Effects of Yeast Antimicrobial Peptide in Aquaculture
Watson Ray Gyan1,2, Stephen Ayiku1,2,
Qihui Yang1,2*, Juliet Asumah3
1Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Nutrition and Feed, Fisheries
College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524025, PR China.
2Key Laboratory of Aquatic, Livestock and Poultry Feed Science
and Technology in South China, Ministry of Agriculture, Zhanjiang, Guangdong
524025, PR China
3Social Security and National Insurance Trust, Ghana, Koforidua
*Corresponding author: Qihui Yang, Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Nutrition
and Feed, Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong
524025, PR China; Key Laboratory of Aquatic, Livestock and Poultry Feed Science
and Technology in South China, Ministry of Agriculture, Zhanjiang, Guangdong
524025, PR China. Tel: +86 382 8268896; Email: qihuiyang03@163.com
Received Date: 30 March, 2019; Accepted Date: 15 April,
2019; Published Date: 23 April, 2019
Citation: Gyan WR, Ayiku S, Yang Q, Asumah J (2019) Effects of Yeast Antimicrobial
Peptide in Aquaculture. J Fish Aquac Dev 6: 1048. DOI:
The aquaculture industry has increased over the years. However,
development of the aquaculture industry is couple with challenges. Among them
is increased cost of fishmeal and disease outbreak. The use of antibiotics has
led to increase in disease causing bacteria in aquatic organism. Antimicrobial
peptide (AMP) contains nutrient such as protein, and vitamins,
immune-stimulants, and oligosaccharides. AMPs are an essential microbial
product that improves health and growth of many animals. In aquaculture also,
AMP boost the immune and improve disease resistance in fish. Yeast AMPs
products are suitable because they have have been used as feed ingredient to
replace fishmeal in fish feed. In this review, we discussed the importance of
using AMPS (Yeast products) sustainably in aquaculture as an excellent
alternative to fishmeal, supplement to improve the immune system and disease
resistance in an aquatic animal to enhance the sustainability of aquaculture.
From studies, it was confirmed that 40% of yeast can be used to replace fishmeal
in fish diet and also supplementing 1% of yeast in fish diet increased disease
resistance in fish. This will help address reduce feed cost and also increase
disease resistance of aquatic animal in aquaculture to improve profitability
and sustainability in the industry.
The aquaculture industry has increased tremendously in recent
years [1]. The development of the aquaculture industry is facing some
challenges such as increased cost and unsustainable fishmeal production,
disease outbreak and climate change. The outbreak of diseases in aquaculture
industry is one of the significant challenges facing the industry, and the
cause of the problem is as a result of the inappropriate use of antibiotics and
antibiotic resistance genes among some pathogens such as Vibrio [2-4].
Overuse of antibiotics and excesses can lead to resistance of bacteria [5].
Scientists and researchers have been studying on AMPs to replace antibiotics in
recent times [6,7]. Most of these AMPs is an essential innate immune
system found in many organisms such as mammals, fish among others. These
peptides have a different system of the mechanism of action and can all
microorganisms [7]. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are minor proteins (˂40
amino acids) that can kill most pathogens in many organisms. Most AMPs isolated
from many fish species predicting a change in fish immunity [8-12]. Yeast
is one of the best peptide isolated from the eukaryotic origin. It can inhibit
gram-positive and negative bacteria, and fungi [13]. AMPs (yeast products)
can be used to control diseases outbreak in aquaculture. These AMPs encoded in
the gene system, and as a result of that, produced at a low cost with
characterized expression procedure. When adequately developed with all systems
in place and well followed, they can direct the peptide, such a way that it can
be used in feed-based production as well. According to [14], yeast can be
expressed from the eukaryotic origin and has the ability and advantage to be
turned in the o AMP with the appropriate strains been isolated and combined.
The objective of this review is to discuss the effects of AMPs (yeast products)
such as Candida utilize (CU), Tachyplesin, and Saccharomyces
escerevisiae in aquaculture.
The effects of antimicrobial peptide and its benefits in
[15] stated that over 5000 AMPs had been produced through
the separation process so far. AMPs produced from species such as eukaryotes
(fungi, animals) and prokaryotes (bacteria). Tissues and organs in animals
usually contain AMPs because they are exposed to the air while the air contains
pathogens and for that matter need to kill those harmful pathogens to protect
organisms [16,17] from bacteria and fungi [18]. Moreover, AMPs
plays a significant role in defending organisms from any disease-causing
pathogens. AMPs produced from particular cells, and its production is usually
inducible such as using silkmoth as a model system and confirmed that P9B and
P9A could induce in hemolymph vaccination with E.cloacae [19].
Many eukaryotic cells have been used to produce AMPs such as yeasts lymphs,
epithelial cells, phagocytes among others. Lymphocytes of the immune system are
also included [18,20-23]. AMPs can be produced or induced in mammals when
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules from bacteria treated with
antibiotics [24]. Therefore, AMPs can reduce the inflammatory response. As
it is well known, antibiotics do not have this characteristic by AMPs to
regulate inflammatory response of the host organisms’ immune system. Also, the
over-reaction of the immune system is causing when LPS secreted following
treatment. [24,25]. Furthermore, AMPs are active in mammals and can kill
bacteria effectively. They are not affected by antibiotic resistance by
bacteria, able to neutralize endotoxins without causing harm to the host
organism. Despite the benefits of AMPs, issue of high production cost must be
tackle. The peptide has a high molecular weight compared to antibiotics, and
this makes its production cost high. Injection of AMP (CAP 18) in trout
can increase the survival rate in trout culture [26]. This peptide boosts
the innate immune system of trout, thereby increasing the rate of disease
resistance and increase survival rate when there is a disease outbreak. In
aquaculture, there are two popular methods of applying AMPs effectively to
ensure high utilization. These methods include medication through water and
medication through the feed. With yeast products, it is best to apply through
the feed so it can be absorbed into their system easily [27].
The use of yeast (CU) in aquaculture
Candida genus has asexual Ascomycetous species
that is not classified. Other species are also sexual or asexual belonging to
different families. In the food processing industry, Candida species in the
natural and artificial environment is useful in the production of fermented
food and wine, and beverages, milk production, and meat processing. Some of
their characteristics such as osmotolerance and a wide range of temperature
make them suitable to be used in the food processing industry [28].
Candida genus of yeast is handy in the food industry because of the beneficial
microorganisms it contains. CU yeast includes microbial proteins made up of
amino acids such as lysine and methionine. It also contains microbes such as
β-glucans, glucomannan, and mannoproteins, and anti-oxidative characteristics
which make it best candidate to be used in the food industry. Candida yeast
cells can obtain elements from cultivation medium, which is mostly more than
the amount that is needed thereby producing bioplex with selenium or magnesium.
Candida yeast cells with their properties make it a suitable candidate in the
production of feed additives in for an aquatic feed. Animal protein (65%)
replaced with a mixture of plant proteins and CU in tilapia, growth performance
was not affected. Also, the composition of the experimental diets did not
affect feed utilization, feed conversion ratio, and protein efficiency ratio in
tilapia [29]. A study done by [30] reported that yeast could be
used to replace fishmeal at 25% without having any adverse effect on the growth
performance in trout. Furthermore, candida yeasts can produce extracellular
metabolites such as citric acid, xylitol, polysaccharides. Many industries such
as the food industry, pharmaceutical industry rely on these substances to
deliver their product [31]. Most of these microorganisms can grow everywhere,
low nutritional requirement and can thrive in harsh environmental conditions
making it easy to culture [32].
The figure 1 below shows the general properties of yeast AMPs
used in aquaculture
The nutritional value of yeast processing product
In other to determine the nutritional value of protein, its
amino acids composition must be a consideration. Protein found in yeast
products is high due to its efficiency ratio and biological significance. The
table below shows the nutritional value of the yeast protein. Due to its high
concentration ion of amino acids, candida yeast is the best candidate that can
be used as a protein supplement in the aquatic feed to increase growth and
boost the immune system.
Adopted from [33].
Yeast as an alternative feed ingredient to replace fishmeal
Fishmeal is a primary protein source used in feed for aquatic
animals. Increase in the aquaculture industry over the years has resulted in
the insufficient supply of fishmeal due to overfishing, overexploitation and
climate change such as El Nino leading to high cost of feed production. Due to
these challenges, there have been concerns to replace fishmeal with an
alternative protein source to reduce the pressure on fish consumption for feed
production [34,35]. The use of animal by-product as an alternative to replace
fishmeal is a good option but due to health issues matters it has raised many
concerns about its to use, and this has paved the way for the use of plant
protein as the best alternative to replace fishmeal because it is safe
according to researchers [36,37]. Yeast products contain proteins and vitamin
B-complex which makes it suitable to supplement it in fish feed to complement
amino acid and vitamins composition when cereals are used in animal feed
production [38]. Yeast products such as Candida tropicalis, CU and C.
lipolytic, when used as a feed ingredient for Cyprinus carpio diet can produce
better results than soybean or animal by-products.
A study conducted by [39], confirmed that yeast could be
used to replace 50% of fishmeal in tilapia feed without having any adverse
effects on growth performance. This yeast helps reduce feed cost in tilapia
farming and also increase profitability and sustainability. In aquaculture, one
of the critical challenges that need to be tackled in other to ensure
sustainability in the industry is to find a sustainable way of producing feed
at a low cost. Use of yeast in fish culturing can be a suitable alternative in
replacing fishmeal with another protein source to reduce production cost and
increase sustainability in the aquaculture industry. As a result of this, the
economic analysis needs to be done to determine the cost-benefit analysis on
producing yeast as a protein source in fish feed for commercial
consumption [40].
Effects of yeast in the fish culture
Work done by [41] confirmed that 65% animal protein
mixed with plant protein and supplemented with yeast in young tilapia diet
could obtain optimum growth, boost the immune system, and profit. Given this,
it helps in increasing food security and also increases the chance of attaining
sustainable development goal (SDGs). In trout farming, when yeast together with
essential amino acids such as methionine and arginine supplemented in its feed,
it boosts their immune system which results in increased disease resistance in
trout [42]. In trout culturing, diseases easily spread when fishes are not
well cared for so boosting their immune system by supplementing yeast in their
feed may help increase disease resistance and increase their chance of
survival. Enhanced CU used as AMP in fish feed can inhibit the growth of
pathogens, boost the innate immune system and improve disease resistance in
fish. Yeast helps increase survival in fish culturing and profit making the
aquaculture industry grow and develop [29]. In a feeding trial where CU
was used to replace fishmeal in Atlantic salmon, the study showed that there
was no significant difference in the digestibility of crude protein and energy
as compared to the control diet. This study shows that CU can be used to
replace 40% fishmeal without any adverse effects on the shrimp [43]. More
research is needed to determine and increase the nutritional quality of yeast
as AMP in aquaculture to help increase diseases resistance in fish to ensure
growth and development in the industry.
Effects of yeast products in the shrimp diet
Candida species used as AMP in shrimp diet such as tachyplesin
is effective in boosting the immune system of shrimp and also adjusting the
intestinal flora of shrimp which makes it able to survive harsh environmental
condition in the marine environment. Tachyplesin can inhibit the growth of some
bacteria and parasite such as P. marinus in the digestive
system of aquatic animals and increase disease resistance as well [44,45].
Diseases resistance in aquatic organisms has been achieving by treated with AMP
obtained from eukaryotic expression system such as P. pastoris, through
their feed [14]. In artemia culturing CU and Pseudomonas stutzeri,
it is essential to supplement these AMPs in their feed because they inhibit the
growth of pathogen during culturing and also boost immune system thereby,
increasing their survival rate during culturing [46]. These AMPs, when
supplemented in feed, can provide extra vitamins and mineral in aquatic animal
feed to increase disease resistance and survival rate [47]. Crustaceans
have beneficial bacteria that help provide them with vitamins, amino acids, and
fatty acids, so it is better to study the interaction of these bacteria when supplementing
this product in their feed for better utilization and growth [48,49].
Shrimp fed 1% yeast showed high weight gain, specific growth rate, and feed
conversion ratio than the control diets. These confirm that yeast contains
nutrients such as a protein that is needed by shrimp to increase growth
performance and survival [50]. Optimum growth and disease resistance in
artemia culturing achieved when CU, is used as AMP and supplemented in its
feed. AMPs resist the growth of pathogens such as Pasteurella haemolityca and Vibrio
alginolyticus and increase artemia survival rate during
culturing [46]. As a result of some microbes found in the yeast cell wall,
it makes their immune system healthy and able to kill harmful pathogens in
artemia such as B-glucans, and chitin [51,52]. The increase in disease
resistance and survival rate in Artemia culture are related to that fact that
naupliar gastrointestinal tract in artemia can resist bacteria attack after
hatching. Such makes artemia more improved when AMPs are supplemented in their
feed to help in the development of the naupliar in to fight and kill pathogens
to increase survival in Artemia culture [46]. A study conducted
by [53] stated that marine yeast could be used as a supplement in
shrimp feed to obtain optimum growth performance and survival in shrimp
Yeast products used in gene expression
One of the essential yeast species is Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. It has the ability in expressing proteins for research in many
industries such as aquaculture industry and the food industry. It is also good
in the pharmaceutical industry as a food organism [54]. Yeasts can be
cultured in simple or complex media, and its genetics developed than eukaryote.
With these characteristics, it can be manipulated easily as E. coli.
Many yeast products contain multiple plasmid and sequences for the growth
of E. coli for quality transcription of foreign genes. In
recent years, the study of yeast molecular genetics has produced more results
about its composition, and this knowledge has helped in the expression of
foreign genes in yeast products. Gene expression is a complicated procedure
which results in many challenges at different stages such as transcription and
protein stability. Eukaryote yeast offers an opportunity to ensure a successful
expression without many challenges and helps to solve some problems in
appearance such as the power of classical. From the works of [54], it has
become comfortable in the expression system even including other organisms such
as prokaryotes. According to [54], yeasts have characteristics such as
having plasmid DNA vectors, and some essential tools for constitutive
expression and correction of protein folds and have been using as a protein
source in feed for aquatic animals [41,55]. These characteristics might
prevent the use of yeast effectively and efficiently. An investigation
by [50], stated that immune-related genes such as (dorsal, relish, and
proPO) was expressed more in shrimp that fed with 1% yeast supplementation in
shrimp diet. They also added that 1% supplementation of yeast in a shrimp diet
expressed high immune-stimulatory effects. Therefore there is the need for a
further research study to reduce the occurrence of these microbes found in
Conclusion and Recommendation
The benefits of yeast products as AMP in aquaculture are
outstanding. Feed manufacturing companies, aquaculture nutritionist, scientists
and other stakeholders should study more about yeast products as antimicrobial
peptide because it will help develop the aquaculture industry and also help
address some challenges facing the industry such as high feed production cost,
increasing disease resistant in aquatic organisms. It was confirmed that yeast
could be used to replace 50% of fishmeal in tilapia feed without having any
adverse effects on growth performance. Moreover, marine yeast could be used as
a supplement in shrimp feed to obtain optimum growth performance and survival
in shrimp culture. Yeast products as antimicrobial peptide being the best
ingredient as protein source and supplement in fish feed, continuous studies
need to be done to determine the optimum level that can be used in feed for
aquatic organisms in aquaculture to ensure high profit and sustainability in
the industry.
Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research
financed this work in the Interest of P.R China (201003020), Guangdong
Natural Science Foundation of China (2015A030313621; 2016A030313749), Industry
Technology and Development Special Fund Project of Guangdong Province
(2013b021100017). We also appreciate the Key Laboratory of Aquatic, Livestock
and Poultry Feed Science and Technology in South China, Ministry of Agriculture
for offering technical support and advice.
Figure 1: Properties of yeast.
Amino acids |
Yeast protein (CU y-900) |
4.2 |
9.1 |
2.2 |
1.2 |
2 |
0.6 |
4.2 |
4.5 |
4.8 |
9 |
2.8 |
5.2 |
1.4 |
- |
2.8 |
5.5 |
4.2 |
5.5 |
Table 1: The nutritional value of the yeast protein.
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