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Linked Color Imaging Highlights Colonic Elastofibromatous Polyps

Kimitoshi Kubo1*, Noriko Kimura2, Mototsugu Kato1

1Departments of Gastroenterology, National Hospital Organization Hakodate Hospital, Hakodate, Japan

2Departments of Gastroenterology and Pathology, National Hospital Organization Hakodate Hospital, Hakodate, Japan

*Correspondening author: Kimitoshi Kubo, Department of Gastroenterology, National Hospital Organization Hakodate Hospital, Hakodate, 18-16 Kawahara-cho, 041-8512 Hokkaido, Japan. Telephone: +81-0138516281; Fax: +81-0138516288; E-mail:

Received Date:
04 October, 2018; Accepted Date: 26 October, 2018; Published Date: 02 November, 2018
Citation: Kubo K, Kimura N, Kato M (2018) Linked Color Imaging Highlights Colonic Elastofibromatous Polyps. J Dig Dis Hepatol: JDDH-159. DOI: 10.29011/2574-3511. 000059
Keywords: Colonic Polyp; Elastofibroma; Linked Color Imaging
A 71-year-old woman underwent screening Colonoscopy (CS). CS revealed a 3-mm slightly yellowish, poorly demarcated lesion in the sigmoid colon by White Light Imaging (WLI) (Figure 1a), which, however, was highlighted as an orangey, well-circumscribed, smoothly demarcated, elevated lesion by Linked Color Imaging (LCI) (Figure 1b). Cold forceps polypectomy was carried out on the suspected lesion, which was considered a special type of submucosal tumor. Histologically, in contrast to the mucosal layer which was found intact, the polypoid lesion was found to be a colorless, whorl-like aggregate in the submucosa (Figure 2a), which tested positive for elastic Tissue-Masson trichrome stain and was thus identified as accumulated degenerative elastic fibers (Figure 2b). The lesion was finally diagnosed as colonic elastofibromatous polyp [1]. While WLI was not readily available for differential diagnosis, LCI highlighted the differences in color between the surface of this lesion and the surrounding normal mucosa and proved helpful in its differential diagnosis [2].
Disclosure Statement: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


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Journal of Digestive Diseases and Hepatology