loose Shell Syndrome (LSS)
and White Gut Disease (WGD) or White Fecal Disease (WFS). Water quality like
depletion of DO was the major problem in 10-15% cases but was critical factor
in most of the farms. Occurrence of parasitic and fungal diseases were minimal
(4-8%), as most shrimp farms maintained good water quality.
Even though use of antibiotics in aquaculture
practice is unwanted and harmful, these are being used for therapeutic and
prophylactic and growth promoting purposes. Also, some manufactures are incorporating
certain antibiotics in shrimp feed as a preservative. Even though antibiotics
have no therapeutic value against viral diseases, still many farmers are using
such antibiotic formulations in their farms against viral diseases [49], which has been a matter of abuse. It was
observed that most farmers were unaware of the products and they were using the
same as per the advice of some so called local fish health experts/ consultants
and feed representatives. In shrimp hatchery operation at the Andhra Pradesh
shrimp seed production, supply and research centre (TASPARC) hatchery at
Bheemunipatnam, Andhra Pradesh, Calcium chloride, Sodium thiosulphate, EDTA
were used as water treatment chemicals. Formalin, Idophore, potassium
permanganate and dilute acids were used as disinfectants. Aquatic grade
antibiotics like Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin, Oxytetracyclins, Furazolidone,
kanamycin, neomycin and antifungal drugs like formalin, Treflan and malachite
green were used in shrimp hatchery operations [50].
Antibacterial have been used mainly in juvenile or larval stages of aquatic
animal production as prophylactic agents [15,51,52].
Among the antibiotics, oxytetracycline is one of the most widely used
antibiotics in aquaculture practices throughout the world [37,53]. These antibiotics are used for treating the
bacterial red disease or ulcer disease, bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia caused
by A.
liquefaciens, and Pseudomonas infections and Control of enteric
septicemia of catfish caused by Edwardsiella ictaluristrains.
The use of such
bioremediation products has made inroads into shrimp culture, significantly
reducing the use of antibacterial and antibiotics in fish and shrimp culture,
which was observed to be a significant positive development of aquaculture in
the country.
In the present investigation, it was observed that
chemical needs were less in fish culture than in shrimp culture. While farmers
in fish culture normally spend 5-10% of their total investment in use of
various drugs, chemicals vitamins, probiotics etc. in pond culture, a shrimp
farmer often use 25-30% of total cost in pond management. This is because of
high value produce shrimp, which fetch very good price US$ 8-10 at
international market. With high risk, the profit margin in shrimp farming is
nearly 25-30%, which in fish farming it is only 10-15%. Again, it was observed
that in those four states, use of drugs and chemicals have been minimum in some
modified extensive and semi-intensive culture ponds and it is limited to only
addition of lime, manure (Cow dung/ poultry wastes), lime and some fertilizes
like DAP and Urea. As reported by many famers in all regions, compared to
previous years the use of antimicrobials and antibiotics has been significantly
reduced to almost 50-70 % and it has been replaced by probiotics which were
mainly used in water remediation and feed additives. Considering negative
impact of chemicals use in shrimp culture, specifically their impact on
digestive organs, use of liver tonics, gut enzymes, vitamins and minerals has
significantly increased. Again, there has been growing concern of drug
residues, specifically antibiotics and pesticides in shrimp tissue. There were
several instances, when Indian shrimp consignment at international market were
rejected and destroyed due to above reasons, leading to huge loss for the
farmers. In our survey, it was observed that, while due care has been taken in
some areas to minimize chemical use in fish and shrimp culture, some farmers in
Andhra Pradesh and Odisha have adopted innovative method of organic
aquaculture, without addition of any chemicals, drugs or chemical fertilizers.
Use of “Jivamrutam” and “Traditional medicines” are some of the examples of
organic method of disease control programme in aquaculture being adopted by
some famers. The initial trials a have shown encouraging results with almost
equal level of production and now steps are being taken to popularize organic
fish and shrimp culture in other parts.
Figure 1: Showing development of shrimp
aquaculture production in India, with variable composition of species during
last 15 years (Adapted with modification from: Aqua Aquaria India 2017 [9], and Mishra et al., 2017c) [10].
Figure 2: Showing export of frozen
shrimp (in tone’s) at international market with earning of foreign exchange
(Source: MPEDA, 2017) [8].
Figure 3: Showing survey areas where the present
investigation was undertaken in India
Figure 4: Showing prevalence of various disease problems in
fish culture in Andhra Pradesh (A.P).
Figure 5: Showing prevalence of various disease problems in
Shrimp aquaculture in Andhra Pradesh (A.P).
Figure 6a: Information received on different drugs,
chemicals, antibiotics and microbiological formulation commercially available
in four aquaculture dominant states in India, during the present survey.
Figure 6b: Different categories of drugs, chemicals,
antibiotics and microbiological formulation commercially available in four
aquaculture dominant states in India, during the present survey.
S. NO |
Bacterial Diseases |
Parasitic Diseases |
Fungal & Viral diseases |
1 |
Red disease |
Argulosis |
Saprolegniasis |
2 |
Motile Aeromoniasis or ulcerative disease |
Dactylogyrusis (Gill fluke) |
Saprolegniasis |
3 |
Bacterial gill disease
Gyrodactylosis (Skin fluke) |
Ichthyophornasis |
4 |
Fin rot and Gill rot disease |
Ichthyophthiriasis (White spot disease) |
Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) |
5 |
Infectious Dropsy |
Trichodiniasis |
6 |
Eye disease |
Ergasilosis |
Viral Diseases
7 |
Pseudomonas septicemia |
Lernaeasis |
Tilapia Lake Virus (suspected) |
8 |
Columnaris disease |
9 |
Edwadsillosis- abscess |
Table 1: Common bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases recorded from cultured freshwater fish in pond culture system.
Diseases |
Causative agent |
A. Bacterial diseases of Shrimp |
Necrosis of appendages |
Vibrio spp., Pseudomonas sp., Aeromonas sp., and Flavobacterium sp. |
Vibriosis |
Vibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. anguillarum |
Luminescent bacterial disease |
V. harveyi |
Filamentous bacterial disease |
Leucothrix mucor |
Brown spot disease (Shell disease or Rust disease) |
Vibrio sp., Aeromonas sp., Flavobacterium sp. |
Bacterial septicaemia |
Vibrio sp. |
Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease / Early Mortality Syndrome (AHPND/EMS), |
Bacteria: Vibrio parahaemolyticus and other Vibrio species |
Viral diseases of shrimp |
Monodon Baculoviral (MBV) disease |
Monodon Baculo virus (MBV), dsDNA, size,75x300 nm, Baculovirus, occluded |
White spot disease |
White spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), Baculovirus, dsDNA, Family: Nimaviridae, Genus: Whispoviru |
Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) disease |
IHHNV, single stranded, small and non-enveloped DNA virus, Parvovirus, family: Parvoviridae |
Hepatopancreatic Parvovirus (HPV) disease |
HPV, ssDNA virus, Parvovirus family: Parvoviridae |
Infectious Myonecrosis virus (IMNV) disease |
Infectious Myonecrosis virus (IMNV), Size: ~40 nm, un-enveloped, dsRNA, Family: Totiviridae
Fungal Diseases
Protozoan fouling |
Protopzoans: Vorticella, Zoothamnium, Epistylis, Acineta and Ephelota |
Larval mycosis |
Oomycetous fungi such as Lagenidium sp., Sirolpidium sp., Haliphthorous sp. |
C. Parasitic diseases of shrimp
Cotton shrimp disease |
Microsporidia: Agmosoma, Ameson and Pleistophora |
Bopyrid parasitic infestation |
Bopyrid parasite, Epipenaeon sp. |
Enterozoic Cephalin gregarine infection |
Protozoan: Cephalolobus sp. |
Hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis (HPM)
Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP), microsporidian parasite |
D. Environmental diseases of shrimp |
Chronic soft-shell syndrome |
Environmental factors such as pH, salinity, temperature, organic matter |
Black gill disease |
Environmental as well as microbial agents |
Cramped tail disease |
Not Known |
White gut disease |
Table 2: Occurrence of some bacterial, viral fungal and parasitic diseases recorded in cultured shrimps in India.
Anti-Parasitic Drugs |
Antiseptics & Disinfectants |
Bancoxy-K (Amprolium hydrochloride 20% |
Bactovirnil: (Potassium Monopersulphate and Sodium Dodecyl benzene Sullphonate) |
ButoxVet (Deltamethrin 1.25%) |
Bionex-80: (Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium chloride 80%) |
BROFINTM 5%, (Bromine 5%) |
Benzalkonium Chloride (50%) |
Clinar (Cypermethrin) |
Blesson (Benzalkonium Chloride) |
DICHLORVOS-E.C. 76%, (Dichlorvos-76%) |
Broot 5X: (Tetradecyletrimethyle Ammonium Bromide, Alkylbenzyledimethyle ammonium chloride) |
Decis (Deltamethrin 2.8%) |
Biolin plus: (Formaldehyde, Strong Glutaraldehyde, Benzalkonium Chloride) |
ECTO DEL 2.8%, (Deltamethrin 2.8%) |
BKC PLUS:(Dimethyl Benzyle ammonium chloride |
HILMALA (Malathion Tech. 52.8%) |
ECODYNE: (Polyvinyl Pyrolidone Iodine20%) |
HITEK Powder (Ivermectin IP 1% w/w) |
GERMICIDA: (Sodium chloride, Potassium onopersulphate) |
NIVaar (Azadiractin 0.15%) |
Glyphogan: (Glyphosate 41%) |
NUVAN (Dichlorvus Tech. 83.0%) |
Formal Dehyde solution-37-41% w/v |
PARAMED (Amprolium hydrochloride 20%) |
Malachite green |
PARACURE – I.V (Ivermectin: 2%) |
MIZUPHOR: (Alkyl aryl polyoxyethylene iodine complex) |
STARCHLOR (Dichlorovus-76% .) |
NOVIR: (Potassium- peroxomonosulphate, Sodiumdodecyle-benzenesulphate, Sulphamic acid) |
Common Antibiotics |
POLGARD+ (3 methyl, 4 alkyl 2 chain brominated halogen compound) |
CEFINTAS AQ (Cephalexin) |
PROTECT (Alkyl dimethyl Benzal Ammonium chloride 50% w/v) |
Enrox (Fluoroqunolone) |
Potassium Permanganate |
Hydrodox (Doxycycline) |
Sokrena-WS (Didecyledimethyle ammonium chloride) |
Lixen Powder (cephalexin) |
STERIDOL P.F. (Nonyle alkyl phenoxy Choline, Ethelene oxide Iodine) |
Oxymycin (Oxytetracycline HCL) |
Viranil (Potassium Monopersulfate, Potassium sulphate, Potassium hydrogen sulphate) |
Oxytetracycline Soluble I.P (Vet.) |
Vir GO (Potassium monopersulphate 50% w/w) |
* Brand names with active ingredients mentioned in bracket |
Table 3: Different Anti-parasitic drugs, chemicals formulations and antibiotics commonly used in aquaculture* (Adopted with modification from (Mishra et al., 2017b) [25].
Chemicals for Water Quality Management |
Microbial Remediation Products |
Addoxy (Tetraacetyl ethylene diamine, Sodium perborate, adsorbents and de-odorizers) |
AMMO CURB: (Extract of the plant Yucca schidigera and fortified with nitrifying bacteria (Probiotic). |
ALTIMATE ZM AQUA (Hydrated Sodium Calcium Alumino Silicates, buffered organic acids, activated charcoal and dried neem leaf powder) |
BioClear: (Bacillus sp., Nitrobacter sp., Cellulomonas sp. and Acetobacter) |
AMMO-NIL+ (Salts of alkyl sulfonic acids with saponins) |
Bio Balance=C: N: Bacillus subtillis, Lactobacilus pentoues, Arthrobactor, Rhodococcus, Nitrosomonas Nitrobactor, Thiobacillus, Bacillus liquifaecious |
Aqualite (Zeolite) |
BIOVET-YC: (Saccharomyces bolardii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Saccharomyces ceraevisiae) |
Clarity (Edetic Acid, Hydrated alkaline sulphate, peroxides, Amitoxins, Alluminium dehydrated silicates) |
Bio-Trim: (Bacillus species) |
Clinzex-DS (Zeolite) |
B4: (Bacillus species) |
Earth (Humic Acid, Humin Cytokynine, Auxine, Fuxine, Fulvic Acid) |
Clean Bot: (Aspergillus awamori, Daedaleaflavidaa, Trichoderma reesei, Cellulomonas spp |
ENRICH (Ca, P, Fe, Zn Mg, Cu Co, Cr, Bo, Al as Chelating salts) |
Cura Mid: Nitrosomonas sp., Nitrobactersp., Bacillus sp., Aerobacter sp., Cellulomonas sp |
Halone (3 methyle,4Alkyl two chain brominated Halogen Compond-6%w/w, Potentiser) |
ECO TECH: (Bacillus subtillis; B.licheniforms B.meghatherium Nitrobactor, Nitrosomonas,Rhodococus) |
Jinong Humic Acid (Active Humic Acid, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Molybdenum Manganese, Iron, Zinc, Boron, Copper) |
ECO TOXNIL: Bacillus thermodenitrificans & Bacillus sp |
MPC (MgCl2.6H2O, Potassium chloride and sodium chloride fused) |
LACTO PLUS: (Lactobacillus & Yeast culture) |
ModuloxTM Tab (Sodium perborate) |
Nitrocare-LQ Yucca schidigera, Aloevera, Bacillus subtillus,Bacillus polymyxin, Bacillus linchcniformis, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Pseudomonas |
Nutrisoft (EDTA concentrated Aluminium dehydrated silicate) |
NOVIB: (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens & B cereus) |
O2 Marine (Sodium perborate) |
OptiBact: (Bacillus sutilis, circulans, megatherium, polymixa, Thiobacilus, thiooxidans, denitrifians, Nitrosomans, Nitrobactor, Rhodococcus and Rhodobacter
O2 MAX |
Optima: Bacillus subtills, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus polyxa, Bacillus pumilus, Lactobacillus sporogenies, and denitrifying bacteria |
Oxycal (Calcuim Peroxide) |
Pond Fresh: (Bacillus subtilis, B.licheniformis, B.Pumilus, Lactobacillus lactis and Rhodobacter) |
Oxy-Gen (Calcuim Peroxide) |
PondDtox: (Paracoccus pantotrophus) |
Sodium percarbonate tab |
PH FIXER: (Bacillus species) |
TOXIMAR (natural zeolites) |
SACCHAROLACT: (Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei |
Toxi Clean Aqua (SiO2-51%, Al2O3-32%, Fe2 O3-3%, Na2O-3%, MgO-2%) |
SludgNil: Rhodococcus sp., Rhodobacter sp., Bacillus sp., Cellulomona sp., Aspergillus sp., and Pseudomonas sp |
Organic Products for water quality management |
SULPHANIL-H: Thiobacillus, chlorobium, Disulfovibriodisulphuric acid) |
Ammo Trap (10% of Glyco components from Yucca schidigera) |
SuperBiotic: (Bacillus spp) |
BioCURB®Dry (Natural Extract of plant Yucca schidigera) |
TerraGard-SP: (Thiobacillus and Bacillus species) |
De-Odorase (Ammonia Reducer: Yucca schidigera extract) |
ThioMax:(Bacillus subtillis, B. lichenformis, B.polymyxa, B. megaterium, B. pumilus, B. spec (TF2), Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Thiobacillus spp) |
De-odr (Yucca schidigera and reducing agents with stabilizers) |
THIOPRO-DS: Thiobacillus species, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobactor |
GARDIAN (Yucca schidigera plant extracts) |
TOXOFF: B subtilis, Lactobacillus lacyis and Thiobacillus versutus |
MEX YUCCA (pure Yucca schidigera) |
ODOBAN-A30 (Yucca schidigera steroidal saponins) |
UNI-PROCLEAN: Bacillus subtilis, B licheniformis, B megatherium, B. Polymixa, B firmis, B mesentricus, Cellulomonascartae, Pediococcus, Aspergillusoryzae, Perococcusdenitrifican |
ODOCURE (Yucca schidigera extract) |
Y-MAX: (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces boulardil) |
Toxi-Clean Aqua (Zeolite with YUCCA extract) |
Yea Sacc: (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) |
* Brand names with active ingredients mentioned in bracket |
Table 4: Chemicals, Organic materials and Microbial remediation products commonly used for water quality maintenance in Aquaculture* (Adopted with modification from (Mishra et al., 2017b) [25].
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